1. Contemplate for a while and let tears flow down your cheeks
For you are neither in the abode of eternity nor immortality
١. تَأَمَّل مَليّاً وَاِسبِلِ الدَمعَ بِالخَدِّ
فَما أَنتَ في دارِ المُقامِ وَلا الخُلدِ
2. Rather you are in an abode whose calamities
Strike and annihilate the garden of the lion and rose
٢. بَلى أَنتَ في دارٍ سِهامُ خُطوبَها
تُصيبُ وَتُصمي حَوزَةَ الأَسَدِ الوَردِ
3. Alas, the swords and spears cannot avail
Against the palace of the Lord of the Crown or the Lady of Necklaces
٣. وَهَيهاتَ أَن تُغنيَ الصوارِمُ وَالقَنا
عَلى صَرحِ رَبِّ التاجِ أَو رَبَّةِ العِقدِ
4. Happy is one who has won pleasure like this -
Zuleikha, daughter of Pasha Hussein, my brother of glory
٤. فَطوبى لِمَن حازَ الرِضى مِثلَ هَذِهِ
زُلَيخا ابنَةِ الباشا حُسَينٍ أَخي المَجدِ
5. And wife of the Minister of War, Zorok Ahmed
And possessor of the expected dignity and provision
٥. وَزَوجِ وَزيرِ الحَربِ زروقَ أَحمَدٍ
وَصاحِبَة العُرف المؤَمَّلِ وَالرفدِ
6. True is the glorious speech about her, handed down
From family, brethren, father, and grandfather
٦. صَحيحُ حَديثِ المَجدِ عَنها مُسَلسَلٌ
عَنِ الأَهلِ وَالإِخوانِ وَالآبِ وَالجَدِّ
7. She was not incited like a basil plant in gardens
When she exchanged her palace for the solitary grave
٧. وَرَيحانَةٌ وَلا الجِنانُ اِستَفَزَّها
لَما اِستَبدَلَت مِن قَصرِها مُفرَدَ اللَحدِ
8. Rather, she realized that life is but a loan
And does any knot in a rope of pearls last forever?
٨. وَلَكِن دَرَت أَنَّ الحَياةَ مُعارَةٌ
وَهَل دامَ في جيدٍ نَظيمٌ مِنَ العِقدِ
9. So from her Lord she attained grace from both worlds
And that lessened for us the bitterness of grief
٩. فَحازَت مِنَ الدارَينِ مِن فَضلِ رَبِّها
وَخَفَّفَ عَنّا ذَلِكَ مِن لَوعَةِ الوَجدِ
10. And her abode was honored with the gardens of eternity
Thus she attained success. Record the date of her immortality in the garden of eternity.
١٠. وَعَزَّ بِجَنّاتِ الخُلودِ مُقامُها
وَفازَت فَأرّخ عَزَّ في جَنَّةِ الخُلدِ