1. Refuge of the drowning and treasure of the needy,
Khalaf son of Yahya Al-Tamimi Al-Baji.
١. عَونُ الغَريق وَغُنيَةُ المُحتاج
خَلَفُ بنُ يَحييَ التَميميُّ الباجي
2. The pillar and sanctuary - Abu Sa'id - of high rank,
In his decree, an ocean, tumultuous and stormy.
٢. الرُكنُ المَلاذُ أَبو سَعيد مَن سَما
في قَدرِهِ عَن بَحرِهِ العَجّاج
3. He is the rain cloud, pouring forth, when resolute,
Upon visitors, a torrent, copious and gushing.
٣. وَهوَ الغَمامُ المُستَهِلُّ إِذا هَما
لِلزائِرينَ بِوابِلٍ ثَجّاجِ
4. The glorious drew from him in lifetime and in
This shrine, for whoever disaster befell.
٤. مِنهُ اِستَمَدَ الجلُ في المَحيا وَفي
هَذا الضَريح لِمَن أَلَمَّ يُفاجي
5. The Imam Al-Shadhili said: I kept his company
And benefited from him, as he was like a shining lamp.
٥. قالَ الإِمامُ الشاذِلي لازَمتُهُ
وَبِهِ اِنتَفَعتُ وَذا كَمِثلِ سِراج
6. And Al-Hatimi and Al-Mahdawi among his companions -
The lion of fierceness and stars of the constellations.
٦. وَالحاتِميِ وَالمَهدَوي مِن صَحبِهِ
أَسدُ الهياج وَأَنجُمُ الأَبراجِ
7. Pride upon the brow of glorious stars on high,
And virtues like pearls atop a crown held high.
٧. فَخرٌ عَلى هام المَجَرَّةِ قَد عَلا
وَمَناقِبٌ كالدُرّ فَوقَ التاجِ
8. So come, O you whose patience, like mine, falls short,
And whom misfortunes made spend the night vexed and distraught.
٨. فَهَلُمَّ يا مَن ضاقَ مِثليَ ذَرعُهُ
وَمَن النَوائِبِ باتَ في إِزعاجِ
9. Spread your palms and take of his blessings' store,
And gather, as they said, with a full and brimming measure.
٩. ابسُط أَكُفَّكَ واملَ مِن بَركاتِهِ
وَاِكتَلَ كَما قالوا بِكَيلِ باجي
10. O you clothed by God in grace - the hands fell short
Of the oil merchant and the clothing merchant.
١٠. يا مَن كَساهُ اللَهُ فَضلاً قَصّرَت
عَنهُ يَدُ السَراجِ وَالحَلّاجِ
11. This is your namesake and son of your prayer - you know -
So quickly remedy my problems with a cure.
١١. هَذا سَمَيُّكَ وابنُ دَعوَتِكض الَّتي
تَدري فَعاجِل مُعضِلي بِعِلاجِ
12. My wings are broken and the torrents overwhelm,
If you do not mend my fractured state and make me whole.
١٢. هَيضَ الجَناحُ وَبَلَغَ السَيل الزُبى
إِن لَم تُعالِج زائِفي بِرواج
13. Succor from the Guide, the Intercessor Muhammad,
Possessor of the Lofty Status on the Night Journey.
١٣. غَوثاهُ بِالهادي الشَفيعِ مُحَمَّدٍ
حاوي العُلى في لَيلَةِ المِعراجِ
14. May God send blessings upon him, submitting,
And on his family, companions and wives.
١٤. صَلّى عَلَيهِ اللَهُ جَلَّ مُسَلِّماً
والآلِ وَالأَصحابِ وَالأَزواجِ
15. And upon you, for as long as existence remains,
Are greetings covering your grave in pouring rain,
١٥. وَعَلَيكَ ما دامَ الدوامُ تَحيَّةٌ
تَغشى ثَراكَ بِوابِلٍ ثَجاج
16. Enveloping your devoted servant in his words:
"Date it with 'By Abu Sa'id Al-Baji!'"
١٦. وَتَعُمّ خادِمَكَ المُحبَّ بِقَولِهِ
أَرّخ بِقف بِأَبي سَعيدٍ الباجي