
Your jihad is the judgment of Allah, who can repel it?

جهادك حكم الله من ذا يرده

1. Your jihad is the judgment of Allah, who can repel it?
And your resolve is the command of Allah, who can deter it?

١. جِهادُكَ حُكم اللهِ من ذا يَرُدُّهُ
وعَزْمُكَ أَمْرُ اللهِ مَنْ ذا يَصُدُّهُ

2. And your bird of good omen is the felicity you bring,
And your horoscope is the bliss that attends you.

٢. وطائِرُكَ اليُمْنُ الَّذِي أنتَ يُمنُهُ
وطَالِعُكَ السَّعدُ الَّذِي أنتَ سَعدُهُ

3. The oath of allegiance to Ridwan - may Allah preserve its sanctity! -
For whom is the oath of good pleasure when his grandfather is gone,

٣. وبَيعةُ رِضْوَان رَعَى الله حَقَّها
لمَنْ بَيعةُ الرِّضْوَانِ إِذْ غابَ جَدُّهُ

4. And in the morning the crown of leadership adorns his head,
And the collar of the caliphate is strung around his neck.

٤. فأَصبَحَ فِي رَأْسِ الرِّياسَةِ تاجُهُ
وَنُظِّمَ فِي جيدِ الخِلافَةِ عِقدُهُ

5. His delight shelters the lonely stranger and his pleasure succors the destitute wanderer.
In the stance of peril his armies are his meadow,

٥. مَسرَّتُهُ مأْوى الغريبِ وسِتْرُهُ
ولَذَّتُهُ خَيْرُ المُقِلِّ ورِفْدُهُ

6. And in the arena of death his standards are his resort.
He frolics with the steeds of heroes, gifts for which he has no need,

٦. وأجنادُهُ فِي موقِفِ الرَّوْعِ رَوْضُهُ
وَأَعلامُهُ فِي مَوْرِدِ المَوْتِ وِرْدُهُ

7. While his pleasures are but the zealous chargers and his couch their trappings.
The glad tidings he evokes in the hearts of the excellent are matched by that which enraptures his own,

٧. نلاعِبُ آرَامَ الفَلا من هِباتِهِ
وآرامُهُ غُرُّ الطِّرَادِ وَجُرْدُهُ

8. For he has drawn us nigh unto the mercy of Allah through his guidance,
And enticed us to obey Allah through his asceticism.

٨. ونَفْتَرِشُ الدِّيباجَ منْ جُودِ كَفِّهِ
وَمَا فَرْشُهُ إِلّا الجَوادُ ولِبدُهُ

9. The outpour from his bounteous hand that nurtures its guest has taught us to sacrifice lives for his cause.
Were visitors not to throng his abode, his emissaries would be the stars in the firmament.

٩. ومَنْ بَرَّحَ البيضُ الحِسان بوَجْدِهِ
فبالبيضِ فِي الهَيجاءِ بَرَّحَ وَجْدُهُ

10. His unbroken fasts are long as the nights he hallows with reciting the Koran therein.
From Qahtan your glory illuminates, your kingdom thrives through you, and by your aid comes triumph.

١٠. وقَرَّبَنا من رَحْمَةِ اللهِ هَدْيُهُ
وَرَغَّبَنا فِي طاعَةِ الله زُهْدُهُ

11. In your cause stalwarts of the lance redouble their efforts, and in defense of your claim the disputants of the sword increase their fervor.
For you the creed of the pious believer whose conviction it is that you will come to the aid of the true religion of Islam.

١١. وعلَّمَنا بَذْلَ النُّفوسِ لِنَصْرِهِ
نَدى كَفِّهِ المُرْبي عَلَى القَطْرِ عَدُّهُ

12. Whatever worldly fortune time accords you involuntarily shall not seduce you, unless you strip for the fray that demands your protection.
In your presence hearing is awed and sight strays,

١٢. ولَوْ لَمْ يُوَافِ الوافِدُونَ قِبابَهُ
لأَصبحَ من زُهر الكواكِبِ وَفْدُهُ

13. While your high-mindedness spurns the hopes the craven place in you,
And your resolution drives them back to the stagnant pools of servility.

