
O Saad announce the good news and repeat

يا سعد أعلن بالهناء وردد

1. O Saad announce the good news and repeat
The religion of Muhammad has been helped by Muhammad

١. يا سَعدُ أَعلِن بالهَناء وَرَدِّد
قَد سُرّ دينُ مُحَمَّد بِمُحَمَّد

2. And the good tidings have become equal through him, all of them
Relate his good traits, authentic in its chain of narration

٢. وَتَساوَت البُشرى بِهِ فَجَميعُها
يَروي مَحاسِنَهُ صَحيحَ المُسنَد

3. The greens shook and his light shone
And their joy appeared to the guided one's eye

٣. واِهتَزَّت الخَضرا وَأَشرَقَ نورُها
وَبَدَت بَشاشَتُها لَعين المُهتَدي

4. Or do you not see the joy that has enveloped its lands
And filled its outskirts with this master

٤. أَو ما تَرى الأَفراحَ عَمّ بِلادَها
وَمَلا ضَواحيها بِهَذا السَيِّد

5. The just, the noble, the kind, the agreeable one
From a family renowned for pure ancestry

٥. العادِل السَمح العَطوف المُرتَضى
مِن عترَةٍ شُهرَت بطيب المُحتَد

6. They inherited leadership for generations
An inheritance without usurpation or transgression

٦. وَرَثوا السِيادَةَ كابِراً عَن كابِر
إِرثاً بِغَيرِ تَغَلّبٍ وَتَمَرّد

7. Until she came to you with a longing heart
Traversing the miles hastily in haste

٧. حَتّى أَتَتكَ وَقَلبُها لَكَ شَيِّقٌ
تَطوي المَراحِلَ فَدفَداً في فَدفَد

8. You welcomed her openly and took on her burden
And took her flag and she let go of it

٨. فَوَسعتَها برّا وَقُمتَ بِحَملِها
وَأَخَذتَ رايَتَها وَأَلقَت باليَد

9. The prominent ones hastened to you in submission
Happy with your splendid and fortunate advent

٩. وَتَسارَعَ الكُبَراءُ نَحوَكَ خُضّعاً
فَرِحاً بمطلعك البهيّ الأَسعَدِ

10. From a scholar, a knowledgeable man and army leader
And district chief and led estate owner

١٠. مِن عالِمٍ عَلَمٍ وَقائِدِ عَسكَرٍ
وَرَئيس ناحيَةٍ وَمالِك مقودَ

11. They sacrifice their souls for your sandal
And make its track kohl in place of antimony

١١. يَفدونَ نَعلَكَ بالنُفوس وَيَجعَلوا
آثارَها كُحُلاً مَكانَ الإثمَدِ

12. You met them with the welcome of the noble host
And embraced them with the embrace of the beloved

١٢. فَلَقيتَهُم مَلقى الكَريم لِضَيفِهِ
وَضَمَمتَهُم ضَمَّ الكَمي لِمُهَنَّدِ

13. And love and awe of you was confirmed in the hearts
And that scene increased it

١٣. وَتأكَّدَت لَكَ في القُلوبِ مَحَبَّةٌ
وَمَهابَةٌ زادَت بِذاكَ المَشهَد

14. And you resolved to win their hearts
Not the necks with plunder for the transgressor

١٤. وَصَرَفتَ عَزمَكَ في اِقتِناص قُلوبهم
لا في الرقاب بنُهبَةٍ لِلمُجتَدي

15. And you marched against the enemy with an army
Strutting between the lofty staffs

١٥. وَشَرَعتَ في غَزو العَدوِّ بِجَحفَلٍ
يَختالُ ما بَينَ القَنا المُتأوّد

16. They sold their souls to God for Heaven
The Book promised it as if taking by the hand

١٦. باعوا النُفوسَ إِلى الإِلَه بِجَنَّة
وَعَدَ الكِتابُ بِها كَأَخذٍ باليَدِ

17. They rode the wild horses by your resolve and hoped
For near victory as if already done

١٧. رَكِبوا بِعَزمَتكَ الفجاجَ وَأمَّلوا
نَصراً وَفَتحاً عاجِلاً وَكأن قَد

18. O community of Islam and the intimate party
Famed for attaining the heights and bracelets

١٨. يا مَعشَرَ الإِسلامَ وَالنَفرُ الآلى
شُهروا بإحراز العُلى وَالسؤدَد

19. If you support God, receive good news, for by your support
God has promised, and is there any promise as this?

١٩. إِن تَنصُروا اللَه اِبشِروا فَبِنَصرِكُم
وَعَدَ الإِلَهُ وَهَل كَهَذا المَوعِد

