
To you, O Messenger of Allah, I have directed my purpose,

إليك رسول الله وجهت مقصدي

1. To you, O Messenger of Allah, I have directed my purpose,
Though the journey to your tomb be far from my destination.

١. إِلَيكَ رَسولَ اللَهِ وَجَّهتُ مَقصِدي
وَأَنتَ وَإِن شَطَّ المَزارُ بِمَشهَدي

2. Does remembrance represent you before my eyes and thoughts?
And if I extolled you with praise, time itself became my reciter.

٢. أَيُمَثِّلُكَ التذكارُ في العَينِ وَالحَشا
وَإِن رُمتَ مَدحاً أَصبَحَ الدَهرُ مُنشِدي

3. Did not the Wise Remembrance (the Quran) descend with your praise?
What then can my tongue dictate or my hand write?

٣. أَلَم يَنزِلِ الذكرُ الحَكيمُ بِمَدحِكُم
فَماذا هيَ يملي لِساني أَو يَدي

4. Have not the heavens been keen to give thanks and praise?
Is not the distress of one who seeks guidance relieved through eloquence?

٤. أَلَم تَلهَفِ الأَكوانُ بالشكرِ وَالثَنا
أَما في أَلَم نَشرَح بَلاغٌ لِمُهتَدي

5. And good tidings to you, O Best of Creation, of abundant grace,
And a Fount of the gardens of Paradise, my place of drink.

٥. وَبُشراكَ يا خَيرَ الأَنامِ بِكَوثَرٍ
وَحَوضٍ بِرَوضاتِ الجِنانِ وَمَورِدي

6. Has it not come that you are a Messenger
From the Truth, with the manifest Truth, made a covenant?

٦. أَلَم يأتِ في أَنَّكَ مُرسَلٌ
مِنَ الحَقِّ بِالحَق الجَليِّ مُعَهَّد

7. And many verses of firm Truth
That give you a lofty, protected place of honor.

٧. وَآياتِ حَقِّ مُحكَمات كَثيرَةٍ
أَحَلَّتكَ في طَودٍ مِنَ العِزِّ أَقوَدِ

8. O Messenger of Allah! O Best of those who walked
The earth, bearing burdens on your back.

٨. أَلا يا رَسولَ اللَهِ يا خَيرَ مَن مَشى
وَما حَملَت وَجَناءُ في ظَهرِ فِدفِدِ

9. And most fulfilling of promises and treaties amongst mankind,
And most gracious to the one called to a gradual ascent.

٩. وَأَوفى جَميعَ الخَلقِ عَهداً وَذِمَّةً
وَأَكرَمَ مَن يُدعى لِتَدريجِ مَكمِدِ

10. By the right of Him who gave you what you rightly deserve,
And singled you out with the Wise Remembrance, glorified,

١٠. بِحَقِّ الَّذي أَعطاكَ ما أَنتَ أَهلُهُ
وَخَصَّكَ بِالذِكرِ الحَكيمِ المُمَجَّدِ

11. Intercede for Him until He relieves my hardship,
And hastens my aid and takes me by the hand.

١١. تَوَسَّل لَهُ حَتّى يُفَرّجَ كُربَتي
وَيُسرعَ إِسعافيَ وَيأخُذُ باليَد

12. For I have a pact, when I call upon Muhammad,
Even if, in my state, I am not with Muhammad.

١٢. فَلي ذِمَّةٌ إِذ كُنتُ أَدعى مُحَمَّداً
وَإِن لَم أَكُن في حالَتي بِمُحَمَّدِ

13. And suffice for me, a prayer whose light fills the horizon,
And greetings of affection, soothing and gently flowing,

١٣. وَحَسبي صَلاةً يَملأُ الأُفقَ نورُها
وَتَسليمِ ذي وِدٍّ يَروحُ وَيَغتَدي

14. Upon you, in proportion to the rank rightly yours,
Before which all creation is humbled, from its recognized loftiness.

١٤. عَلَيكَ عَلى قَدرِ المَقامِ الَّذي لَهُ
تَضاءَلَتِ الأَكوانُ مِن عَرفِها النَدى

15. And upon your Companions, and those who followed them,
And those who hold fast to the handhold of your lineage.

١٥. وَآلِكَ الأَصحابِ مَعَ تابِعيهِم
وَمَن بِحِما عَلياكِ مُستَمسِكُ اليَدِ