
The flower smiled in the valley

تبسم الزهر في البطاح

1. The flower smiled in the valley
And uncovered its beaming mouth

١. تَبَسَّمَ الزَهرُ في البِطاحِ
وَاِفتَرّ عَن ثَغرِهِ الشَنيب

2. This is the morning breeze
That brought the beloved's greeting

٢. وَهَذِهِ نَسمَةُ الصَباحِ
جاءَت بِتَسليمَةِ الحَبيب

3. O you who are infatuated and intent
Like me on wine and perfume

٣. يا أَيُّها المُغرَمُ المُعَنّى
مِثليَ بالحورِ وَالعُقار

4. Throw off the veil of dignity from us
For we have nothing to do with dignity

٤. أَمِط سُتورَ الوَقارِ عَنّا
فَما لَنا نَحنُ وَالوَقار

5. Haven't you heard the jest sang
It stole the heart then flew away

٥. أَمّا سَمِعتَ الهَزارَ غَنّى
فاِستَلَبَ اللبّ ثُمَّ طار

6. So what do you see in yearning for the Beloved
The far goal is near for her

٦. فَما تَرى في اِحتِساءِ راحِ
قاصي المُنى عِندَها قَريب

7. From the palm of a captivating coquette
More delicious than safety for the wary

٧. مِن كَفِّ فَتّانَةٍ رَداحِ
أَشهى مِنَ الأَمنِ لِلمُريب

8. Molded from beauty and radiant dawn
Dressed in silk of perfection

٨. صيغَت مِنَ الحُسنِ وَالصَباحَه
وَأَلبِسَت سُندُسَ الجَمال

9. Swaying like a branch in tenderness
A warbler saluted her so she bent

٩. نَختالُ كالغُصنِ في الرَجاحَه
صافَحَه صَيِّبٌ فَمال

10. I lost my patience with her as a weapon
While reason remained in fetters

١٠. أَلقى اِصطِباري لَها سِلاحَه
وَالعَقلُ قَد ظَلَّ في عِقال

11. A white beauty glowing in the valley
With her languid, wondrous glance

١١. بَيضاءُ تَزهو عَلى الملاحِ
بِطَرفِها الفاتِرِ العَجيب

12. If only she would favor my proposal
And visit even if the watchman prevented

١٢. لَو أَنَّها تُسعِفُ اِقتِراحي
زارَت وَلَو صَدَّها الرَقيب

13. O shore of the harbor, greetings
To you, delight of eyes

١٣. يا شاطىءَ المَرسَة السَلامُ
عَلَيكَ يا نُزهَةَ العُيون

14. Your plains were watered with wine
Not the tears of the standing worshipper

١٤. سَقى مَيادينَكَ المُدامُ
لا ديمَةُ الواكِفِ الهَتون

15. And you were visited by noble youth
For play, companionship and passion

١٥. وَزارَكَ الفِتيَةُ الكِرامُ
لِلَّهوِ وَالأُنسِ وَالمُجون

16. How often did I sit reclined in it
And my intimate coolness with it turned lukewarm

١٦. كَم بِتَّ فيها عَلى اطِّراحِ
وَبُردُ أنسي بِها قَشيب

17. I strut about in the garb of contentment
I'm no weeper or confessor

١٧. أَختالُ في بُردَةِ اِرتياحِ
لَستُ بِصاحٍ وَلا مُنيب

18. O fate, will my intimacy be repeated
In the mansion of love

١٨. يا هَل تَرى هَل يُعادُ أُنسي
يا دَهرُ في قُبَّةِ الهَوا

19. When my soul was healed at the sanctuary
After love had salved it

١٩. حينَ اِشتَفَت بِالمَزارِ نَفسي
مِن بَعدِ ما شَفَّها الهَوى

20. And cups of tranquility on my path
Made my state more restless than love

٢٠. وَأكؤُسُ الراحِ فَوقَ خَمسي
أَرَقَّ حالاً مِن الهَوا

21. The waves in the sea with the winds
Surge upon the celestial towers

٢١. وَالمَوجُ في البَحرِ بالرياحِ
عَلى بُروجِ السَما يَثوب

22. The horizon scattered in all directions
With the orbs page as it melts

٢٢. وَفُضّضَ الأُفُقُ وَالنَواحي
بِصَفحَةِ البَدرش إِذ يَذوب

23. Hasten to pleasure my friend
And do not miss the hour of joy

٢٣. باكِر إِلى اللَهوِ يا أنسي
وَلا تُضِع ساعَةَ السُرور

24. And set out to intimacy with Thursday
Fear not the power of the Forgiving One

٢٤. وَاِركَب إِلى الأُنسِ مَع خَميس
وَلا تَخَف سَطوَةَ الغَفور

25. In the perfect, elite abode
Is the ungrateful one rewarded except

٢٥. في مُحكَمِ المُنزَلِ النَفيسِ
وَهَل يُجازى إِلّا الكَفور

26. O you who brings intimacy and salt
And garden of the refined companion

٢٦. يا تُونِسَ الأُنسِ وَالمِلاحِ
وَجَنَّةَ الماجِنِ الأَديب

27. You still remain a place of cheer
That the perceptive is privileged with your camaraderie

٢٧. لا زِلتِ رَبعاً لِلإِنشِراحِ
يَحظى بإِيناسِكِ اللَبيب