20. And you left them gently in their homelands
And finished off the trouble of every transgressor

٢٠. وَخَلَفتَهُم بالرفق في أَوطانِهِم
وَحَسَمتَ شأفَةَ كُلّ باغٍ مُعتَد

21. And you dispensed your justice in the register of their hopes
Until every heart is sated

٢١. وَأَفَضتَ عَدلَكَ في سجال رَجائِهِم
حَتّى تَروى كُلّ ذي قَلبٍ صَدي

22. And you captured their necks with good conduct
Along with a lifestyle that cured the resentful heart

٢٢. وَمَلَكتَ رقَّهُمُ بِحُسن سَريرَةٍ
مَع سيرَةٍ داوَت فؤادَ المُكمَد

23. And they turned to you with their hearts and faces
Bowing down in both worlds and prostrating

٢٣. وَتَوَجَّهوا بِقُلوبِهِم وَوُجوههم
مِن رُكَّعٍ في العالَمينَ وَسُجَّد

24. Seeking your eternal safety in might
Free in life achieving what you intend

٢٤. يَرجونَ خُلدَكَ آمِناً في عَزَّةٍ
طَلقَ المُحيّا بالِغاً ما تَقصُد

25. So receive good news, Commander of the Faithful, of a pledged allegiance
That delighted and was your right, in every monotheist's heart

٢٥. فاِبشر أَميرَ المؤمِنينَ بِبَيعَةٍ
سَرّت وَحَقّكَ قَلبَ كُلِّ مُوَحد

26. And entrust us and a community that has no
Hope but to continue and persist

٢٦. واِسلَم لَنا وَلأُمَةٍ ما إِن لَها
أَمَلٌ سِوى أَن تَستَمِر وَتَخلُد

27. O King, advisor, and the one I wish highness
And even if I am constrained by that, enviers

٢٧. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ المُشيرُ وَمَن بشهِ
أَسمو وَإِن نرُغمَت بِذَلِكَ حُسَّدي

28. O knight of resolve and lamp of darkness
And the devout, tested, wakeful one

٢٨. يا فارِسَ الهَيجا وَمِصباحَ الدجى
وَالقانِتُ المُتَبَتِّلُ المُتَهَجِّدُ

29. O jewel of the Hashemite kebab, O brilliance
Of their glory, O everlasting lofty one

٢٩. يا دُرَّةَ السِمط الحُسَيني يا سَنا
مِشكاتهم يا ذا العُلا المُتَجَدِّدُ

30. This is the result of a thought that shone for you
On the day of joy from a hesitant servant

٣٠. هَذي نَتيجَةُ خاطِرٍ بَزَغَت لَكُم
يَومَ الهَنا مِن خادِمٍ مُتَرَدد

31. And a gift from a writer who was overwhelmed
The white hairs written in black by old age

٣١. وَهَديَّةٍ مِن كاتِبٍ قَد غالَهُ
كَتبُ المَشيب بأبيَضٍ في أَسوَد

32. It walks shyly and it is the right of its like
To achieve hopes from an excellent master

٣٢. تَمشي عَلى اِستحيا وَحُقّ لمثلها
نَيلُ المَرام لِمُرتَج عَن سَيِّد

33. It hopes for acceptance and you are worthy of it
And the dearest thing it hopes is kissing the hand

٣٣. تَرجو القُبولَ وَأَنتُمُ أَهلٌ لَهُ
وَأَعَزّ ما تَرجوهُ تَقبيلُ اليَد

34. So I say, O you who bring good news, I got my wish
And I cry out and am thrilled, I attained my purpose

٣٤. فَأَقولُ يا بُشرايَ فُزتُ بِمَطلَبي
وَأَصيحُ واِطَرَبا ظَفرتُ بِمَقصِدي

35. May you remain forever in honor and constant bliss
Enjoying what you wish for your day and tomorrow

٣٥. لا زِلتَ في عِزِّ وَسَعدٍ دائِمٍ
تَحظى بِما تَرجو بيَومِكَ وَالغَد

36. By Muhammad, his family and his companions
And your hidden pole, your master Ahmad

٣٦. بِمُحَمَّدٍ وَبآله وَبصَحبِهِ
وَبِقُطبه المَكتوم شَيخِكَ أَحمَد