
Good fortune came bearing gems of praise

السعد أقبل حاملا درر الثنا

1. Good fortune came bearing gems of praise
To fill your noble presence with joy

١. السَعدُ أَقبَلَ حامِلاً دُرَرَ الثَنا
ليَعُمَّ حَضرَتَكَ الفَخيمَةَ بِالهَنا

2. And endow you specially with happiness through that
Which we have longed to obtain since times past

٢. وَيَخُصّ ذاتَكَ بِالمَسَرَّةِ بالَّذي
كُنّا نَتوقُ لِنَيلِهِ مُذ أَزمُنا

3. Time lingered with it like a lover's promise
Until you signaled to it, so it obeyed, announcing

٣. مَطَلَ الزَمانُ بِهِ كَوَعد حَبيبَة
حَتّى أَشَرتَ لَهُ فَلَبّى مُعلِنا

4. And it came with virtues you were loved for obtaining
Your loftiness witnessed as the most fragrant mine

٤. وَأَتى كَأَخلاقٍ حُبيتَ بِنَيلها
شَهِدَت بأنَّ عُلاكَ أَطيَبُ مَعدِنا

5. It filled hearts with joy and tasted good
In our hearing, pleasing our eyes

٥. مَلأ القُلوبَ منَ السُرورِ وَطابَ في
أَسماعَنا وَأَقَرَّ مِنّا الأعيُنا

6. Does any voice cry but lovers drunk with rapture
If not for propriety, saying "give us drink!"

٦. هَل صاحِ تُبصِرُ غَيرَ ثَغرٍ باسِمٍ
لَولا المَهابَةُ قالَ يا ساقِ اِسقِنا

7. Other than the supple walking proudly with their beloved
The water of life, relaxing, bending

٧. أَو غَيرَ جَذلانٍ سَرى بِحَبيبَه
ماءُ الحَيا فاِرتاحَ زَهواً وَاِنثَنى

8. Other than one enraptured by the adornment of the scene
Chanting verses of scripture like a fortress

٨. أَو غَيرَ مُنذَهِلٍ لِزينَة مَشهَدٍ
يَتلو بِهِ سورَ الكِتابِ مُحَصِّنا

9. Other than throngs going and returning
Hopeful, faithful, secured

٩. أَو غَيرَ أَفواجٍ تَروحُ وَتَغتَدي
فَمُؤَمِّلاً وَمُؤَمِّناً وَمُؤَمَّنا

10. Other than one calling upon the minister, his son
And his family to attain the ends of desire

١٠. أَو غَيرَ داعٍ لِلوَزير وَلابنِهِ
وَلآله بِبُلُوغِ غاياتِ المُنى

11. The Greatest, my Master Al-Hilali Mustafa
Who has bound gazes, praise, and eyes

١١. الأَكبَرِ المَولى الحُلاحَلِ مُصطَفى
قَيدَ النَواظِرِ وَالثَنا وَالأَعيُنا

12. With attributes, merits and glories
Lofty deeds that the excellent doer pursues

١٢. بِشَمائِلٍ وَفَضائِلٍ وَفَواضل
أَعيا تَتَبّعُها المُجيدَ المُحسَنا

13. Sense his lofty essence and limit those
Who improvise praise, talking endlessly

١٣. شِم ذاتَهُ العُليا وَحد عَن كُلِّ مَن
يَروي المَديحَ مُحَدِّثاً وَمُعَننعا

14. And comparing him to the full moon or a drop
Or the sea and precious collected pearls

١٤. وَمُشَبَّهٍ بِالبَدرِ أَو بالقَطر أَو
بالبَحرِ وَالدر النَفيسِ المُجتَنَى

15. The minister's traits surpass that, and my witness for me
Is my Lord showing him plainly, which suffices

١٥. شِيَمُ الوَزيرِ تَفوقُ ذاكَ وَشاهِدي
أَبداهُ رَبّي لِلعَيانِ فَحَسبُنا

16. The waist of the kingdom, the crown's jewel
His lasting treasure, most dear possession

