1. What lies hidden behind the curtained full moon were it to travel?
Verily the tortured in his passion travels endlessly,
١. ماذا عَلى البَدرِ المُحَجَّبِ لَو سَفَر
إِنَّ المُعَذِب في هَواهُ عَلى سَفَر
2. Like moles or shadows is how it begins
Until your shadow synchronizes in form.
٢. مِثلُ الخلال أَو الخَيال فَأولَهُ
حَتّى خَيالك لِلتَّجانُس في الصُوَرِ
3. O you who expose the delicate branch with its twigs
And the sun - whether it unveiled or travelled,
٣. يا فاضِحَ الغُصنِ النَضير بِقَدِّهِ
وَالشَمس إِن حَسَرَ القِناع وَإِن سَفَر
4. Whence came your stature to the branches
That bears fruit or flowers whenever you will?
٤. مِن أَينَ لِلأَغصانِ قامَتُكَ الَّتي
تؤتي مَتى شِئتَ الثِمارَ أَو الزَهَر
5. A memory of the covenant of our intimacy and union
While fate from granting respite closed its eyes.
٥. ذِكرى لِمَعهَد أُنسنا وَوِصالَنا
وَالدَهرُ مِن إِسعافه غَمض البَصر
6. In a garden the spring adorned its trinkets
When the downpour of clouds was scattered about.
٦. في رَوضَةٍ صاغَ الرَبيعُ حُليَّها
لمّا بها دُرُّ السَحائِب قَد نُثر
7. The twigs bow down and prostrate when
Those beauties and boons become visible.
٧. وَالقُضبُ راكِعَةٌ وَتَسجُد عِندَما
تَبدو لَها تِلكَ المَحاسِنُ وَالغُرَرُ
8. The gentle breeze swims in its cups whose bubbles
Are molten from rubies and studded with pearls.
٨. وَالراحُ يَسبَحُ في الكؤوس حُبابُها
ذَوبٌ مِنَ الياقوتِ طُوِّقَ بِالدُرَر
9. From the era of Luqman the Wise it was liberated
And it related upon it what endured and became renowned,
٩. مِن عَهد لُقمانَ الحَكيم تَعَتَّقَت
وَرَوَت عَلَيهِ ما تَخَلدَ وَاِشتَهَر
10. Of what the Magi selected for its essence
Thus it is the flame while the bubbles are but embers.
١٠. مِمّا تَخَيَّرَها المَجوسُ بدنَها
فَهيَ اللَهيبُ وَما الحبابُ سِوى الشَرَر
11. Content with fate is its drinker who
Wastes the gatherings blaming destiny.
١١. يَرضى عَن الأَقدارِ شارِبُها الَّذي
يُفني المَجالِس في مُعاتَبَةِ القَدَر
12. The lute exhales - how slight are its melodies
From the days of leafy trees and vegetation!
١٢. وَالعودُ يَنفُثُ ما أَقَل جَنانَهُ
مِن نَغمَةٍ الوَرقاء أَيام الشَجَرِ
13. Answering it is the string's returning echo
Supporting its complaint as the gourd bears witness.
١٣. فَيُجيبُهُ رجع الرباب مُؤيِداً
لشَكاته وَالطارُ يَشهَدُ بِالخَبَر
14. From the palm of a singer who brought joy to our company
However much it may sing and joke lightheartedly.
١٤. مِن كَفِّ شادٍ شادَ مربَعَ أُنسَنا
مَهما تَغَنّى أَو تَهازَجَ في السَمَر
15. It gently intoxicates the forbearing with its rhythm and with a wink
While its coquetry robbed souls without apologizing.
١٥. يُصبي الحَليمَ بِضَربِهِ وَبِطَرفِهِ
وَعذارُهُ سَلَبَ النُفوسَ وَما اِعتذَر
16. Thus it quenched your home, Tunisia, with a raincloud
That rains the water of safety, not the water of rain.
١٦. فَسَقى دِيارَكَ تونسٌ مِن ديمَةٍ
تَهمي بِماء الأَمنِ لا ماءِ المَطَر
17. The home of cheerfulness - it did not lack a family
That bestows beauties in lineage and maidenhood.
١٧. دارُ المَسَرَّةِ لا خَلَت مِن أُسرَةٍ
تُهدي المَحاسِنَ في الأَصائِلِ وَالبُكَر
18. With it the era of the prominent Ahmad was quenched,
Son of the magnificent, the hospitable, the renowned.
