
Consider the passing, for there is only the eternal Creator

تأمل فما إلا إلى الخالق البقا

1. Consider the passing, for there is only the eternal Creator
Though the creation reached the farthest ascent

١. تَأَمَّل فَما إِلّا إِلى الخالِقِ البَقا
وَلَو بَلَغَ المَخلوقُ أَبعَدَ مُرتَقى

2. He sleeps safely on thrones at night
And awakens buried under the earth in the morning

٢. يَبيتُ بِها فَوقَ الأَرائِك آمِناً
وَيُصبِحُ تَحتَ الأَرضِ مُفتَرِشَ النَقا

3. Ask these eminent ones what has destroyed them
Though each was pleading and taking precautions

٣. فَسَل هَؤُلاءِ الشمّ ماذا دَهاهُمُ
وَقَد كانَ كلّ يستَغاثُ وَيُتَّقى

4. Enough of them, by God O preacher
Why did the prospect of meeting God make them anxious

٤. كَفى بِهِمُ وَاللَه يا صاحِ واعِظاً
لِمَ كانَ مِن لُقياهُ لِلَّهِ مُشفِقا

5. Like this, hostage to fate, follower of Muhammad
The commander of the battalions, who was granted success

٥. كَهَذا رَهينِ الرَمسِ قارَه مُحَمَّدٍ
أَمير اللِوا مَن كانَ عَبداً مُوَفَّقا

6. And one of honest honor and reliable words
Truthful, protective, his sight made more radiant

٦. وَمَن كانَ ذا عِرضٍ نَقيّ وَمِقوَلٍ
صَدوقٍ وَخيمٍ زادَ مَرآهُ رَونَقا

7. He wandered through all the governorships humbly
With good praise hoping for the realized blessing

٧. تَقَلَّبَ في جُلّ الوِلاياتِ وَاِنثَنى
بِطيبِ الثَنا يَرجو النَعيمَ المُحَقَّقا

8. Like a garrison in the abode of affliction and council
Through which the protected city was adorned and illuminated

٨. كَرابِطَةٍ مَع دارِ ضَربٍ وَمَجلِس
بِهِ البَلَدُ المَحروسُ زانَ وَأَشرَقا

9. And he joined the Lord of Power whose drink
Was a cloud of satisfaction pouring generously

٩. وَصاهَرَ رَبّ الدست كانَ سِقاهُمُ
سَحابٌ مِنَ الرِضوانِ يَنهَلّ مُغدِقا

10. And when he considered, he chose the neighborhood of the Master
Whose virtue accompanies to the abode of eternity

١٠. وَلَمّا تَأَمَّلَ اِختارَ جيرَةَ سَيِّدٍ
يُرافِقُهُ فَضلاً إِلى مَنزِلِ البَقا

11. Good tidings to him for the two benefactions, and he
Is a martyr and ransom who won liberation bound

١١. فَطوبىَ لَهُ بِالحُسنَيَينِ وَإِنَّهُ
شَهيدٌ وَقِنّ حازَ بالعِتقِ مَوثِقا

12. My God, make his grave comforting and erase his sins
And meet him with forgiveness at the place of meeting

١٢. إِلَهيَ أَنِّس لَحدَهُ وَامحُ ذَنبَهُ
وَقابِلهُ بِالغُفرانِ في مَوقِفِ اللِقا

13. And emancipate him and accept through him the chronicling
Of the commander of the battalions, follower of Muhammad, emancipated

١٣. وَأعِتقهُ وَاقبِل فيهِ فأل مؤَرّخٍ
أَميرُ اللِوا قارَه مُحَمَّدُ أُعتِقا