
I distract myself from thoughts of his farewell,

أحاشيه عن ذكرى حديث وداعه

1. I distract myself from thoughts of his farewell,
And restrain myself from spreading news I hear of him,

١. أُحاشِيه عن ذِكْرِى حديث وداعِه
وأُكبِرُه عن بَثِّه وسَماعِهِ

2. My patience at the pangs of parting was no more
Than the patience of death at the moment of its struggle,

٢. وما كان صَبْرِي عند وَشْك النَّوى على
الْجَوَى غير صَبْرِ الموْتِ عند نزِاعِهِ

3. While we are in Damascus, serving one
Whose spirit overflows its breast however much it expands

٣. ونحنُ بأُفْقِ الشَّامِ في خِدْمةِ الَّذِي
يضِيقُ الفضَا عن صَدْرِه واتِّساعِهِ

4. The greatest defender of the faith, son of its protector,
Guardian of its pillars and warden of its marches,

٤. أجَلُّ حُماة الدِّينِ وابْنُ حُسامِهِ
وحَامي حِمَى أرْكانِهِ وقطاعِهِ

5. On the eve of farewells to great deeds and glories,
While all that gives pride to the world lies in its quarters,

٥. عَشِيَّةَ تَوْدِيع المآثِرِ والعُلَى
وكلُّ فَخارٍ للْوَرَى في رِباعِهِ

6. I left not Damascus nor did delight there leave me -
Its dwellings and farms were my intimate companions

٦. وما سِرْتُ عن وَادِي دِمَشْقَ ولم يَسِرْ
وسُؤْدُدُه في مُدْنِهِ وضِياعِهِ

7. Except that I cannot be pleased to see there
Other than him over its nobles and commoners alike,

٧. سِوَى أنَّنِي لا أرْتضِي أن أرى به
سواهُ على أعْيانِهِ ورِعَاعِهِ

8. What heart after the day of his departure
Remains unrent by grief and parting?

٨. فأيُّ فُؤادٍ بعد يَوْمِ رَحِيله
غَدَا سالماً من وجْدِه وانْصِداعِهِ

9. O you who travel from Damascus where
Justice has found rest in its vales and hills,

٩. فيا أيُّها السَّارِي عن الشَّامِ بعْدَمَا
ثَوَى عَدْلُه في قاعِه وبِقاعِه

10. And O you who come, nay who leave our lands
While renown from his rays fills every earth,

١٠. ويا قادماً بل راحلاً عن بلادِنا
وفي كلِّ أرْضٍ نَيِّرٌ من شُعاعِهِ

11. Forget not a servant whose fame has reached
Your lofty court, exalted when cut off,

١١. فلا تَنْسَ عبداً نازِحاً شاع ذِكْرُه
إلى بابكَ السَّامي عَلاَ بانْقطاعِهِ

12. He whose allegiance was to the fierce lions
Has wealth in his time against loss,

١٢. ومَن كان للأُسْدِ الضَّوارِي انْتِماؤُه
له غُنْيةٌ في دَهْرِه عن ضياعِهِ

13. You who before I praised by name
And left lasting fame by celebrating his making

١٣. وأنْتَ الذي نَوَّهْتُ من قبلُ باسْمِه
وأبْقيْتُ ذِكْراً خالداً باصْطِناعِه