
The festival of joy has come, the month of birth

عيد المسرة وهو شهر المولد

1. The festival of joy has come, the month of birth
It has reached you, so arise for virtues and be felicitous

١. عيدُ المَسَرَّةِ وَهوَ شَهرُ المَولِدِ
وافاكَ فاِنهَض لِلمَكارِمِ واِسعَد

2. It hopes of you what you are accustomed to glorifying it with
It is safety, so greet the birth cheerfully

٢. يَرجوكَ ما عَوَّدتَ مِن تَعظيمِهِ
وَهوَ الآمانُ فَحَيَّهَل لِلمَولِدِ

3. With the radiant complexion and the face that
Heals, by your truth, every tearful eyelid

٣. بالطَلعَةِ الغَراء وَالوَجه الَّذي
يَشفي وَحَقِّك كُلِّ جَفنٍ أَرمَدِ

4. And restores life to the remnants of ruins
And attains from it the rose of the heartfelt friend

٤. وَيُعيدُ في الرِمَمِ البَوالي روحَها
وَيَنالُ مِنها وَردَةَ القَلبِ الصَدي

5. And it glimpses from the brightness of mysteries with a grin
If it faces the moon of the gardens bowing down

٥. وَيُطِلُّ مِن بضعد السِرارِ بِغُرَّةٍ
إِن قابَلَت قَمَرَ الدُجُنَّةِ يَسجُدِ

6. Amidst stars of families and armies
Strutting proudly in the prestigious attire

٦. في أَنجُمٍ مِن أسرَةٍ وَعَساكِرٍ
تَختالُ زَهواً في اللِباسِ العَسجَدي

7. It reached the hearts of the people of countries who have
No hope but that it lasts and is eternal

٧. وافى قُلوبَ أُولي بِلادٍ ما لَهُم
أَمَلٌ سِوى أَن لا تَضامَ وَتَخلُدِ

8. They sacrifice their souls for your sandal
And make its tracks kohl instead of kohl

٨. يَفدونَ نَعلَكَ بِالنُفوسِ وَيَجعَلوا
آثارَها كُحلاً مَكانَ الإِثمِدِ

9. Why not when you have protected their sanctuary
Yesterday, today, the witnessed and tomorrow

٩. لِمَ لا وَقَد حامَيتَ دونَ حِماهُمُ
في الأَمسِ وَاليَومِ المُشاهَدِ وَالغَدِ

10. And you have labored in dispelling fears from them
With a resolute will, brightly kindled

١٠. وَتَعِبتَ في رَدِّ المَخاوِفِ دونَهُم
بِعَزيمَةٍ غَرّاءَ ذاتِ تَوَقّدِ

11. And built a fence of your soldiers, preventing
From them the terror that was not familiar

١١. وَبَنَيتَ سوراً مِن جُنودِكَ مانِعاً
لَهُمُ مِنَ الهَولِ الَّذي لَم يُعهَد

12. Your exemplar country so do not be timid
And toss the suspicions upon the faces of the envious

١٢. لِبِلادِكَ المَثَلُ الأَغَرّ فَلا تُرَع
وارمِ الظُنونةَ عَلى وُجوهِ الحُسَّدِ

13. They have safety throughout time so gratify them
And give and adorn time and empower

١٣. لَهُمُ الأَمانُ عَلى الزَمانَ فَمَنِّهِم
وابذُل وَطَوّق لِلزَمانِ وَقَلِّدِ

14. And devote your prayer for all for it is
An antidote for what they encounter of affliction

١٤. واخلِص دُعاءَكَ لِلجَميع فَإِنَّهُ
ترياقُ ما يَجِدونَهُ مِن مُنكِدِ

15. Do not blame them for a slip
Or stumble from an ignorant obstinate one

١٥. لا تولِهِم مِنكَ العِتابَ لِفَلتَةٍ
أَو عَثرَةٍ مِن جاهِل مُتَمَرّدِ

16. For they are the helpless dependents and they have
None but God then the most lauded noble one

١٦. فَهُمُ العيالُ العاجِزونَ وَما لَهُم
بَعدَ الإِلَهِ سِوى الجَنابِ الأَحمَدي

17. And the survival of our master the counselor, may his name
Remain in safety, by the grace of the birth

١٧. وَبَقاءُ مَولانا المُشير سَميّهِ
لا زالَ في أَمنٍ بِفَضلِ المَولِدِ

18. And by the grace of its owner and the grace of his companions
And the family, the followers, and the martyrs

١٨. وَبِفَضلِ صاحِبِهِ وَفَضلِ صَحابِهِ
وَالآلِ وَالأَتباعِ وَالمُتَشَهِّدِ

19. And Shadhili, Mahrez, and the virtuous El Khattabi
And Baji and all the Mohammedans

١٩. وَالشاذِلي وَمحرِزٍ وَالفاضِلِ ال
حَطّابِ وَالباجي وَكُلّ مُحَمَّدي