
A magic has spread from Rima's cheek,

أسحر قد سرى من جيد ريم

1. A magic has spread from Rima's cheek,
Is it the fragrant ginger breeze or a soft wisp?

١. أَسِحرٌ قَد سَرى مِن جيدِ ريمِ
أَمِ العَرفُ الأَريجُ مِنَ النَسيمِ

2. Or is it the poetry whose meaning has softened,
And become the seduction of the sound mind?

٢. أَم الشِعرُ الَّذي قَد رَقَّ مَعنىً
وَأَضحى فِتنَةَ العَقلَ السَليمِ

3. Yes, the pearl of eloquence has appeared,
On the neck of the statue in an orderly composition.

٣. نَعَم دُرّ البَلاغَةِ قَد تَبَدّى
بجيدِ الطرس في عِقدٍ نَظيمِ

4. And its beauty has sharpened a dull nature,
Engaging it towards a straight meaning.

٤. وَأَرهَفَ حُسنُهُ طَبعا بَليدا
يُجاذِبُهُ لِمَعني مُستقيمِ

5. Without it, the shepherd would not be stirred,
Nor would fruitless results be seen.

٥. وَلَولا ذاكَ لَم يُهزَز يَراعي
وَما ريئَت نَتائِجُ مِن عَقيمِ

6. So you whose poetry has become to my mind,
Like the full moon's light to the desolate night.

٦. فَيا مَن شِعرُهُ أَضحى لِذَهني
كَنورِ البَدرِ لِلَّيلِ البَهيمِ

7. I send you greetings for as long as the pigeons,
Coo in the upright branch.

٧. توافيِكَ التَحيَّةُ ما تَغَنّى
حَمامُ الدَوحِ في غُصنٍ قَويمِ