١٨. وَسَقى بِها عَهدَ المُبَرَّزِ اَحمَدٍ
ابنِ الهُمامِ أَبي الضيافِ المُشتَهِر
19. The scholar, the trusted minister, the respected,
The mainstay, the chief, the devout, the valorous, the generous.
١٩. العالِمُ الثَقَةُ الوَزير المُرتَضى
العُمدَةُ الصَدرث الزكيّ الشَهمُ الأَغَر
20. The essence of its eyeliner and pearl of its necklace,
And he is the one who raised the banner loftily.
٢٠. إِنسانُ مُقلَتِها وَدُرَّةُ عِقدِها
وَهوَ الَّذي رَفَعَ اللِواءَ عَلى قَدَر
21. Pride of the cape and breast of the robe of its people,
Above all who composed verse and prose.
٢١. فَخرُ اليَراعِ وَصَدرُ حِلَّةِ أَهلِهِ
مِن كُلِّ مَن نظَمَ القَريضَ ومن نثَر
22. With it the penman became content, nay enriched,
And it sufficed over sword and scabbard in eminence.
٢٢. باهى بِهِ الخَطيَّ بَل أَغنى بِهِ
وَكَفى عَنِ الصَمصامِ وَالسَيفِ الذَكَر
23. With it the distant goal is struck precisely
And it directs whoever bolted and whoever shied.
٢٣. يَرمي بِهِ الغَرَض البَعيد فَيُصمِهِ
وَيَقودُ مَن خَلَعَ العَنانَ وَمَن نَفَر
24. With subtle points that travelled the sun’s path
Among the nomads, fortresses, and settlements.
٢٤. بِلَطائِفٍ سارَت مَسيرَ الشَمسِ في
أَهلِ البَداوَةِ وَالمَعاقِل وَالحَضَر
25. With masterful wonders that dazzled, so the light of it blinded
The eye of the envious, confusing the sight or its traces.
٢٥. وَبَدائِع بَهَرَت فَأَعشى نورُها
عَينَ الحَسود فَلاتَ عَينٌ أَو أَثَر
26. Say to the one who speaks of Ahmad’s virtues,
“Speak of the tumultuous sea without caution!”
٢٦. قُل لِلمُحَدِث عَن مَكارِم أَحمَدٍ
حَدِّث عَن البَحر الخِضَمِّ وَلا حَذَر
27. Orator of this land and son of its orator,
And safety is yours from time when it rages wrathfully,
٢٧. أَخَطيبَ هَذا الصقع وابنَ خَطيبِهِ
وَلَكَ الأَمانُ مِنَ الزَمان إِذا اِكفَهَر
28. Its pillar, son of the pillar, its pride,
The exceptional professor, and noble lord.
٢٨. وَعمادَهُ وابنَ العَميد وَفَخرَهُ
والفاضِلُ الأُستاذَ وَالمَولى الأبَر
29. Take it - though not unique to its age -
But with lasting sorcery.
٢٩. خُذها وَلا مِن فَريدَة دَهرِها
تَسبي النهىَ لَكِن بِسِحرٍ مُستَمر
30. Of what the affectionate one selected and crafted
Into a necklace strung with jewels and pearls.
٣٠. مِمّا تَخَيَّرها الوَدودُ فَصاغَها
عقداً تُنظَّم بِالجَواهِر وَالدرَر
31. It congratulates your health - which is its celebration -
And the greatest celebration and the return from travel.
٣١. تَهني بصحتكَ الَّتي هي عيدُها
وَالعيد الأَكبَرِ وَالقُدومِ مِنَ السَفَر
32. What it aspires is the kissing of your hand
Which is my pillar in every affection or breast.
٣٢. تأميلها تَقبيلُ راحَتكَ الَّتي
هيَ عُمدَتي في كُلِّ وَردٍ أَو صَدَر
33. So linger for us in a blessing that increases
However much the beloved praises the lover and is thankful,
٣٣. فاِخلد لَنا في نِعمَةٍ تَزدادُ ما
أَثنى الحَبيبُ عَلى المحب وَما شَكَر
34. And whenever the moon tightens its halo in its orbit
Or the breeze blows upon the gardens at dawn.
٣٤. وَمَتى شَدا في دَوحِهِ القُمري وَما
هَبَّ النَسيمُ عَلى الرِياضِ مَعَ السَحَر