
You came without the signs of Islam

أقدمت دون معالم الإسلام

1. You came without the signs of Islam
So proceed with the best greetings and peace

١. أقْدَمتَ دونَ مَعالِم الإسلامِ
فاقْدَمْ بخيرِ تحية وسَلامِ

2. Wearing the sword of glory over you
The ornaments of splendor and the dress of reverence

٢. متقلِّداً سيفَ الغناءِ وفوْقَهُ
حَليُ البهاءِ وحُلَّةُ الإعْظامِ

3. The sights of creation look hopefully towards your abode
Eagerly towards you, O blessed one of honor

٣. سامٍ إلى مرآكَ أبصارُ الورى
قَلقاً إليكَ مُبارَكُ الإكرامِ

4. You have succeeded in obtaining the best share
From the sincerity of your efforts, the Most Generous of Dividers

٤. فوزاً بأسنى القِسمِ من مَلِكٍ حَوى
من صِدْقِ سَعيِكَ أجزَلَ الأقْسامِ

5. May He reward you for your loyalty in coming
With what you have endured of true determination

٥. فَجَزَاكَ من كَرَمِ القُدومِ وفاءَ ما
أبليتَهُ من صادِقِ الإقدامِ

6. With positions where you had, during turmoil, steadfastness of principle
Confusing intellects and faltering steps

٦. بمواقفٍ لكَ فِي الوغى سُمْنَ العِدى
طَيْشَ العقولِ وزَلَّةَ الأقدامِ

7. And merits - were it not for your coming closer to us -
Would have placed you in the lofty heavens

٧. ومناقبٍ لولا دُنُوُّكَ للنَّدى
لأرَتْكَ فِي جَوِّ السماءِ السَّامي

8. Ranks which you raised their praise and glory
With the youth of spears and the tongues of pens

٨. رُتَباً رفَعْتَ ثناءها وسَناءَها
بِشَبا الرِّماحِ وألسُنِ الأقلامِ

9. And loads which you carried in the fold of what you took on
The humiliation of misguidance and the honor of Islam

٩. وحمائِلٍ فِي طَيِّ مَا حَمَّلتَها
ذُلَّ الضَّلالِ وعزَّةُ الإسلامِ

10. For God a sword for you whenever
Discord appeared, it came to it with a cutting edge

١٠. للهِ منه صارمٌ لَكَ كُلَّما
نَجَمَ الشِّقاقُ دَنا لَهُ بِصِرامِ

11. The misguided swords recoiled from it and bent
So they are the crescent and it is the full moon

١١. نَكَصَتْ سيوفُ الغَي عنهُ وانْحَنَتْ
فَهِيَ الأهِلَّةُ وَهْوَ بَدْرُ تَمامِ

12. Desires were fulfilled for it and by it the darkness
Of the night of injustice and blindness cleared

١٢. تَمَّتْ لَهُ وبهِ الرَّغائِبُ وانْجَلى
منهنَّ ليلُ الظُّلمِ والإظلامِ

13. Traveling to the enemies in the paths of nightfall
Until it unloads upon the place of determination

١٣. سارٍ إلى الأعداءِ فِي سَنَنِ الدجى
حَتَّى يُقِيلَ عَلَى مَقيلِ الهامِ

14. By it you made your countries permitted
And forbidden to the lost every sanctuary

١٤. فبه حَلَلْتَ بلادَ حِلِّكَ وانثنى
حَرَمَاً عَلَى الغاوينَ كُلُّ حَرَامِ

15. And you judged the clear truth for its people
With justice from fate and judgments

١٥. وحَكَمْتَ بالحقِّ المبينِ لأهلِهِ
عَدلاً من الأقدارِ والأحكامِ

16. A land which you illuminated the truth in its flags
With the standards of flags and banners

١٦. أرضاً أنَرْتَ الحَقَّ فِي أعلامِها
بخوافِقِ الرّايات والأعلامِ

17. And you rained on its heights lightning bolts
Which you poured out in full generosity

١٧. ومَطَرْتَ عاليَها صواعِقَ بارقٍ
أغدَقْتها بسوابِغِ الإنعامِ

18. Watering it with the life of life and revealing
From it the heat of debt and coercion

١٨. سقياً لَهَا بِحَيا الحياةِ وكاشِفاً
عنها غَرَامَ الغُرْمِ والإرْغامِ

19. You abandoned it to betrayal, a house of removal
And established it for safety, an enduring abode

