1. Blessings and peace be upon the best of Messengers, the noblest
Among the noble ranks, beyond enumeration and measure
١. عَلى أَشرَفِ الرُسل الكِرام أَولي القَدر
صَلاةٌ وَتَسليمٌ يُصانان عَن حَصر
2. And also upon his pure Family and Companions so highly praised
And those who followed his guidance as the sparkling stars
٢. كَذا آلُهُ الأَطهارُ وَالصحبُ مَن سَموا
وَمَن شُبِّهوا في الهدي بالأَنجُم الزهر
3. And those who out of love emigrated in his cause
And his Ansar allies in the time of hardship
٣. وَمَن هاجَروا حُباً لَهُ وَكَرامَةً
وَأَنصارُهُ الأَتباعُ في ساعَةِ العُسر
4. And those who strove in Allah's way with true jihad
Especially the martyrs on the day of Badr
٤. وَمَن جاهَدوا في اللَه حَق جِهادِهِ
وَلا سيَّما أَهلُ الشَهادَةِ في بَدر
5. They attained high rank and exceptional merit
As the foremost party, exalted above the disbelievers
٥. هُمُ قَد عَلوا قَدراً وَنالوا مَزيَّةً
وَأَوَّلُ حِزبٍ فَلّ حَدّ ذَوي الكُفر
6. And the angels came openly to their aid
What triumph for you! What victorious help!
٦. وَمَن نَزَلَ الأَملاكُ جَهراً لِنَصرِهِم
فَيا لَكَ مِن عز وَيا لضكَ مِن نَصر
7. When it was said: Rejoice! Your sins are forgiven
Do what you wish, small or grave transgression
٧. وَمَن قيلَ يا بُشراكُم فاِعمَلوا الَّذي
أَرَدتُم مِنَ الذنب الخَطير أَو النَزر
8. Your sins are pardoned, you have succeeded
And gratitude did not prevent them from all they desired
٨. فَقَد غُفرَت آثامُكُم وَسَعدتُمُ
وَلَم يَثنهم ما قَد حبوهُ مِنَ الشكر
9. And the Wise Remembrance was sent down to them
Detailing the honor bestowed on them that day
٩. وَمَن نَزَلَ الذكرُ الحَكيمُ مُفَصَّلا
بِما خَصّهُم في ذَلِكَ اليَوم مِن ذكر
10. In Aal Imran their prayer was answered
And in Al-Anfal filth was removed through purification
١٠. فَفي آل عِمرانَ اِستَجابَ دُعاهُم
وَأذهَبَ في أَنفاله الرجس بالطهر
11. And He made them stand firm, striking terror in the enemy
Who became lost, prey to death and captivity
١١. وَثَبَّتَهُم وَالرعبَ أَلقاهُ في العدى
فأَضحوا حَيارى نَهبَةَ القَتلِ وَالأسر
12. And Allah's religion prevailed, glorious and supreme
While its partisans exulted in the robes of victory
١٢. وَأَصبَحَ دينُ اللَه جَذلانَ باسماً
وَأَحزابُهُ تَختالُ في حُلَل النَصر
13. And they were like the Messengers in fame
While the people of secrets know what secrets lie herein
١٣. وَكانوا عَلى المَشهور كالرسل عِدَّةً
وَيَعلَمُ أَهلُ السِر ما فيهِ مِن سِرِّ
14. And their names have been tested when invoked
To relieve distress and rescue the desperate
١٤. وَقَد جُرِّبَت أَسماؤُهُم عِندَ ذِكرِها
لِتَنفيس مَكروبٍ وَإِنقاذ مُضطَرِّ
15. And give aid to the anxious and support the seeker
Security to the frightened and ease to the suffering
١٥. وَغَوثاً لِمَلهُوفٍ وَعَوناً لِطالِبٍ
وَأَمناً لذي ذُعرٍ وَيُسراً لِذي عُسر
16. And how many tribulations have been resolved by invoking them
And sorrows assuaged and broken hearts restored
١٦. وَكَم مِن عَويصاتٍ تَجَلَّت بِذِكرِهِم
وَكَم مِن كَسيرِ القَلبِ أَصبَحَ في جَبر
17. So make it a habit to remember them always
In public and private, to attain all you hope for
١٧. فَلازَمُهُمُ سَرداً وَحَملاً تَنَل بِهِم
مُناكَ وَما تَرجوهُ في السِرِّ وَالجَهرِ
18. O Messenger of Allah! O best intercessor
Your excellence towers over all else
١٨. أَلا يا رَسولَ اللَهِ يا خَيرَ شافِعٍ
وَمَن فَضلُهُ يَربو عَلى الرَملِ وَالقَطرِ
19. O best of those whose side the sinners approached
Yet you met them with pardon, clemency and good news
١٩. وَيا خَيرَ مِن أم العَصاةُ جَنابَهُ
فَقابَلَهُم بِالعَفو وَالصفح وَالبشر
20. I come to you, O cave of creation, as a supplicant
Through them and the companions and your Family, the pure
٢٠. أَتَيتُكَ يا كَهفَ الوَرى مُتَوَسِّلا
بِهِم وَبِجَمع الصحب مَع آلك الطهر
21. Intercede with your Lord to resolve my difficulties
And relieve my heart and breast of all sorrow
٢١. تَوَجَّه إِلى مَولاكَ في حَلِّ مُشكلي
وَتَفريج ما يَدريهِ في القَلبِ وَالصَدرِ
22. And forgive what heavily weighs down my back
And conceal the rest until the end of my life
٢٢. وَيَغفِرُ لي ما أَثقَلَ الظَهرَ حَمله
وَيَستُرُ لي الباقي إِلىَ آخِرِ العُمرِ
23. And grant me victory in both worlds with your support
Against life's sorrows and the turns of time
٢٣. وَيُسعضد في الدارَين مُنتَصِرٌ بِكُم
عَلى كُرَب الأَيّامِ مَع نوَب الدَهرِ
24. And set right the state of all believers
Replacing their hardship with comfort and ease
٢٤. وَيُصلحُ حالَ المؤمنينَ بأسرهم
وَيُبَدِلُهُم مِن حالَة العُسرِ باليُسرِ
25. May Allah bless you as long as the breeze blows
And as long as the stars shine in the dark night sky
٢٥. وَصَلّى عَلَيكَ اللَهُ ما هَبَّت الصبا
وَما نورَت حُلكُ الدجُنَّة بالبَدرِ
26. And your Family and Companions and their followers
Especially the two pillars and fortress of Badr
٢٦. وَآلك وَالأَصحاب مَع تابعيهم
وَلا سيَّما رُكني وَحصني أُولي بَدرِ