
A graceful edifice, where is its peer?

بناء أنيق أين أين مقاربه

1. A graceful edifice, where is its peer?
Perfect in all that befitted its maker.

١. بِناءٌ أَنيقٌ أَينَ أَينَ مُقارِبُهُ
تَمامٌ عَلى ما كانَ أَحسَن صاحِبُه

2. A fortress for this Ahmadiya, an impregnable defense,
Whose beauty drew one to its gate in harmony.

٢. وَحِصنٌ لِهَذي الأَحمَديَّة مانِعٌ
أَتى بابَهُ مِن حُسنِهِ ما يُناسِبُه

3. The tools of war in storehouses of plenty,
Arranged as a necklace by its fastener.

٣. وَعُدَّةُ حَربٍ في خَزائِنَ عدّةٍ
تَبَدَّت كَما قَد نَظَّمَ العقدَ صاحِبُه

4. Beloved of the truthful Pasha and counselor of armies
With what he added to it, his virtues increased.

٤. حَبا الصادِقُ الباشا المُشيرُ جُنودَهُ
بِما زادَهُ فيها وَزادَت مَناقِبُه

5. Though founding it eluded him, such is
The mystery of time, and one of its wonders.

٥. لَئِن فاتَهُ تأسيسُها إِنَّ هَذِهِ
خَبايا زَمانٍ وَهيَ إِحدى عَجائِبه

6. And the Generous Master inspired in it honor
For the aspiration of Qaram to seek the heights.

٦. وَأَلهَمَها المَولى الكَريمُ كَرامَةً
لهمَّة قَرمٍ لِلمَعالي تُجاذِبُه

7. It was as lovely as a necklace, and this
Its pearl, completing its harmony.

٧. وَكانَت كَمثل العقد حُسناً وَهَذِهِ
كَدُرّته الغَرا فَتَمّ تَناسُبُه

8. Say: Lord, aid his effort with support
That gladdens his troops and regiments.

٨. فَقُل رَبِّ أَيِّد سَعيَهُ بإعانَة
تُسَرّ بِها أَجنادُهُ وَكَتائِبُه

9. And aid him with mighty victory for a nation
That prays to its Lord and implores Him.

٩. وَأَيِّدهُ بِالنَصرِ العَزيز لأُمَّةٍ
تُناجي بِهَذا رَبَّها وَتُخاطِبُه

10. When the perfection of its design appeared
And its high purpose and outcome were achieved,

١٠. وَلَمّا بَدا ما تَمَّ مِن حُسنِ نَظمه
وَحازَ العُلى مَبداهُ ثُمَّ عَواقِبُه

11. There came in it a clear verse from the historian:
"Concluded with fortune and victory beside it."

١١. أَتى فيهِ قَولٌ لِلمؤَرِّخ بَيِّنٌ
أُتمّ بإِسعادٍ وَنَصرٍ يُصاحِبُه