1. You give solace until the anxious forgets anxiety,
And you enrich until the annihilator abolishes annihilation.
١. تَسَلَّيْتَ حَتَّى أُنْسِيَ الهائِمُ الهَمَّا
وأَغْنَيْتَ حَتَّى أُعْدِمَ المُعْدِمُ العُدْمَا
2. Otherwise, how could Capricorn and Cancer be overcome?
And Gemini intercepted and the star obscured?
٢. وإِلّا فكيفَ اغتالَتِ القُطْبَ والسُّها
وعارَضَتِ الجوزاءَ واعْتامَتِ النَّجْما
3. And how could misfortunes approach you without advancing or retreating
In the domain of one who allies with you, unjustly or vengefully?
٣. وكيفَ دَنَتْ منكَ الخطوبُ وَمَا رَجَتْ
بساحَةِ من والاكَ ظُلْماً ولا هَضْما
4. And how could illness seek a place near you
When you are the one God uses to cure illness?
٤. وكيفَ ابْتَغَتْ للسُّقْمِ عِنْدَكَ موضِعاً
وأَنتَ الَّذِي يشفي الإِلَهُ بِهِ السُّقْما
5. And how often have you guarded it with the sword in every land -
If it dares one day, it will be in your peaceful embrace.
٥. وكم رُعْتَها بالسَّيْفِ فِي كُلِّ بَلْدَةٍ
فإِنْ أَقْدَمَتْ يَوْماً ففِي بَسْطِكَ السَّلْما
6. Indeed, it ventured into the frenzy of death and destruction,
Chasing it red and dazzling it white.
٦. أَلا أَقْدَمَتْ فِي حَوْمَةِ الموتِ والرَّدى
تُطارِدُهُ حمرا وتبهره قدما
7. Why not, while the eyes of the champions are watchful,
And the white forelocks protect and the tips of the spears redden?
٧. وَهَلَّا وأَبْصارُ الكُماةِ شواخِصٌ
وبِيضُ الظُّبى تَحْمى وسُمْرُ القَنا تَدْمى
8. The fever was not with the first assailant -
It sought your misery, but you rewarded it with bounty.
٨. وَمَا كَانَتِ الحُمَّى بأَوَّلِ كاشِحٍ
سَعى لَكَ بالبُؤْسَى فجازَيْتَهُ النُّعْمَى
9. You made it yield to obstinacy unto justice,
And you taught it to show patience to overcome tribulation.
٩. فأَوْلَيْتَها الصَّبْرَ اللَّجوجَ إِلَى العِدى
وَعَرَّفْتَها الصَّبْرَ الخَرُوجَ من الغُمَّى
10. And before, how you expanded the chest of a greeter,
A soul that finds the scent of musk exhilarating!
١٠. ومن قبلُ مَا أَوْسَعْتَها صَدْرَ صافِحٍ
ونفساً يَلَذُّ المِسْكَ أَنفاسُها شَمَّا
11. If your health is renewed after distance from you,
It is because you first provided it with goodness and forbearance.
١١. فإِنْ جُدِّدَتْ فِي بُعْدِها لَكَ صِحَّةٌ
فمِنْ بَعْدِ أَنْ زَوَّدْتَها الطِّيبَ والحلْما
12. And if it encounters a body after yours in existence,
How can it be content with another body after you?
١٢. وإِنْ تَلْقَ جِسْماً بعد جِسْمِكَ فِي الورى
وكَيْفَ بِهَا أَنْ تَرْتَضِي بَعْدَهُ جِسْما
13. For it gave good tidings to him and lavished
Upon him pure happiness and abundant nobility.
١٣. فَقَدْ أَهْدَتِ البُشْرى إِلَيْهِ وأَفْرَغَتْ
عَلَيْهِ السُّرورَ المَحْضَ والكَرَمَ الجَمَّا
14. And the nights have not detracted anything from you -
An accustomed sin and wrongdoing to you.
١٤. وَمَا نَقَصَتْ منكَ الليالي فَعُوَّدٌ
عَلَيْكَ بِهِ إِلّا الخَطِيئَةَ والإِثْما
15. When the meadow withers, its revival is hoped for,
And when the full moon wanes, it faces completion.