١٣. وأَيَّامُهُ المَوصُولُ طُولُ صِيامِهِ
بلَيلٍ تَحلَّى بالتِّلاوَةِ سُهْدُهُ

14. How often has the grip of the righteous weakened only for the bond of your pact to restore its clasp!
Should the death of despair cast its shadow thanks to you, the breath of hope will blow it away.

١٤. وأَبْلَجَ من قحطانَ قُربُكَ عِزُّهُ
ومُلكُكَ مَحْياهُ ونَصرُكَ مَجْدُهُ

15. You called out to Islam, "Arise!" when once it wavered,
A cry that parched souls rejoiced to hear,

١٥. شَديدُ مِحال الرُّمحِ فيكَ أَبيُّهُ
مُبِرُّ خِصامِ السَّيفِ عَنكَ أَلَدُّهُ

16. So you entrusted with a sword him who would drive your foes before him,
Either to abase the Indians or visit the Greeks with ravage.

١٦. رضاكَ لَهُ يَا مُرتضى دينُ وَاثِقٍ
بأَنَّكَ للدينِ الحَنيفِ تعدُّهُ

17. If the Indians have not witnessed the iron resolve with which you were created,
Who shall then deny that of the Arabs your origin and descent are purest?

١٧. وما يَزْدَهِيهِ مِنكَ دهْرٌ يسُودُهُ
إذَا لَمْ تُجرِّدْهُ لِثَغْرِ يَسُدُّهُ

18. If the ancestry derives from the glorious tribe of Yemen,
Then the obedience rendered to you came from Abd Shams and his friendship.

١٨. يَوقِّرُ عنكُمْ سَمْعُهُ فيُصيخُهُ
ويَقصُرُ عَنْكُمْ طَرْفُهُ فَيَمُدُّهُ

19. Be it Azd conceived you and Tujib gave you birth,
It was Adnan who refined you and Ma'ad who made you whole.

١٩. وعهدُكَ بالآمالِ تَصْرِفُ عَنكُمُ
ورَدَّاكُمُ عَهدَ السَّموْأَلِ عَهْدُهُ

20. Time cloaked your scabbard with the mantle of our rule,
For a kingdom nurtured by Abdelmalik its sovereigns are beholden.

٢٠. وكم حَلَّ مَوتُ الحَقِّ من شَدِّ عَقدِكم
ويُحيي ابْنُ يَحْيى عَقدَكُمْ فَيَشُدُّهُ

21. It thrives through every just imam aiding it,
It waxes through every vanquishing prince abetting it.

٢١. وإِنْ ماتَ مَوْتُ اليَأْسِ منكُم رَجاؤُهُ
تَنَسَّم فيكُم روحَهُ فيَرُدُّهُ

22. You trace your birth to the house of prophecy, and it pronounced you singular in your nobility.
So pride yourself in him whose noble deeds even the prophets extol,

٢٢. ونادَيْتَ فِي الإِسْلامِ حَيّ عَلَى الهُدى
فَيا لَكَ مِنْ ظَمآنَ قَدْ حانَ وِرْدُهُ

23. And glory in him whose triumphs are those the Orthodox caliphs acclaim,
He who personifies every right to the caliphate, and every imam in Islam claims as forebear.

٢٣. فقلَّدْتَهُ سَيفاً لِزَحْفٍ يقُودُهُ
لِخِزْيِ عِدَاكَ أَوْ لزغف يَقدُّهُ

24. Be he whose mother is the illustrious Hind, while the sanctuary nurtured him and the Heat its cradle rocked,
Unto whom the holy place of Mecca and its hidden passages belong,

٢٤. فإِنْ لَمْ يكَنْ لِلهِنْدِ يوماً حَديدُهُ
فمِنْ يَعرُبَ العَليا شباهُ وَحَدُّهُ

25. The course for the pilgrim to pursue, Nejd his country's heart,
Where the voice of the Talbiya resounds and the pilgrims don their sequined vestments.

٢٥. وإِنْ يَكُ فِي سَرْوِ اليَمانِينَ أَصْلُهُ
فطاعتُهُ فِي عَبدِ شَمْسٍ وَوُدُّهُ

26. Nobilities subtle meaning would daunt mankind's minds to comprehend,
And boasts that, were I to call all of creation to recount, would exceed what any number could reckon.

