1. For the best of religion and life is glory,
It accompanies him and may his permanence last,
١. لِخَيرِ الدينَ وَالدُنيا الهَناءُ
يُصاحِبُهُ وَدامَ لَهُ البَقاءُ
2. With a hand to the ministry he has received,
He rules it with what he loves and whatever he wants.
٢. بدَستٍ لِلوَزارَةِ قَد تَلَقّى
عُلاهُ بِما يُحِبُّ وَما يَشاءُ
3. And people spread good news that appeared
On their faces, nothing hidden,
٣. وَعَمَّ الناسَ بُشرى قَد تَراءَت
بأوجُههم وَما فيها خَفاءُ
4. The cities and countryside rallied,
And the statesmen and shepherds,
٤. تَضافَرَتِ الحَواضِرُ وَالبَوادي
وَأَربابُ السِياسَةِ وَالرعاءُ
5. And they prayed for all good,
It was said to him the prayer was accepted.
٥. وَنادوا بِالدُعاءِ بِكُلِّ خَير
فَقيلَ لَهُ لَقَد قُبِلَ الدعاءُ
6. When a person is sincere in effort,
Good continues and the vessel fills.
٦. إِذا الإِنسانُ أَخلَصَ في مَساعٍ
تَوالى الخَيرُ واِمتلأ الوِعاءُ
7. And eyewitnesses and what they gathered
We are the group of excellent selection.
٧. وَشاهِديَ العيانُ وَما جَنَتهُ
أَنامِلُ مَعشَر طابَ اِجتِناءُ
8. Virtues encourage the praiser so
They excel and all are equal.
٨. مَحاسِنُ تُنشطُ المُدّاحَ حَتّى
يُجيدوا وَالجَميعُ بِها سَواءُ
9. Are you not the most deserving while you are qualified
For all to hope in you.
٩. أَلَستَ بِها الأَحَقّ وَأَنتَ أَهلٌ
لأن يُعطى الجَميعُ بِكَ الرَجاءُ
10. And you are for them, how often you were in it
When the issue was dire in expanse.
١٠. وَأَنتَ لَهُم وَكَم أَنَيتَ فيها
إِذا ما ضاقَ في خَطبٍ فَضاء
11. With the determination of one who speaks sincerely
Adorned by eloquence and resolve.
١١. بِهِمَّةِ صادِعٍ بِلِسانِ صِدقٍ
تُزَيِّنُهُ البَلاغَةُ وَالمَضاءُ
12. And you take charge, and now we hope
With your determination what increases praise.
١٢. وَأَنتَ مُباشِرٌ وَالآن نَرجو
بِعَزمِكَ ما يَزيدُ بِهِ الثَناءُ
13. You deserved a double reward in the first,
When support aids reward.
١٣. لَقَد جازاكَ في الأَولى وَحَفّاً
يُضاعَفُ حينَ تَنصُرُهُ الجَزاءُ
14. Until we see the greenery settled
From delight and the places smell sweet,
١٤. إِلى أَن نُبصِرَ الخَضرا اِستَقَرّت
مِنَ المَسَرى وَطابَ بِها الثَواءُ
15. My Master this devoted servant congratulates
And happiness is his cloak.
١٥. أَيا مَولايَ هَذا العَبدُ وافى
يُهَنيِّ وَالسَرورُ لَهُ رِداءُ
16. He affirms your perfection that we know
And asks that your permanence lasts.
١٦. يُقَرِّرُ مِن كَمالِكَ ما عَلِمنا
وَيَسأَلُ أَن يَدومَ لَكَ البَقاءُ
17. As long as the like of it appears,
You deserve its praise.
١٧. إِلى أَمثالِهِ ما دامَ تَبدو
أَهِلَّتُهُ وَأَنتَ لَها السَناءُ
18. One like me stands in for the negligent toward you,
And the like of your status has no equal.
١٨. يَنوبُ عَنِ المُقَصِّرِ فيكَ مثلي
وَمِثلُ عُلاكَ لَيسَ لَهُ كَفاءُ
19. And history spreads with you intentionally
For the best of religion and life is glory.
١٩. وَيُنشَرُ عِندَكَ التاريخُ قَصداً
لِخَيرِ الدينِ وَالدُنيا الهَناءُ