1. Stand in awe and gaze with overflowing eyes,
At virtues as renowned as the stars in the skies.
١. قِف وَاجِماً وَاِنظُر بِطَرفٍ ساكِبِ
لِمَكارِمٍ مَشهورَةٍ كَكَواكِبِ
2. This is the station of Ridwan and secrets unveiled,
For visitors a refuge, for seekers their grail.
٢. وَمَقامِ رِضوانٍ وَسِرٍّ لائِحٍ
لِلزائِرينَ وَمَلجإٍ لِلطّالِبِ
3. This is the place of the youthful Muhammad,
With numerous merits and noble accolades clad.
٣. هَذا مَقامُ الشابِبيِّ مُحَمَّدٍ
ذي مَكرُماتٍ عِدّةٍ وَمَناقِب
4. His inner light purified and illumination poured,
Flooding all sights, no flares of deluders this radiancy marred.
٤. وَسَريرَةٍ طَهُرَت وَنورٍ ساطِع
يَغشى العُيونَ وَلَيسَ ضَوءَ حُباحِبِ
5. Hearkening the call to a heavenly abode, therein he stayed,
Amongst a party of souls, unmatched by any shade.
٥. لَبّى النِداءَ لِجَنَّةٍ وَثَوى بِها
في حِزبِ قَومٍ لا يُذادُ بِحاجِبِ
6. So pray to him sincerely, with faith and hope demonstrated,
Seeking grace and attainment of aspirations waited.
٦. فَأخلِص لَهُ وَجهَ الدُعاء مُؤَمِّناً
وَمُؤَمِّلاَ فَضلاً وَنَيلَ مَطالِبِ
7. And Allah accepts, this verse of a chronicler states,
Exalted indeed is Muhammad's glorious traits.
٧. وَاللَهُ يَقبَلُ فيهِ قَولَ مُؤَرّخٍ
قَد جَلَّ حِزبُ مُحَمَّدٍ الشابِبي