
Praise be to Allah, for He suffices me,

الحمد لله وهو حسبي

1. Praise be to Allah, for He suffices me,
And he who takes the Almighty as guardian succeeds,

١. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ وَهوَ حَسبي
وَفازَ مَن حَسبُهُ الحَسيبُ

2. O my Creator and my Lord, bless
The Messenger of guidance, the beloved one,

٢. وَصَلّ يا خالقي وَرَبّي
عَلى رَسولِ الهُدى الحَبيبِ

3. And all his family and companions,
And those who follow them, both near and far.

٣. وَكُلّ آلٍ وَكُلِّ صَحبٍ
وَتابِعيهِم مَعَ القَريب

4. O Opener of creation,
O Knower of secrets, O Watcher,

٤. وَبَعدُ يا مُبدىءَ البَرايا
يا عالِمَ السِرِّ يا رَقيبُ

5. Make my desires come true without delay,
And heal my heart of all sorrows.

٥. يَسِّر بِلا مُهلَة مُرادي
وَداوِ قَلبي مِنض الوَجيب

6. Bestow on me abundant grace and favor,
Of all that the hopeful seeks from You.

٦. وَأجزِلُ الفَضلَ وَالعَطايا
مِن كُلِّ ما يَطلُبُ الأَريبُ

7. Then seal for me with goodness, O Allah
O Hearer of words, O Responder.

٧. ثُمَّ اِختمِ اللَهُ لي بِخَيرٍ
يا سامِعَ القَولِ يا مُجيبُ