1. It is momentous news, so who will defend
The clans of Shem and Ham have been undone
١. هوَ النَبأُ العَظيمُ فَمَن يُحامي
وَقَد أَودى بَنو سامٍ وَحامٍ
2. His arrows pierce the noble breast
Casting them beneath the shooting stones
٢. تُصيبُ سِهامُهُ الصَدرَ المُعَلى
فَتَقذِفُهُ إِلىَ تَحتَ الرجام
3. Like this remarkable, exemplary world
Imam of eloquence and speech
٣. كَهَذا العالَمِ العَلَمِ المُفَدىّ
إِمامِ أَولي البَلاغَةِ وَالكَلامِ
4. Father of al-‘Abbas, Ahmad the Sublime
Whose excellence proclaimed, who will join me?
٤. أَبي العَبّاسِ أَحمَدَ مَن تَسامى
وَنادى فَضلُهُ هَل مِن مُسامي
5. Scion of the hospitable, himself a noble guest
To the abode of dignity and generosity
٥. سَليلُ أَبي الضَيّافِ وَسارَ ضَيفاً
إِلىَ دارِ الكَرامَةِ وَالكِرامِ
6. His virtues immortalized verdant gardens
Where smiles were planted, beautifully bloomed
٦. وَخَلَّدَ مِن مَحاسِنِهِ رياضاً
ثَوَت في طِرسها ذاتَ اِبتِسامِ
7. With iron, wrath, scimitar and blade
He brought splendor, when drawn in softness
٧. وَباهى باليَراعِ حَديدَ عَضبٍ
وَصَمصام وَهندي حُسام
8. Tongues spoke his praise in whispers
And whatever he uttered in gentle words
٨. إِذا أَجراهُ في رق أَقَرّت
لَهُ بالرق أَلسِنَةُ الأَنامِ
9. Were as if spoken by swords of India
If he scattered gems in his bounty
٩. وَمَهما قالَ في دَستٍ خِطاباً
فَإِنَّ القَولَ ما قالَت حَذّامِ
10. You would see a unique, graceful necklace
He contained whatever he wished of might and splendor
١٠. وَإِن نَثَرَ الجَواهِرَ في نَدي
تَرَ العقدَ الفَريدَ مِنَ النِظامِ
11. Yet he knew the return would be to the tomb
He cast off the world's vanity
١١. حَوى ما شاءَ مِن عزّ وَلَمّا
دَرى أَنَّ المَصيرَ إِلى الحِمامِ
12. Throwing its flowers in the face of destruction
And walked the path of Qur'an, dhikr and asceticism
١٢. رَمى بِزَخارِفِ الدُنيا وَأَلقى
بِزَهرَتِها إِلى وَجهِ الرغامِ
13. Unsullied by sins, yearning for the meeting
The caller came to him, and took him
١٣. وَسارَ مَسيرَ قُرآنٍ وَذكرٍ
وَزُهدٍ ما تَدَنَّسَ بِالأثامِ
14. To the abode of eternity
So honor his dwelling, O Lord, and bless
١٤. وَتاقَ إِلى اللِقا فَأَتاهُ آتٍ
وَسارَ بِهِ إِلى دارِ المُقامِ
15. As you inspired him with a beautiful end
And fulfill for the chronicler sincerity
١٥. فأكرِم نُزلَهُ يا رَب وَأَحسِن
كَما أَلهَمتَهُ حُسنَ الخِتامِ
16. Abu al-'Abbas in the abode of peace
١٦. وَحَقِّق لِلمؤَرِخِ فالَ صِدقٍ
أَبو العَبّاسِ في دارِ السَلامِ