
What is wrong with a yearner whose abode is misery

ما لمشتاق مقر كلما

1. What is wrong with a yearner whose abode is misery
Whenever the sword of lightning unsheathed from the scabbard of dark clouds?

١. ما لِمُشتاق مَقَرَّ كُلَّما
سَلَّ سَيفَ البَرقِ غَمدُ الحِندِسِ

2. Passion inflamed him, so they both ignited
When the morning breeze greeted him from Tunisia

٢. أَضرَمَ الوَجدَ لَهُ فاِضطَرَما
حينَ حَيّاهُ الصِبا عَن تونِس

3. The abode of bliss and paradise of souls
And the wish of every refined and well-versed man

٣. حَبَّذا الدُنيا وَفَردوسُ النفوس
وَمُنى كُلِّ أَديبٍ وَأَريب

4. Appears in her glamour like a bride
When she emerges from afar or near

٤. تَتَجَلّى في حُلاها كالعَروسِ
حينَ تَبدو مِن بَعيد أَو قَريب

5. Her Creator protected her from all misery
And spared her from every wretched miser

٥. صانَها بارِئُها مِن كُلِّ بؤس
وَكَفاها كُلِّ معيانٍ مُريب

6. He quenched her thirst, cared for her, and guarded her
And clothed her in garments of silk

٦. وَسَقاها وَرَعاها وَحَمى
وَكَساها حُلَلاً مِن سُندُسِ

7. A city that has become a sanctuary for my companions
And the regret of the life of souls

٧. بَلدَةٌ أَضحَت لِخلّاني حِمى
وَنَدامايَ حَياةَ الأنفُسِ

8. May God protect my beloved in it
While he is in the beholder's eye, nay in eternity

٨. حَفيظ اللَه حَبيباً لي بِها
وَهوَ في الناظِرِ بَل في الخَلَدِ

9. Molded with gentleness, charm and elegance
So my patience withered and my body weakened

٩. صيغَ مِن لُطفِ وَظَرف وَبها
فَبَرى صَبري وَأَبلى جَسَدي

10. It suffices my soul in passion for her love
Which I found in the affection of her who has a seated abode

١٠. حَسب نَفسي في الهَوى مِن حُبِّها
يُلفى في الحُبِّ الَّتي مَقعَد

11. I loved my gathering with him when we convened
While he was amidst the necklace of that council

١١. حَبَّذا جَمعي بِهِ إِذ نُظِما
وَهوَ وُسطى عقدِ ذاكَ المَجلِسِ

12. His mouth my cup, and my wine from his saliva
A gurgling of my ambergris and smooth wine

١٢. ثَغرُهُ كأسي وَخَمري مِن لَمى
قَرقَفيّ عَنبَري اللَعِس

13. In nights when worries saddled the planets
And the fifth one ventured in every intimacy

١٣. في لَيالٍ أَسرَجَت كُمتَ العُقار
وَسَطَت في كُلِّ أَنسٍ بِخَميس

14. And the boon companions had shed the garb of dignity
And freely moved towards what souls desire

١٤. وَنَدامى قَد نَضوا ثَوبَ الوقار
وَجَروا طَلقاً لِما تَهوى النُفوس

15. With a rebabah engulfing a lute that soared
Around a crooner, singer, and companion

١٥. وَرَبابٌ حَفَّهُ عودٌ وَطار
حَولَ مُلهٍ وَمُغَن وَأَنيس

16. How is my state in my travel after
My soul parted from the companion soul?

١٦. كَيفَ حالي في اِرتِحالي بَعدَما
فارَقَت نَفسي عَديلَ النَفَسِ

17. Bestow upon them a greeting from me, perhaps
How is my patience from the absence of the noble scion?

١٧. هَب عَلَيهِم لي سُلوٌ رُبَّما
كَيفَ صَبري عَن كَريمِ المغرِس

18. The scribe of the Maghreb without contention
And the eloquent tongue of the state

١٨. كاتِبُ المَغرِب مِن غَيرِ خلاف
وَلِسانُ الدَولَة الصلت الفَصيح

19. Of eloquent expression that surpassed predecessors
So the arduous succumbed and the untamed submitted

١٩. ذو بَيانٍ قَد سَرى سَريَ السلاف
فاِستَكانَ الصَعبُ واِنقادَ الجَموح

20. Ahmad the virtuous, I mean the son of the guest
The intrepid vizier, straightforward and wise

٢٠. أَحمَدُ الفاضِل أَعني ابنَ الضيف
الوَزيرُ الشَهمُ ذو الضَنِّ الصَريح

21. A gem in our time that shone
Then bowed like a radiant sun

٢١. غُرًّةٌ في دَهرِنا قَد نَجَما
فاِنثَنى مِثلَ نَهارٍ مُشمِسِ

22. Why does the tongue of religion hurl spears
O days of companionship with Al-Andalus!

٢٢. ما لِسانُ الدينِ يَرمي عارما
يا زَمانَ الوَصلِ بالأَندَلُسِ

23. The proof of the time and evidence of countries
Whose splendor encompassed the two rivers

٢٣. حُجَّةُ العَصرِ وَبُرهانُ البِلادِ
المَجاري في عُلاهُ النَيرَين

24. Wearing pride, charm, and beauty
Safeguarding glory and lofty adornments

٢٤. مُرتَدي الفَخرِ طَريفٍ وَتلاد
مُحرِزُ المَجدِ وَسامي الزِينَتَين

25. With meanings that even transmissions fell short of
Where is one who can recount Abu Al-‘Abbas? Where?

٢٥. بِمَعانٍ قَصُرَت عَنها الأَعادِ
أَينَ مَن يَحكي أَبا العَبّاس أَين

26. He singled me out with proximity when we convened
With hands that spoke though mute

٢٦. خَصَّني بِالقُربِ لَمّا عَمَّما
بأَيادٍ أَنطَقَت مِن خَرَس

27. And he took over my affairs until they reached the sky
His market among the impeccable maidens

٢٧. وَتَوَلّى كاسِدي حَتّى سَما
سوقُهُ بَينَ الجَواري الكُنَّسِ

28. Receive her, O virtuous one, with delight and shyness
From a sincere lover, distant in burial

٢٨. هاكَها عَذراءَ ياسامي الفَخار
حَليُها وِدّ وَشُكرٌ وَخَجَل

29. Concealing anguish, devoid of sternness
She embellished your words in those lands

٢٩. مِن مُحِبّ صادِقٍ نائي المَزار
كاسِفِ البالِ خَليّ عَن جَذَل

30. When it roamed them like a proverb
Tunisia, intimate bliss, for her is my longing

٣٠. قَرَّظَت قَولَكَ في تِلكَ الديار
عِندَما سارَ بِها سَيرَ المَثَل

31. The excursion of the soul and spirit of the soul
Its people have become stars in the sky

٣١. تُونِسُ الأنسِ لَها شَوقي نَما
نُزهَةُ النَفسِ وَرَوحُ النَفَسِ

32. That shone amongst the necklace of pure souls

٣٢. أَهلُها أَضحوا نُجوماً في سَما
سَطَعَت مِنهُم بِعقدٍ أَنفَسِ