
The twentieth of Sha'ban has passed

أخي العشرون من شعبان ولت

1. The twentieth of Sha'ban has passed
And the bright sun of joy has shone

١. أَخي العِشرونَ مِن شَعبانَ وَلَّت
وَها شَمسُ المَسَرَّةِ قَد تَجَلَّت

2. Time has been generous to us with a beautiful day
On which the days of my life are adorned

٢. وَجادَ لَنا الزَمانُ بِطيبِ يَومٍ
بِهِ أَيّامُ عُمري قَد تَحَلَّت

3. I was blessed by the visit of the sister of the full moon, but
She has more virtue over it - wherever she pitched her tent

٣. نَعُمتُ بِوَصلِ أختِ البَدرِ لَكِن
لَها فَضلٌ عَلَيهِ أَينَ حَلَّت

4. Why not, as she combines all beauty
And in her the tongues of poets have faltered

٤. وَلِم لا وَهيَ تَجمَعُ كُلَّ حُسنٍ
وَفيها أَلسُنُ الشعَراء كَلَّت

5. A Turkish girl, what
Swords of glances has she unsheathed against us

٥. فَتاةٌ مِن بَناتِ التركِ ماذا
عَلَينا مِن سُيوفِ اللَحظِ سَلَّت

6. She moves about in dresses of unmatched beauty
Having donned the garb of patience and splendor

٦. وَتَخطُرُ في مَلابِسَ مِن جَمالٍ
ثيابَ الصَبرِ وَالسلوانِ أَبلَت

7. The sun of comfort shines upon us
And the sword of our goblets is unsheathed against worries

٧. وَشَمسُ الراحِ مُشرِقَةٌ عَلَينا
وَسَيفُ كؤوسِنا لِلهَمِّ فَلَّت

8. As the tunes of the lutanist respond
To the laments with a returning melody

٨. وَرَبّابٌ يُجيبُ نِداهُ عُود
بِتَرجيعٍ عَلى الأَشجانِ دَلَّت