
God is your protector, settled and transient

الله جارك ظاعنا ومقيما

1. God is your protector, settled and transient
And your rewarder with veneration and esteem

١. اللهُ جارُكَ ظاعِناً ومُقِيما
ومُثِيبُك التبجيلَ والتعظِيما

2. The eyes of Muslims are delighted for they have seen
The resolve of a determination's leadership lame

٢. قرَّتْ عيونُ المسلِمينَ وَقَدْ رَأَوْا
إِقدامَ عزمٍ بالفتوحِ زَعِيما

3. The balls of victory have become in the morning
For the people of guidance ambitions and in the land of misguidance sorrows

٣. كَرَّاتُ نَصْرٍ أَصبَحَتْ لِذَوِي الهُدى
هِمَماً وَفِي أَرضِ الضلالِ هُمُوما

4. No polytheist's brain has been obsessed with paralysis
Except it has collapsed from the mention of them contemptible

٤. ما يَمَّمَتْ بالفلج مهجةُ كافِرٍ
إِلّا انثنى من ذِكْرِهِنَّ أَمِيما

5. So raise a banner you have tied it with success
Marked with victory in the ways of guidance

٥. فارفعْ لواءً بالنجاحِ عَقدْتَهُ
بالنَّصرِ فِي سُبُلِ الهُدى مَوْسُوما

6. And set out with the supporters of guidance against the enemies
An army whose invasion made them extremely defeated

٦. وانْهَضْ بأَنصارِ الهُدى نحوَ العِدى
جيشاً بخَسْفِهِمُ أَجشَّ هَزِيما

7. From every high and proud stature one travels urging
Having left the mother of misguidance barren

٧. من كُلِّ سامي الطَّرْفِ يَحْدُو وُلَّهاً
قَدْ غادَرَتْ أُمَّ الضلالِ عقيما

8. Their palms ignite to kindle turmoil
And stars on the mountain peaks

٨. تُذْكِي أَكُفُّهُمُ لإضرامِ الوَغى
شُعَلاً وَفِي قِمَمِ الرؤسِ نجوما

9. Taking swords as lightning bolts
And from armors an opponent imposed

٩. مُسْتَلئِمينَ من السيوفِ بوارِقاً
ومن السَّنَوَّرِ عارِضاً مركوما

10. Your mention made resolute swords prevail in the countries
Leaving behind the hopes of its enemies terminated

١٠. عزَّتْ بذكرِكَ فِي البلادِ صوارِمٌ
تركَتْ رجاءَ عُدَاتِها مَصْرُوما

11. And the pens that have outlined
On the doctrines of misguidance, back then inevitable

١١. وأَسِنَّةُ الخَطِّ الَّتِي خَطَّتْ عَلَى
شِيَعِ الضلالَةِ حَينَها المحتوما

12. They have emerged with you on the religion of guidance auspiciously
And on the lands of the polytheists cast out

١٢. طَلَعَتْ عَلَى دينِ الهُدى بكَ أَسْعُداً
وَعَلَى ديارِ المشركينَ رُجوما

13. So seek through it and God facilitates its fortunes
Great spoils of evident conquests

١٣. فاطلُبْ بِهَا واللهُ مُسْعِدُ حظِّها
حَظَّاً من الفتحِ المُبينِ جَسيما

14. And stretch out on the horizons a palm that has not stopped
Its early signs annihilate the enemies and blames

١٤. وامدُدْ عَلَى الآفاقِ كَفَّاً لَمْ تَزَلْ
تُفْني بوادِرُها العِدى والُّلوما

15. It has inflicted upon polytheism a destroying collapse
And amassed upon us with bounty clouds

١٥. صابَتْ عَلَى الإِشراكِ خَسْفاً مُفْنِياً
وهَمَتْ علينا بالنوالِ غُيُوما

16. You have extensively done good deeds and you have
Built eternal glory in the sky

١٦. فلَقَدْ وسِعْتَ الأَرضَ معروفاً وَقَدْ
شَيَّدْتَ مجداً فِي السماءِ مُقيما

17. And you have protected the sanctuaries of the nation of Ahmad
And disclosed from the glory of misguidance a inviolable place

١٧. ولقد حَمَيْتَ ذِمارَ أُمَّةِ أحمدٍ
وأبَحْتَ من عِزِّ الضلالِ حَريما

18. In a battle you have thirsted the enemies livers
In it and quenched the spears heated

١٨. في مَعْرَكٍ أَظْمَأْتَ أَكبادَ العِدى
فِيهِ وَرَوَّيْتَ الرِّماحَ الهيما

19. You have reddened in it the swords from their brains
And left them for the buzzards despised

١٩. أَخْضَلْتَ فِيهِ السَّيفَ من مُهَجاتِهِمُ
وتركتَهم لِلرَّامِساتِ هَشِيما

20. Through you the intimidated frontier has become radiant
And before you it was almost eradicated

٢٠. بِكَ أَصْبَحَ الثَّغْرُ المُرَوَّعُ مُشْرِقاً
ولَكادَ قَبْلَكَ أَن يكونَ بهيما

21. O king whom with his swords
And spears guidance has become inviolable

٢١. يا أَيُّهَا المَلِكُ الَّذِي بسيوفِهِ
ورماحِهِ أَضحى الهدى مَعْصوما

22. Through you the enemies' group has become dispersed
And through you the group of guidance has become coherent

٢٢. بِكُمُ اغتدى شملُ العِدى مُتَبَدِّداً
وبكُمْ غَدا شملُ الهُدى منظوما

23. You have been good branches in Jurash's nobility
And you have thrived among the kings blessed

٢٣. طِبْتُمْ فروعاً فِي ذُؤَابَةِ يَعْرُبٍ
وزَكَوْتُمُ فِي المالِكِينَ أَرُوما

24. The hastening to felicity and the soaring
To turmoil and the most courageous one for matters

٢٤. المُسْرِعُونَ إِلَى النَّدى والطَّائِرُو
نَ إِلَى الوَغى والرَّاجِحُونَ حُلوما

25. And the ones unsheathing their swords for events
That have honored a knight and Rome

٢٥. والمُنتَضُونَ سيوفَهُمْ لوقائِعٍ
عَزَّتْ قناها فارِساً والرُّوما

26. The pride of glories have surrendered to them and they have been chosen
A lineage in this world recent and old

٢٦. دانَتْ لهم غُرَرُ المناقِبِ واصطَفَوْا
حَسَباً حديثاً فِي الدُّنا وقَدِيما

27. Their roots have been generous and their carpenter good
Until with them time has become generous

٢٧. كَرُمَتْ مَغارِسُهُمْ وطابَ نِجارُهم
حَتَّى غدا بِهِمُ الزمانُ كريما