
Muhammad al-Tawani has ascribed

وقد ألحق التطاوني محمد

1. Muhammad al-Tawani has ascribed
Successors who came after this exalted one

١. وَقَد أَلحَقَ التَطاوِنيّ مُحَمَّدٌ
خَلائِفَ جاءَت بَعدَ هَذا المُعَظَّمِ

2. Saying, his words about them contained no ill,
Like well-arranged pearls on a string

٢. فَقالَ وَلَم يَلحَق بِقَولِهِ شأوَ مَن
مَقالُهُ فيهِم كالجُمانِ المُنَظَّمِ

3. After him came Abdel Aziz - what a leader!
The imam who excelled in honor and precedent

٣. أَتى بَعدَهُ عَبدُ العَزيز وَيا لَهُ
إِماماً حَوى بِالعِزِّ فَضلَ التَقَدُّمِ

4. He came to the dome of Islam while it was on the brink
Saying "O house of Mayya, submit!"

٤. أَتى قُبَّةَ الإِسلام وَهيَ عَلى شَفا
يَقولُ أَيا داراً لِمَيَّة فاِسلَمِ

5. His command emerged from where it had been preserved
To him it came with resolve and determination, know

٥. بَدا أَمرُهُ مِن حَيثُ ما كانَ صنوهُ
إِلَيهِ اِنتَهى بِالحَزمِ وَالعَزمِ فاِعلَمِ

6. He prepared armies and equipment with which
The Russians would drink bitter poison

٦. أَعَدَّ مِنَ الأَجنادِ وَالعُدَدِ الَّتي
تَجَرَّعَ فيها الروسُ كيسانَ عَلقَمِ

7. But by God's will which created it
Fate flowed to him on dark wings of night

٧. وَلَكِن لأمرٍ شاءَهُ اللَهُ خَلقَهُ
سَرى لَهُ في جُنحٍ مِنَ اللَيلِ مُظلِمِ

8. So they took him away forcibly while the sky mourned him
And blood flowed from Minhal and stones

٨. فَساقوهُ سَوقاً وَالسَماءُ تَجودُهُ
فمنهل مزن وَالمَحاجِر بالدم

9. After him came Murad, for whom
The goal was the way of every veiled fanatic

٩. وَقامَ مُرادُ الخَلقِ بَعدَهُ لِلَّتي
مَرامُها شأنُ كُلّ خِرقٍ مُعَمَّمِ

10. But the will of Truth showed his incapacity
And replaced him with Abdelhamid Digham

١٠. وَلَكِن مُرادُ الحَقِّ بَيَّنَ عَجزَهُ
فَعوضَ مِن عَبدِ الحَميدِ بِضَيغَم

11. With a snarling lion who cared not
For the wolves and dogs surrounding him

١١. بِلَيثٍ هَصورٍ لا يُبالي بِمَن عَدا
حَوالَيهِ مِن ذِئبٍ وَكَلبٍ مُذَمَّمِ

12. He turned his attention to face the Russians
Dragging a fierce, unsheathed sword

١٢. فَوَجَّهَ نَحوَ الروسِ وَجهَ اِهتمامِهِ
يَجُرُّ خَضَمّاً مِن خَميسٍ عَرَمرَمِ

13. But by ill fate, those he trusted betrayed him
And the Russian peace became a great prize

١٣. وَلَكِن لٍسوءِ الحَظِّ خانَت ثَقاتُهُ
فَأَصبَحَ صُلحُ الروسِ أَجزَلَ مَغنَمِ

14. By God, that peace was preparation for war
As the scornful are deceived by a smiling face

١٤. وَيا رُبّ صُلحٍ هوَ لِلحَرب عُدّةٌ
كَما اِغتَرَّ ذو ضِغَنٍ بِبادي التَبَسُّمِ

15. For a trivial reason he severed ties
With a proud nose too lofty to be led

١٥. لأَمرٍ قَصيرٌ ما تَعَمَّدَ جَدعَه
لأنفٍ أَشَمَّ لا يُسامُ بِمَرغَم

16. He isolated himself from the glorious ones
More glorious than any honorable man

١٦. بِهِ اِستَعزَلَ الزباءَ وَهيَ أَعَزّ مِن
أَعَزِّ عَزيزٍ كانَ لِلعِزِّ يَنتَمي

17. He made them drink the cup of humiliation
No banging on the teeth of regret helped them

١٧. فجرعها كأسَ الرَدى فَصّ خاتَمٍ
وَلَم يُغنِها قَرعٌ لِسِنِّ التنَدّم

18. So we hope, if our Lord wills
The Russian will fall, slain by hands and mouths

١٨. كَذاكَ نَرى الروسي إِن شاءَ رَبُّنا
يَخِرّ صَريعاً لِليَدَينِ وَلِلفَمِ