١٦. أَنِطاقَ خَصرِ المُلكِ دُرَّةَ تاجِهِ
يا ذُخرَهُ الباقي الأَعَزّ المُقتَنى

17. The system of his council, the sword of his right hand
His lofty, sublime, protected pride

١٧. وَنِظامَ مَحفِلِهِ وَسَيفَ يَمينهِ
وَفَخارَهُ السامي العَلي الأَصوَنا

18. The pearl of a kingdom's necklace congratulates you
The excellent, esteemed knight, the handsomest of the handsome

١٨. يَهنيكَ دُرَّةُ عِقدِ مُلكٍ ضَمَّها
الفَحلُ السَريُّ حَسناءَ لاقَت أَحسَنا

19. The most fortunate, content, sword of attainment
Most splendid and perfect named and attained

١٩. الأَسعَدُ الأَرضى الحُسامُ المُنتَضى
أَبهى وَأَكمَلُ مَن تَسَمّى وَاكتَنى

20. In the rising of the auspicious stars that you may see
Their children like stars in brilliance

٢٠. في طالِعِ السَعدِ القَمينِ بأن تُرى
أَنجالُهُم مِثلَ الكَواكِبِ في السَنا

21. And you overflowed for two days with your register
Freeing all, each attaining wealth

٢١. وَأَفَضتَ يَومَينِ سجالَ نَوالكُم
في المُعتَقينَ فَكُلُّهُم نالَ الغِنى

22. Flooding them with generosity before their request
By God, your worth! As if they said "give to us!"

٢٢. وَغَمَرتَهُم بالجودِ قَبلَ سُؤَالهِم
لِلَّهِ دَرَّكَ كَيفَ لَو قالوا اِعطنا

23. And you mended for the couples what destitution had prevented
From wearing the garb of wealth, the cloth of bliss

٢٣. وَرَقَعتَ لِلأَزواجِ ما قَد عاقَهُم
عَن لُبسِ أَثوابِ الغِنى ثَوبَ العَنا

24. And you united a kinship for the protected sincerely
Who by thanking you proclaimed in the lands

٢٤. وَجَمَعتَ شَملاً لِلمُهَيمِنِ خالِصاً
أَضحى بِشُكرِكَ في البَريَّةِ مُعلِنا

25. The living rejoiced in its plains
And joy flowed with it to the people of eternity

٢٥. فَرِحَت بِهِ الأَحياءُ في عَرصاتِهِم
وَسَرى السُرورُ بِهِ إِلى أَهلِ الفَنا

26. May He who granted you fine manners reward you
For He is the Ruler, so be certain of this

٢٦. جازَاكَ مَن أَولاكَ خُلقاً رائِقاً
وَهوَ المَليّ فَكُن بِذا مُتَيَقِّنا

27. And to you the deluded ones, if they say
"Who won on the day of joy?" She would say "I!"

٢٧. وَإِلَيكَها غَرّاءَ لَو قالوا لَها
مَن فازَ في يَومِ الهَنا قالَت أَنا

28. No harm from the envy of the wretched ones when she came
From the very first servants, solidly built

٢٨. ما ضَرَّها حَسَدُ الضَرائِر إِذ أَتَت
مِن أَوَّلِ الخُدّامِ مُحكَمَةَ البِنا

29. Reciting your old and new pride
Since my thoughts from your eminence were derived

٢٩. تَتلوا قَديمَ فَخارِكُم وَحَديثَهُ
إِذ كانَ فِكري مِن عُلاكَ تَلَقَّنا

30. My lord lives in bounty and bliss
That the poet never sang or composed

٣٠. دُم سَيِّدي في نِعمَةٍ وَسَعادَة
ما أَنشَدَ الشادي القَريضَ وَلَحَّنا

31. By Muhammad, his family, his companions
And those who attained wishes by following their path

٣١. بِمُحَمَّدٍ وَبآلِهِ وَبصَحبِهِ
وَبِمَن بأخذِ طَريقِهِم نالَ المُنى