
Stop and take heed, O wise one

قف واعتبر يا ذا البصيره

1. Stop and take heed, O wise one
The fate of the prudent is clear to see

١. قِف وَاِعتَبِر يا ذا البَصيرَه
حَسبُ اللَبيبِ يَرى مَصيرَه

2. Gardens of paradise, its peer
Wherein she who, if given choice

٢. هَذا ضَريحٌ قَد حَوى
رَوضات جَناتٍ نَضيرَه

3. Would have taken a garden, and gladly so
And the world's springs are brief

٣. فيهِ الَّتي لَو خُيِّرَت
نالَت رَوضَةً وَفيهِ خيرَه

4. Like the great woman, daughter of the minister
Pure of heart for Mustafa

٤. هَذا نَعيمٌ دائِمٌ
وَمَناهِلُ الدنيا قَصيرَه

5. Wife of the brave minister, the best
Of people in conduct and way

٥. كَكَبيرَةٍ بِنت الوَزيرِ
المُصطَفى الصافي السَريرَه

6. She was a magnificent, dutiful mare
Who grew old though she was young

٦. زَوجِ الوَزيرِ الشَهمِ خَي
رِ الدينِ خَيرِ الناسِ سيرَه

7. She went towards what pleased her with renowned
And momentous testimony

٧. كانَت حَصاناً بَرّةً
كَبُرَت وَإِن كانَت صَغيرَه

8. So may God grant her ample reward
And increase her blessings manifold

٨. سارَت إِلى ما سَرّها بِشَها
دَةٍ عُظمى خَطيرَه

9. She went, and I chronicled, saying
Of the bliss of magnificent gardens

٩. فَاللَهُ يُجزِلُ أَجرَها
وَيَزيدُها نِعَماً كَثيرَه

١٠. سارَت فَقُلتُ مُؤَرّخاً
لِنَعِيمِ جَنّاتٍ كَبيرَه