1. O Merciful One, have mercy on the beauty of his youth,
And bestow abundant reward upon his father for his affliction.
١. أَيا راحِماً ارحَم بَهيّ شَبابِهِ
وَأَجزِلث لِوالِدِهِ ثَوابَ مُصابِهِ
2. This is the tomb of Muhammed ibn Uzayyiz,
The praiseworthy, of noble origin and prominent virtue.
٢. هَذا ضَريحُ مُحَمَّدٍ بنِ عُزَيِّزٍ
مَحمودِ ذي المَجدِ الأَصيلِ النابِهِ
3. He was of good character and disposition, as
The blossoms grace the meadows surrounding its hills.
٣. قَد كانَ ذا خَلقٍ وَخُلقٍ مِثلَما
يَختالُ زَهرُ الرَوضِ حَولَ هِضابِهِ
4. And loving to the righteous, especially
Abdus Salam, for he was a servant at his door.
٤. وَمَحَبَّةٍ في الصالِحينَ وَسيَّما
عَبدُ السَلامِ فَكانَ خادِمَ بابِهِ
5. It was as if he had hurried to respond to his call,
To be among his beloved in Paradise.
٥. وَكأَنَّهُ لَبّى نِداهُ مُسارِعاً
لِيَكونَ في الفَردَوسِ مِن أَحبابِهِ
6. And he chose the eternal abode over the abode of oblivion,
And the troubles of trials and their veils.
٦. وَاِختارَ دارَ الخُلدِ عَن دارِ الفَنا
وَقَرارِ أَكدارِ البَلاءِ وَصابِهِ
7. So dedicate to him, O Mother of the Book, a gift
That rains upon him the clouds of prayer and their downpour.
٧. فاِخلِص لَهُ أُمَّ الكِتابِ هَديَّةً
تُمطِرهُ مِن غَيثِ الدعا وَسَحابِهِ
8. And entrust his resting place to the Most Merciful, and say:
I have dated it - so have mercy on the beauty of his youth.
٨. وَاِستَودِعِ الرَحمَنَ مَضجَعَهُ وَقُل
أَرّختُهُ فاِرحَم بَهي شَبابِهِ