٢٦. وإِنْ أَنْجَبَتْهُ أَزْدُهُ وتُجِيبُهُ
فَصَفْوَتُهُ عَدْنانُهُ وَمَعَدُّهُ

27. Not even Mundhir's line of fathers attained such heights as he
The first of them - but his pride surpasses that of the first..

٢٧. أَمَا وتَحَلَّى دُونَ مُلكِكَ نَصْلُهُ
لَقِدْماً تَحَلَّى من سَنائكَ غِمْدُهُ

28. They conferred on Merwan the choice of their souls,
Whereby the ages were ennobled, and the best of grandfathers exalted.

٢٨. لمُلكٍ نَمى عَبدُ المَلِيكِ مُلُوكَهُ
وأَنْجُمِ نورٍ من هِشامٍ تُمِدُّهُ

29. Your sword, perfectly aimed, increases glory the further flung -
With it you shot the horizons of the Romans' realm, and in it drag their leading lights captives.

٢٩. بكُلِّ إِمامٍ ناصِرٍ أَنتَ صِنوُهُ
وكُلِّ مليكٍ قاهِرٍ أَنتَ نِدُّهُ

30. Many a mulish lord of ill-repute
Rules his far-flung state by leave of your whims.

٣٠. نَمَوْكَ إِلَى بَيتِ النُّبُوَّةِ وابْتَنَوْا
لَكَ الشَّرَف الفَرْدَ الَّذِي أَنتَ فَرْدُهُ

31. Deeming himself immune to the blows of fate he yet reckons not their suddenness,
Though when the buffets of adversity strike they catch him unawares.

٣١. فأَفخِرْ بِمَنْ قُرْبُ النِّبيينَ فَخْرُهُ
وأَمْجِدْ بمَنْ مَجدُ الخَلائِفِ مَجدُهُ

32. The son of Yahya saw that you were astray and made clear to you that uprightness should be your rule,
So you did not hesitate when an envious hand reached for what fortune had granted you,

٣٢. ومَنْ كُلُّ حَقٍّ فِي الخِلافَةِ حَقُّهُ
وكلُّ إِمامٍ فِي البَريَّةِ جدُّهُ

33. Nor were your faithful scions far from Rome to be found wanting
When the craven-hearted crew cried out, dismayed at the approach of your lions.

٣٣. ومَنْ أُمُّهُ أَجْيادُ والرُّكْنُ ظِئرُهُ
ومُرْضِعُهُ البَطحاءُ والحِجْرُ مَهْدُهُ

34. Battalions - had they been cast at fate itself they would have left The Zodiac's Twin Peaks tottering.
As if the vastness of earth were clad

٣٤. لَهُ حَرَمُ الإِتْهامِ والغَوْرُ غَوْرُهُ
ومَنْهَجُ سُبلِ الحَجِّ والنَّجدُ نَجدُهُ

35. In an impregnable coat of mail,
With a glance you would break their ranks, laying their squadrons low.

٣٥. وحَيثُ اعْتلَى صَوْتُ المُلَبِّي وَحَجُّهُ
وحَيثُ انتهَى صَدْرُ الحَجيج وَوَخْدُهُ

36. Thus your enemies behold naught but a calamity
Which the Compassionate drives, and wherein His servant rides.

٣٦. مَناقِبُ سارَتْ فِي مَعالِمِ كُنْهِها
عُقولُ بَني الدُّنيا وَمَا حُدَّ حدُّهُ

37. Until you reach the promised day, bright shall be its light for you,
And the foretold appointment, wherein His word to you shall be fulfilled,

٣٧. وَفَخْرٌ لَوْ استَنْجدْتُ فِي وَصْفِهِ الوَرَى
لأَسْأَرَ من عَدِّ الحَصى مَنْ يَعُدُّهُ

38. Through the All-Bountiful this boon was bestowed complete,
And the Caliphate's scion is he who should justly receive your praise.

٣٨. ولمْ يُبلِ مَا أَبْلاهُ آباءُ مُنْذِرٍ
لأَوَّلهمْ بلْ مَفَخَرٌ تَسْتَجِدُّهُ

39. He stands ever to my right hand, enduring through days nonesuch,
A marvel spanning ages, bound to abide unending.

٣٩. وأَلْقَوْا عَلَى مَرْوَانَ صَفوَةَ أَنْفُسٍ
تَعالى بِهَا جَدُّ الزمانِ وجَدُّهُ

40. No eloquence of any foreign tongue could attain its limit
Were I to strive harnessing the epochs to prolong their stretches.

