1. Stand still and think profoundly
Contemplate the state of one laid in the earth
١. قِف وَفَكِّر واجِماً مُستَعبِرا
وَتأَمَّل حالَ مَن حَلَّ الثَرى
2. While man is honored and secure
The destitute becomes isolated in the tombs
٢. بَينَما المَرءُ عَزيزٌ آمِنٌ
يُصبِحُ المِسكينُ فَرداً بِالعَرا
3. In this is an admonition for one who sees
The world is like a fleeting mirage
٣. إِنَّ في ذا لَبَلاغاً لامرىء
شاهَدَ الدُنيا كَأَحلامِ الكَرى
4. So prepare with little from what fades
For an abode encompassing all the earth
٤. فَتَزَوّد مِن قَليلٍ زائِلٍ
لِمُقامٍ شامِلٍ كُلّ الوَرى
5. Like this, the companion in the grave has
Once been a leader of command
٥. مِثلَ هَذا صاحِبِ اللَحدِ فَقَد
كانَ صَدراً وَأَميرَ الأُمَرا
6. The man of prestige, Othman who
Once been a leader of command
٦. صاحِبَ الطابِعِ عُثمانَ الَّذي
كانَ صَدراً وَأَميرَ الأُمَرا
7. With beauty and glory adorning him
The charm of a pleasant breeze when it blows
٧. ذا جَمالٍ وَجَلالٍ زانَهُ
حُسنُ بِشرٍ كَنَسيمٍ إِذ سَرى
8. And perfection and brilliance shining
And modesty from clear virtues
٨. وَخلالٍ وَكَمالٍ باهِرٍ
وَحياءَ عَن مَعالٍ أَسفَرا
9. May Allah illuminate his burial place
And grace him with bounty and blessings
٩. نَوّرَ اللَهُ تَعالى رَمسَهُ
وَأَفاضَ الفَضلَ فيهِ وَالقِرى
10. And protect him, O Lord, as his history
Protect Othman, the leader of command
١٠. وَاكفِهِ يا رَبّ إِذ تاريخُهُ
اكفِ عُثمانَ أَميرَ الأُمَرا