١٥. وعندَ ذُبُولِ الرَّوْضِ يُرْجى لَهُ الحَيا
وعِنْدَ محاقِ البدرِ يَسْتَقْبِلُ التِّما
16. Whoever joins the battle fire in the raging fray
Should not be surprised if his footsteps and body burn.
١٦. ومَنْ يَصْلَ نارَ الحربِ فِي جاحِمِ الوغى
فلا غَرْوَ أَن يَحصى حشاهُ وأَنْ يَحْمى
17. It is no wonder that a body falters, whose strength
Assailed the deaf fortresses and protected cities.
١٧. ولا عَجَبٌ من وَهْن جسمٍ تعاوَرَتْ
قواهُ الحصونَ الصُّمَّ والمُدُنَ الشُّمَّا
18. For the outstretched hand surpasses conception and range,
And the broad arm encompasses both Arab and foreigner.
١٨. فَبَسْطَةُ باعٍ جازَتِ الوَهْمَ والمدى
ورَحْبُ ذِراعٍ حازَتِ العُرْبَ والعُجْما
19. If any of your sorrows remain, here are your amulets
With which you have healed your steps.
١٩. فإِنْ يَبْقَ من شكواكَ باقٍ فَهَذِهِ
تمائِمُكَ اللاتي شَفَيْتَ بِهَا قِدْما
20. Horses the atmosphere clothed with light, so they advanced
Adorned with valor, even if spawned as cowards.
٢٠. خيولاً كساها الجَوُّ نُوراً فأَقْدَمَتْ
مُحَجَّلَةً غُرّاً وإِنْ نُتِجَتْ دُهْما
21. And white steeds that feared your fearlessness,
Until you tamed them and tied them with resolve.
٢١. وبيضاً تَشَكَّتْ من شَكاتِكَ وَحْشَةً
بما أَنِسَتْ حَتَّى قَرَنْتَ بِهَا العَزْما
22. And chestnut as if when you paraded night,
You clothed every tender part of it with a star.
٢٢. وسُمْراً كَأَنَّ الليلَ لما سَرَيْتَهُ
كَسا كُلَّ لَدْنٍ من كواكِبِهِ نَجْما
23. And every one drowning in iron as if
He was wearing the yarn of a doe and took cover.
٢٣. وكُلَّ غَريقٍ فِي الحديدِ كَأَنَّما
تَسَرْبَلَ من غَزْلِ الغزالَةِ واعْتَمَّا
24. The passions collapsed around it until you guided it
To obeying the Merciful, so it yielded and took cover.
٢٤. تهاوَتْ بِهِ الأَهواءُ حَتَّى أَمَمْتَهُ
إِلَى طاعَةِ الرحمنِ فانْقَادَ وائتَمَّا
25. It knew no home but the shade of your kingdom,
No father but in your presence, nor mother.
٢٥. فلم يَدْرِ إِلّا ظِلَّ مُلْكِكَ مَوْطِناً
ولا والِداً إِلّا لَدَيْكَ ولا أُمَّا
26. O holder of leadership, unleash, for your openings have shone,
Those that guaranteed triumph for you.
٢٦. ويا ذَا الرِّياساتِ افْتَتِحْ فَقَدِ انْجَلَتْ
فواتِحُكَ اللاتِي ضَمِنَّ لَكَ الحَتْما
27. And o warning of flags and armadas, arise
And warn your enemies of humiliation, disgrace and coercion.
٢٧. ويا مُنْذِرَ الراياتِ والسَّابحاتِ قُمْ
فأَنْذِرْ عِداكَ الذُّلَّ والخِزْيَ والرَّغْما
28. The world called you, O father of wisdom, judge!
By the power that cast leadership into your hands.
٢٨. ونادَتْ بكَ الدنيا أَبا الحَكَمِ احْتَكِمْ
بِحَوْلِ الَّذِي أَلقى إِلَى يَدِكَ الحُكْما
29. And fulfill upon the noble and obtain bounties -
The love for you which rises to give in plenty.
٢٩. وأَوْفِ عَلَى العَلْياءِ واسْتَوفِ أَنعُماً
حباكَ الَّذِي يَحْبُو بأَجْزَلِها قِسْما