٤٠. وسيفُكَ منهُم سَهْمُكَ الصَّائِبُ الَّذِي
يَزيدُ غَناءً كُلَّما زادَ بُعدُهُ

41. Knowing that whoever whets his soul against you
Shall reap but the fangs and claws of wolves for his pains.

٤١. رَمَيْتَ بِهِ آفاقَ رُومَةَ فانْثَنى
يقودُ بُنُودَ الرُّومِ نَحْوَكَ بَندُهُ

42. He who the horizons scours, bent on confronting you,
Shall leave his bones where the steeds clash, deserted, scattered.

٤٢. فَرُبَّ حمِيِّ الغِلِّ فِي غِيلِ مُلكِها
بَعيدٍ عَلَى شَأْوِ الجنائِبِ قَصْدُهُ

43. And whoso seeks a stream not found in your expanse,
Shall discover naught but the sandal-prints of your mount marking his cheek.

٤٣. متى يَرْمِ صَرْفَ الدَّهْرِ لا يَعدُ نفسَهُ
وإِنْ يَرْمِهِ صَرفُ المكارِهِ يَعدُهُ

44. For there is no aspiration that does not end with you,
No sovereign whose affairs do not depend on your command.

٤٤. تجلَّى ابنُ يَحيى فِي سناكَ لِغَيِّهِ
فبَصَّرَهُ أَنَّ اصطناعَكَ رُشْدُهُ

٤٥. فما أَبْطَأْتَ إِذ أَبطأتْ يدُ قادِحٍ
أَتاكَ وَقَدْ أَوْرى لك النُّجحَ زَنْدُهُ

٤٦. ولا غابَ من وافاكَ من أرْضِ رُومَةٍ
بغابٍ من الخَطِّيِّ تَزْأَرُ أُسْدُهُ

٤٧. كتائِبُ لَوْ يُرمى بِهَا الدَّهْرُ قبلَنا
لزُلزِلَ ذُو القَرْنَيْنِ منها وسَدُّهُ

٤٨. كَأَنَّ فضاءَ الأَرْض أُلبِسَ منهُمُ
لَبوساً من الماذِيِّ قُدِّرَ سَرْدُهُ

٤٩. تُهَدُّ بِهِمْ شُمُّ الجبالِ فإِنْ هَفَوا
فلَحْظُكَ يَرْمِي جَمْعَهُمْ فَيَهُدُّهُ

٥٠. فما ينظُرُ الأَعدَاءُ إِلّا عَجَاجَةً
يسيرُ بِهَا الرَّحمنُ فِيهَا وعبدُهُ

٥١. إلى يومِ فَلْجٍ ساطِعٍ لَكَ نُورُهُ
وميقَاتِ فتحٍ صادقٍ لكَ وعْدُهُ

٥٢. عَلى بادِئِ الإِنعَامِ فِيهِ تمامُهُ
وحَقٌّ عَلَى سِبْطِ الخِلافَةِ حَمدُهُ

٥٣. وحَقٌّ عَلَى يُمنى يَدَيَّ بقاؤُهُ
جديداً عَلَى مَرِّ الزَّمانِ وخُلْدُهُ

٥٤. بغَرْبِ لسانٍ لَوْ أُبارِي بِهِ الوَرى
مَدى الدَّهر لَمْ يَبْلُغْ نَصِيفيَ مُدُّهُ

٥٥. عَليماً بأَن مَنْ أَلْحدَتْ فيكَ نَفسُهُ
ففِي لَهَواتِ الذِّيبِ والذَّيخِ لَحْدُهُ

٥٦. ومَنْ يَبغِ فِي الآفاقِ عنكَ مُراغِماً
فَوِجْدانُهُ فِي مُلتَقى الخَيل فَقدُهُ

٥٧. ومن يَتَّخِذْ فِي غير بَحرِكَ مَوْرداً
فلم يُتَّخَذْ إِلّا لنَعْلَيْكَ خَدُّهُ

٥٨. فلا أَمَلٌ إِلّا إِليكَ انتِهاؤُهُ
ولا مَلِكٌ إِلّا إِليكَ مَرَدُّهُ