
This is the abode of the Pole of great spiritual station,

ذا مقام القطب ذي القدر العلي

1. This is the abode of the Pole of great spiritual station,
My master Abd al-Aziz al-Mahdawi,

١. ذا مَقامُ القُطبِ ذي القَدرِ العَلي
سَيدي عَبد العَزيزِ المَهدَوي

2. Collector of both exoteric and esoteric knowledge, son of Abu
Bakr al-Hawi, the majestic Qurashi.

٢. جامِعِ العَلمَينِ وَهوَ ابنُ أَبي
بَكرٍ الحاوي الجَلالَ القُرَشي

3. His superiority is more evident than the sun at dawn,
Al-Baji bore witness to him, and al-Hatimi.

٣. فَضلُهُ أَشهَرُ مِن شَمس الضُحى
شَهِدَ الباجي بِهِ وَالحاتِمي

4. The guarantor of happiness for whoever visits him,
As he said, "No wretched soul shall visit my grave."

٤. ضامِنُ السَعدِ لِمَن قَد زارَهُ
حَيثُ قالَ لا يَزُر قَبري شَقي

5. What an outstanding virtue, by God!
Told by every intelligent and ignorant one,

٥. يا لَها وَالله مِن مَنقَبَةٍ
يَرويها كُلَّ ذَكي وَغَبي

6. About a companion who was passionately devoted
And obedient after having been rebellious.

٦. عَن عيانٍ لِشَريكٍ قَد هَوى
وَمُطيعٍ بَعدَ أَن كانَ عَصي

7. So seize the chance to visit him, and be felicitous through him.
And seek sustenance from a generous palm,

٧. فاِغتَنِم زَورَتَهُ وَاسعَد بِها
واطلُبِ الإِمدادَ مِن كَفِّ سَخي

8. And ask God to bestow upon him, morning and evening,
Mercy that encompasses al-Kawwash, who showed his grave,

٨. وَسَلِ اللَهُ لَهُ واسأل بِهِ
رَحمَةً كُلَّ صَباحٍ وَعَشي

9. And whoever neighbors him, dead or alive,
Especially al-Baji, who bore witness

٩. تَشمَلُ الكوّاشَ مُبدي قَبره
وَلِمَن جاوَرَهُ مَيتاً وَحي

10. That God Most High has granted him security.
And prayers and greetings enfolding

١٠. سِيَّما الباجي الَّذي أَشهَدَهُ
أَنَّهُ آمَنَ اللَهُ العَلي

11. His essence and progeny, and every saint,
And the one whose name is the date of his passing,

١١. وَصَلاةٌ وَسَلامٌ شَمِلا
ذاتَهُ والآلَ مَع كُلِّ وَلي

12. My master Abd al-Aziz al-Mahdawi.

١٢. وَالَّذي أَضحى اسمُهُ تاريخَهُ
سَيِّدي عَبد العَزيز المَهدَوي