1. Glory is restored when you are restored, and generosity,
Glory, authority, signature and pen,
١. المَجدُ عوفي إِذ عوفيتَ وَالكَرَمُ
وَالمَجدُ وَالدستُ وَالتَوقيعُ وَالقَلَمُ
2. And the secret of all you were given of relief,
And pain has gone from you to your enemies.
٢. وَسِرُّ كُل بِما أُوتيتَ مِن فَرَجٍ
وَزالَ عَنكَ إِلى أَعدائِكَ الأَلَمُ
3. The conditions became healthy with your health and
The ministry rejoiced and the ambitions shook for you.
٣. صَحَّت بِصِحَّتِكَ الأَحوالُ وَاِبتَهَجَت
بِكَ الوِزارَةُ وَاِهتَزَّت لَكَ الهِمَمُ
4. And it regained a feast of intimacy from you and virtues connected with it
And the rains poured on it.
٤. وَعادَها عيدُ أُنسٍ مِنكَ وَاِتَّصَلَت
بِها المَكارِمُ وَاِنهَلَّت بِها الديمُ
5. A light that had left the sun returned to it
When favors and blessings revolved around you.
٥. وَراجَعَ الشَمسَ نورٌ كانَ فارَقَها
لَمّا أَطافَت بِكَ الأَلطافُ وَالنِعَمُ
6. The moon regained a light that had made it disappear
As if its loss in its body was a disease.
٦. وَعادَ لِلبَدرِ نورٌ حَفّ هالَتَهُ
كَأَنَّما فَقدُهُ في جِسمِهِ سَقَمُ
7. Your lightning flashed to me from the flank of a flag,
And by God you are that unique flag.
٧. وَلاحَ بَرقُكَ لي مِن عارضَي عَلَمٍ
وَأَنتَ وَاللَه ذاكَ المُفرَدُ العَلَمُ
8. Dew does not fall except at its place of descent,
Rain does not pour except when it smiles.
٨. ما يَنزِلُ الوَبلُ إِلّا عِندَ مَنطقه
ما يَسقُطُ الغَيثُ إِلّا حينَ يَبتَسِمُ
9. He who is called good for religion or kingdom
Its owner initiated so injustice responded.
٩. يُسمى بِخَيرٍ لدينٍ أَو لِمَملَكَةٍ
أَبداهُ مالِكُها فاِنجابَتِ الظلمُ
10. That advisor whom no equal resembles him
How can the served one resemble the servants?
١٠. ذاكَ المُشيرُ الَّذي لا نِدَّ يُشبِهُهُ
وَكَيفَ يَشتَبِهُ المَخدومُ وَالخَدَمُ
11. All were varied in extolling his virtue
And some of them increased in that tune.
١١. تَفنَّنَ الكُلّ في تَفضيلِ غُرَّتِهِ
وَزيدَ مِن بَعضِهِم في ذَلِكَ النَغَمُ
12. They shared however they wished in his virtues
And the non-Arabs shared the Arabs in boasting through him.
١٢. تَساهَموا كَيفَ شاؤوا في مَحاسِنِهِ
وَشارَكَ العُربَ في فَخرٍ بِهِ العجمُ
13. And God made his support sincere to Islam
And to the advisor when covenants are violated.
١٣. وَأخلصَ اللَهُ للإِسلام نُصرَتُهُ
وَلِلمُشيرِ إِذا ما أُخفرَت ذِمَم
14. So we see all that we were hoping for
Even if days alternate among the nations.
١٤. لِكَي نَرى كُلّ ما كُنّا نُؤَمِّلُهُ
وَإِن تَقَلَّبَ في آلائِهِ الأُمَمُ
15. I do not distinguish you in innocence with congratulations
The land, plains and flags have rejoiced in it.
١٥. وَما أَخُصّكَ في بُرءٍ بِتَهنِئَةٍ
قَد سُرّ مِنها الوَرى وَالسَهلُ وَالعَلَمُ
16. When you are fortunate then all people have been fortunate
And when you are safe then all people are safe.
١٦. إِذا سُعِدتَ فَكُلّ الناسِ قَد سُعِدوا
وَإِن سَلِمتَ فَكُلّ الناسِ قَد سَلِموا