
Stand still! For this is the station of Abraham.

قف فالمقام مقام إبراهيما

1. Stand still! For this is the station of Abraham.
And a sweet-scented breeze blew from the sandalwood trees.

١. قِف فالمَقامُ مَقامُ إِبراهيما
واِنشق مِنَ الأَرَج العطير شَميما

2. Head towards the gardens of remembrance and enter hopefully,
To a sanctuary enduring throughout time.

٢. اِقصُد رياضَ الذكر وَاِدخُل آمِلا
حَرَماً عَلىَ مَرِّ الزَمان مُقيما

3. In it lies the summit of knowledge and its ocean -
The master of Tunis, its concealed pillar.

٣. فيهِ ثَوى طودُ العُلوم وَبحرُها
أُستاذُ تونسَ رُكنُها الملثوما

4. This is Abu Ishaq, the best clothed
In robes of praise and its embroidered pearls.

٤. هَذا أَبو إِسحاقَ أَفضَلُ لابِسَ
حُلَل الثَناء وَدُرّها المَنظوما

5. This is al-Rayyahi, the pole of our country.
None surpassed his glory generally.

٥. هَذا الرياحي قُطبُ دارَة قُطرَنا
مَن فاقَ جلَّتهُ الكِرامُ عُموما

6. This is the lamp of gnostics of their Lord.
How much he guided and benefited a heedless people!

٦. هَذا سِراجُ العارِفينَ بِرَبِّهِم
كَم قَد هَدى وَأَفادَ قَوماً هيما

7. His virtues filled the East and West,
When he strove for them both and warded off their worries.

٧. مَلأ المَشارِقَ وَالمَغارِبَ فَضلُهُ
لَمّا سَعى لَهُما وَذادَ هُموما

8. Like his coming to Fez to bring goodness
In a year of drought that destroyed the grafted.

٨. كحُلولُهُ فاساً ليجلِبَ ميرَةً
في عام قَحطٍ أذهبَ المطعوما

9. So its sultan honored him and granted him
Blessing, prosperity, and ample gifts.

٩. فَأَجَلَّهُ سُلطانُها وَأَنالَهُ
برّا وَنيلاً واسِعاً وَجَسيماً

10. And from its sacred corner, its oratories -
Namely at-Tijani, its concealed pole -

١٠. وَمِنَ المُقدّس رُكنِها مِشكاتها
أَعني التَجاني قُطبها المَكتوما

11. He gained favor and esteem, and was distinguished
With subtleties deserving precedence.

١١. نالَ العِنايَةَ وَالمَرامَ وَخَصَّهُ
بِلَطائِفٍ تَستَوجِبُ التَقديما

12. And the plan of the young conqueror came to him,
Through which it gained pride that is difficult to equal.

١٢. وَأَتَتهُ تَسعى خُطَةُ الفُتيا الَّتي
نالَت بِهِ فَخراً يَعز عَظيما

13. He crossed Egypt in the year of Pilgrimage, so its sultan
Honored him and bestowed gifts upon him generously.

١٣. واِجتازَ مِصراً عامَ حَجّ فَبَرَّهُ
سُلطانُها وَأَفاضَ عَنهُ سُجوما

14. When Constantinople was in dire straits,
Were it not for his intercession, it would have been miserable.

١٤. وَسَما لِقِسطَنطنيَّةَ في مُعضَل
لَولا شَفاعَتُهُ لَكانَ أَليما

15. So the sultan rewarded him beyond his request
And he gained fame and disseminated knowledge through it.

١٥. فَأَثابَهُ السُلطانُ فَوقَ سُؤاله
وَحَوى بِها صَيتاً وَبَثَّ عُلوما

16. The East and West realized that he
Had become an equal to the Light of the Two Luminaries.

١٦. وَدَرى المَشارِقُ وَالمَغارِبُ أَنَّهُ
أَضحى لِنور النَيِّرَين قَسيما

17. Then he built this station for his Lord,
And to mention the one who granted him bliss in it.

١٧. ثُمَّ اِبتَنى هَذا المَقامَ لِرَبه
وَلِذكر مَن أَولاهُ فيهِ نَعيما

18. And in it lived his children, whom
The army of ignorance had become defeated by.

١٨. وَبِهِ ثَوى وَثَوى بَنوهُ اللذ بهم
جَيشُ الجَهالَة قَد غَدا مَهزوما

19. They adorned the pulpits and gatherings as youths
And became full moons in ascendance and stars.

١٩. زانوا المَنابِرَ وَالمَحافِلَ فتيَةً
وَغَدوا بُدوراً في العُلا وَنُجوما

20. The good, content Muhammad
And Ali, the content one, vast in majesty.

٢٠. الطَيِّبُ الأَرضى الهُمامُ مُحَمَّدٌ
وَعلي الرضى الحاوي الجَلال فَطيما

21. Their covenant gives drink to devotees with clouds
Of mercy, and increases their submission.

٢١. تُسقي العِهادَ عُهودُهُم بِسَحائِبٍ
مِن رَحمَةٍ وَتَزيدُهُم تَسليما

22. O you who seek intimacy, pursuer of guidance,
And one who seeks honor from his Lord!

٢٢. يا طالِبَ الوزلفى وَمُرتادَ الهُدى
وَمَن اِبتَغى مِن رَبِّهِ تَكريما

23. Aim for the three of them, and the sheikh of their path.
Ask God, Forgiving and Merciful,

٢٣. اِقصد ثَلاثَتَهُم وَشَيخَ طَريقهم
واِسأل إِلَهاً غافِراً وَرَحيما

24. And devote your prayers to them and through them, hopeful
Of attaining your wishes and extending to all.

٢٤. وَاخلص لَهُم وَبِهِم دُعاءَكَ راجيا
نَيلَ المُراد وَعَمِّمَن تَعميما

25. And for whoever rests his burdens in this ground,
Or helped and composed the inscribed.

٢٥. وَلِمَن ثَوى في ذا الثَرى أَوزارَهُ
وَلِمَن أَعانَ وَأَثبَتَ المَنظوما

26. And ask God for whoever robed it in what you see,
Illuminating and perfecting it completely.

٢٦. وَسَل الإِلَه لِمن كَساها ما تَرى
فَأَنارَها وَأَتَمَّها تَتميما

27. As-Sādiq al-Bashā al-Mushīr Muhammad,
The most brilliant of kings, most generous of hosts.

٢٧. الصادِق الباشا المُشير مُحَمَّد
أَندى المُلوك يَداً وَأَكرَمض خيما

28. Victory, prosperity, and might whenever
Spring sends its breezes to the gardens.

٢٨. نَصراً وَإِسعادا وَعِزّا كُلَّما
أَهدى الرَبيعُ إِلىَ الرياض نَسيما

29. And look to the date of the station, for it
Is a house of precious, well-composed pearls.

٢٩. وَاِنظُر لِتاريخ المَقام فَإِنَّهُ
بَيتٌ مِنَ الدُرِّ النَضير نَظيما

30. O you who hopes at its door, be secure!
Stand still! For this is the station of Abraham.

٣٠. يا مَن يؤَمِّلُ بابَهُ كُن آمِناً
قِف فالمَقامُ مَقامُ إِبراهيما