
A day that excels over days

يوم له فضل على الأيام

1. A day that excels over days
The clouds blended its light with darkness

١. يَومٌ لَهُ فَضلٌ عَلى الأَيّامِ
مَزَجَ السَحابُ ضِياءَهُ بِظَلامِ

2. And lightning flutters like a wandering heart
And the cloud weeps like a sleepy eyelid

٢. وَالبَرقُ يَخفَقُ مِثلَ قَلبٍ هائِمٍ
وَالغَيمُ يَبكي مِثلَ جَفنٍ هامِ

3. And as if the face of the earth is a slumbering cheek
Its teardrops connected with its eyeliner

٣. وَكأن وَجهَ الأَرضِ خدُّ مُتَيَّمٍ
وُصِلت سِجمُ دُموعِهِ بسِجام

4. So seek for your day four things that are wishes fulfilled
With them the delights of days are purified

٤. فَاِطلُب لِيَومِكَ أَربَعاً هُنَّ المُنى
وَبِهِنَّ تَصفو لَذَّةُ الأَيامِ

5. The face of the beloved and a scene that lifts the spirit
A singer who chants and a cup of wine

٥. وَجهَ الحَبيبِ وَمَنظَراً مُستَشرِفاً
وَمُغَنيّاً يَشدو وَكاسَ مُدامِ