
The one who named you and attributed you from before

سميك والمنسوب من قبل والذي

1. The one who named you and attributed you from before
And the one who calls you from afar has come to you, O Baji

١. سَميّكَ وَالمَنسوبُ مِن قَبلُ وَالَّذي
يُناديكَ مِن بُعد أَتى لَكَ يا باجي

2. He kisses the threshold of your door with veneration
And follows the greatest approach in reverence

٢. يُقَبِّلُ بالإِجلالِ أَعتابَ بابِكُم
وَيَسلُكُ في التَبجيلِ أَعظَمَ مِنهاجِ

3. And hopes from the Generous Lord through your dignity
His wish and what he wishes in himself from need

٣. وَيَرجو مِنَ الرَبِّ الكَريمِ بِجاهِكُم
مُناهُ وَما يَرجوهُ في النَفسِ مِن حاج

4. So ask gently from your Lord for your sons
By the dignity of the hoped Messenger, owner of the crown

٤. فَسَل هَيِّناً مِن رَبِّكُم لِبُنَيِّكُم
بِجاهِ الرَسولِ المُرتَجى صاحِبِ التاجِ

5. Upon him, Allah's prayers and then peace
And family and companions whatever his night obscured

٥. عَلَيهِ صَلاةُ اللَهِ ثُمَّ سَلامُهُ
وَآل وَصَحبٍ ما سَجا لَيلُهُ الداجي

6. And increase your intimacy with Him and honor
And grace and righteousness that satisfies the aspiring suitor

٦. وَزادَكَ زُلفى عِندَهُ وَكَرامَةً
وَفَضلاً وَبِرّاً يُوسِعُ القاصِدَ الراجي