1. Stand and contemplate this abode -
None can escape its decreed path;
١. قِف وَاِعتَبِر ذا مَقرُّ
ما حُمّ مِنهُ مَفَرُّ
2. Patience cannot withstand fate,
Unless steadied by patience itself.
٢. وَما لِصَبرِ المَنايا
إِن لَم يُسَوّغهُ صَبرُ
3. This is a tomb by which I am amazed -
My wonder at it persists.
٣. هَذا ضَريحٌ لَدَيهِ
تَعَجبي يَستَمِر
4. He who found refuge in it has become
A paragon of virtue and knowledge boundless.
٤. منَ التقى فيهِ أَضحى
وَالعِلم بَرّ وَبَحرُ
5. The most eminent of men lies here,
Though he is the most gentle.
٥. ثَوى بِهِ الفَذّ لَكِن
هوَ الإِمامُ الأَغَرُّ
6. With qualities none other in this age
Could boast of possessing.
٦. ذو المَنقَبات اللَواتي
بِمِثلِها شَحّ دَهرُ
7. Muhammad who relinquished all
For his love - he is its pride.
٧. مُحَمَّدٌ ذو التَفاني
في حُبِّهِ وَهوَ ذُخرُ
8. To the Queen of Tunisia he brought
Renown - may she by him be graced.
٨. إِلى ملوكة يُعزى
لِتونِسَ مِنهُ فَخرُ
9. If he died his works remain
Which his mind established erect.
٩. إِن ماتَ تَبقَ مَبانٍ
قَد شادَها مِنهُ فِكرُ
10. Books wherein is exposed
Secrets from the unknown.
١٠. دَفاتِرٌ بانَ فيها
مِنَ الغَوامِض سِرّ
11. How often tyrants' necks he broke
And attracted good fortune.
١١. كَم كانَ جَبّار كَسرٍ
وَجالِباً ما يَسُرّ
12. Of conduct by whose guidance
Enemies willingly submitted.
١٢. ذا سيرَةٍ بِهُداها
عِداهُ طَوعاً أَقَرّوا
13. None encompassed all the virtues
Perfected in him.
١٣. ما قامَ حَولَ خِصالٍ
حَميدَةٍ فيهِ حَصرُ
14. He visited paradise in the holy month
At its beginning - Ramadan came.
١٤. زارَ الجنانَ بِشَهرِ
في بَدئِهِ حَلّ فطرُ
15. Ten days remained after three ten days
The date marks seven and ten.
١٥. مِن بَعدِ عَشرٍ تَلتَها
سَبعٌ فَأرّخ وَعَشرُ