1. How the trustees attained your glory,
And through it the prophets pleaded,
١. كيف تحظا بمجدك الأوصياء
وبه قد توسل الأنبياء
2. None of the creations but the Prophet and his two grandsons,
These sublime ones,
٢. ما لخلق سوى النبي وسبطيه
السعيدين هذه العلياء
3. So through you Adam pleaded when he was touched
After the affliction and distress,
٣. فبكم آدم استغاث وقد مسته
بعد المسرة الضراء
4. The day he became in the land a lonely stranger,
And his wife Eve deserted him,
٤. يوم أمسى في الأرض فردا غريبا
ونأت عنه عرسه حواء
5. And he regretted what appeared from him,
Exerting the crying of the sad weeping,
٥. وبكا نادما على ما بدا منه
وجهد الصب الكئيب البكاء
6. So he received from his Lord words,
Honored by the mention of your names,
٦. فتلقى من ربه كلمات
شرفتها من ذكر كم أسماء
7. So the supplication was answered from Him, and had it not been
For the mention of you, the supplication would not have been answered from Him,
٧. فاستجيب الدعاء منه ولولا
ذكركم ما استجيب منه الدعاء
8. Then Jacob supplicated seeking protection
From affliction through you, so the affliction was removed
٨. ثم يعقوب قد دعا مستجيرا
من بلاء بكم فزال البلاء
9. And through you came to him Joseph's shirt, and he returned
Seeing, and the blessings were complete,
٩. وأتاه بكم قميص يوسف وارتد
بصيرا وتمت النعماء
10. And through you was the supplication of Abraham,
And his prayer to his Lord and his complaining,
١٠. وبكم كان للخليل ابتهال
ودعاء لربه واشتكاء
11. When the gang of disbelief threw him into the fire,
So throwing did no harm to his body,
١١. حين ألقاه عصبة الكفر في النار
فما ضر جسمه الالقاء
12. Also after what Abraham was, through you was his inclination
To resort and lean on you,
١٢. أيضام الخليل من بعد ما كان
إليكم له هوى التجاء
13. And through you Jonah and Noah pleaded
When the water overflowed and hardship intensified
١٣. وبكم يونس استغاث ونوح
إذ طغا الماء واستجد العناء
14. And through your names Job pleaded
So the calamities were removed from him,
١٤. وبأسماءكم توسل أيوب
فزالت عنه بها الأسواء
15. Oh what an impenetrable, high, sublime one
Narrated by the enemies and friends,
١٥. ياله سوددا منيعا رفيعا
قد رواه الأعداء والأولياء
16. Ali has glory tomorrow below which is
Lofty in distance and time
١٦. لعلي مجد غدا دون أدناه
الثريا في البعد والجوزاء
17. It is grace, infallibility, loyalty
And perfection, kindness and shyness
١٧. هو فضل وعصمة ووفاء
وكمال ورأفة وحياء
18. And through you the ever impenetrable attained what the reciting and composing did not encompass
His sublime qualities
١٨. ولكم نال سوددا لم يبن كنه
علاه الإنشاد والإنشاء
19. And the letters that composed the sublime "Aly"
Are the letters `ain, laam and yaa
١٩. والحروف التي تركبت العليا
منها عين ولام وياء
20. The light of Mohammad and Ali
In the lifetime of Adam had splendor
٢٠. كان نورا محمد وعلي
في سنا آدم له لألاء
21. God took every covenant and pact
From him when his brilliance and splendor appeared
٢١. أخذ الله كل عهد وميثاق
له إذ بدا سنا وسناء
22. What pride like his pride, and the prophets
Have a covenant to him and loyalty
٢٢. أي فخر كفخره والنبيون
عليهم عهد له وولاء
23. And through him the hypocrite is recognized, if he held
Hatred for him in his heart
٢٣. وبه يعرف المنافق إذ كانت
له في فؤاده بغضاء
24. And by my life from the beginning it does not escape
He who has insight and perception
٢٤. ولعمري من أول الأمر لا تخفى
على ذي البصيرة السعداء
25. His immaculate mother gave birth to him
His status in childbirth did not touch the impure
٢٥. ولدته منزها أمه ما
شانه في الولادة الأقذاء
26. Inside the Sacred Kaaba, no women
Of people approached it
٢٦. داخل الكعبة الشريفة لم يدن
إليها من الأنام النساء
27. A light shone from him and the earth lit up
And its corners by it and the sky
٢٧. لاح منه نور فأشرقت الأرض
وأرجاؤها به والسماء
28. For religion at his birth there was
Like his brother joy and delight
٢٨. كان للدين في ولادته مثل
أخيه مسرة وازدهاء
29. Oh what a fortunate birth, his bashfulness
Radiated joyous charm
٢٩. يا له مولدا سعيدا تجلت
عن محياه بهجة غراء
30. So congratulations to him, to happy Fatimah
That has no extent and no end
٣٠. فهنيئا له لفاطمة السعد
الذي ما له مدى وانتهاء
31. But to the religion of Islam without doubt
And suspicion, that was the delight
٣١. بل لدين الاسلام من غير شك
وارتياب قد كان ذاك الهناء
32. And through him clear scripts came
That statistics did not encompass
٣٢. وأتت منه في علي نصوص
لم يحم حول ربعها الاحصاء
33. He said about him “This is my successor and my trustee”
And my inheritor, thus narrated the scholars
٣٣. قال فيه هذا وليي وصيي
وارثي هكذا روى العلماء
34. And you claimed that every prophet
Did not inherit his money for his next of kin
٣٤. وزعمتم بأن كل نبي
لم يرث منه ماله الأقرباء
35. He is the master of whoever had him as their master by his explicit text
So let him abandon illusion and controversy
٣٥. هو مولى من كان مولاه نصا
منه فليترك الهوى والمراء
36. And he supplicated after it an answered prayer
And through it spread the news
٣٦. ودعا بعدها دعاء مجابا
وبه قد تواتر الأنباء
37. For the most high among people, Oh Ali son
of Abu Talib lies the destination
٣٧. للمعالي بين الورى يا علي بن
أبي طالب إليك انتهاء
38. And so for perfection from you, and for the ever impenetrability
And glory, and pride the beginning
٣٨. وكذا للكمال منك وللسودد
والمجد والفخار ابتداء
39. If the people know you after
Your brother the immaculate honest guide
٣٩. للورى لو درى الورى بك من
بعد أخيك الطهر الأمين اهتداء
40. Obligatory by his scripts from God
And where is the one emulating you
٤٠. واجب بالنصوص منه عن الله
وأين المصغي بك الاقتداء
41. Then on the Day of Ghadeer, was it not
For you alone that allegiance
٤١. ثم يوم الغدير هل كان إلا
لك دون الأنام ذاك الولاء
42. And when the Prophet died you became the Imam
Supremely knowledgeable, unmatched by peers
٤٢. وم مات النبي كنت إماما
في العلا لم يساوك النظراء