1. My friends, this day is blessed,
Noble among days, for it is Thursday.
١. ندَيمَيَّ هَذا اليَوم يَوم مُبارَكٌ
شَريفٌ عَلىَ الأَيّامِ وَهوَ خَميس
2. Our gathering has brought together those whose hearing
Delights the five senses - for it is Thursday.
٢. وَمَجلِسُنا قَد ضَمَّ مَن بسَماعِهِ
تَلَذُّ الحَواس الخَمس وَهوَ خَميسُ
3. So pass around the wine cup, whose bubbles are like
An army attacking invading sorrows - on Thursday.
٣. فَباكِر بِهِ كأساً كأن حَبابَها
لِجَيَشِ الهُموم الوارِداتِ خَميس