١٩. غادرتها للغدرِ دارَ إزالةٍ
وأقمتَها للأمن دارَ مقامِ

20. And you strung the pearls of its covenants and pacts
In the thread of this kingdom - what an organization!

٢٠. ونَظَمْتَ دُرَّ عُقودِها وعهودِها
فِي سِلْكِ هَذَا المُلْكِ أيَّ نِظامِ

21. And you carried out the limit of God among those who wronged it
Striking with the edge of a cutting, piercing sword

٢١. وأقَمْتَ حَدَّ اللهِ فِيمَنْ ضامَها
ضَرْباً بِحَدِّ الصارِمِ الصَّمْصامِ

22. Seeking oppression in his rebellion and betrayal
A soul which is guarded and protected

٢٢. باغٍ أصابَ بِبَغْيهِ وبنكثِهِ
نَفساً عليها يَتَّقي ويُحَامِي

23. And even if you sealed your prison upon him vanquished
He lives morning and eve as your captive

٢٣. ولِئنْ خَتمْتَ عَلَيْهِ سِجنَكَ قاهِراً
فَغَدَا وأمْسى منكَ رَهْنَ حِمامِ

24. In the belly of a dutiful mother made pregnant by him
The day of turmoil, from the faded and the swords

٢٤. في بَطْنِ أمٍّ بَرَّةٍ لَقِحَتْ بِهِ
يومَ الوغى من ذابِلٍ وحُسامِ

25. For from it you painfully delivered, by your power
One who completes but you make miscarry before maturity

٢٥. فلقد تَمَخَّضَ عنه منكَ بروعَةٍ
تُوفي فتُسْقطُهُ لِغَيرِ تمامِ

26. And you summoned for his war in her belly
The clatter of suspicions and the turbulence of delusions

٢٦. ولقد نَدَبْتَ لِحَرْبِهِ فِي بَطْنِها
قَرْعَ الظُنونِ ومُرْجِفَ الأوْهامِ

27. And if you asked for sleep for him, you would return him
So that he does not see your eyes in dreams

٢٧. ولَو اسْتَجَزْتَ لَهُ المَنامَ لَرَدَّهُ
كي لا يَرى عينَيْكَ فِي الأحلامِ

28. And you filled his surroundings in the refuge with
The paws of lions in the pits

٢٨. ولقد مَلأتَ عليهِ أجوَازَ المَلا
برَوَابِضِ الآسادِ فِي الآجامِ

29. Lying in wait for the harvest of fruits which
Ripening to you the bindings of sleeves

٢٩. مُتَرَبِّصينَ جَنى ثمارٍ قَدْ أنى
منها إليكَ تَفَتُّحُ الأكمامِ

30. So receive good news of an obligation fulfilled
In an everlasting state

٣٠. فَابْشِرْ بِهَا من نِعْمَةٍ مشكورَةٍ
فِي دَوْلَةٍ موصولَةٍ بِدَوَامِ

31. And boast - for you are the pride of all glory
And submit - for you are the provision of Islam

٣١. وافْخَرْ فأنتَ لكلِّ مجدٍ مَفْخَرٌ
واسْلَمْ فأنتَ ذخيرةُ الإِسْلامِ

32. Striving by it you destroyed your equal in existence
Thus you contained the pride of that destruction

٣٢. سعياً بِهِ أعْدَمْتَ مِثلَكَ فِي الورى
فَحَوَيْتَ مفخر ذلِكَ الإعدامِ

33. And even if you shepherded religion and worldly life
My implements and reins did not make you forget

٣٣. ولَئِنْ رَعَيْتَ الدِّينَ والدنيا فَما
أَنْسَتْكَ رَعْيَ وسائِلي وذِمامي

34. The day you observed my watering places and saw
In the bosom of meadows, disgrace of my position

٣٤. يومَ اطَّلعْتَ مشارِبي فرأيتَ فِي
عُقْرِ الحِياضِ الوُفْرِ خِزْيَ مقامي

35. And you sympathized with the humiliation of my stance from watching me
And felt in your inner depths the heat of my burning coal

٣٥. وأنِسْتَ من نَظَري تَذَلُّلَ موقفي
ووَجِسْتَ فِي الأَحشاء حَرَّ أُوامي

36. And you saw in the fangs of my hostile enemy
My flesh, and the claws of injustice from me, blood

٣٦. ورأيتَ فِي أنيابِ عادِيَةِ العِدىْ
لَحْمِي وظُفْرُ الظُلْمِ مِنِّي دامي

37. And you knew that if you tarry from me
I am not firmer than my situation from what I face

٣٧. وعَلِمْتَ إن أبْطَأَتَ عنّي أنَّني
مِمَّا أُلاقِي لا أَشُدُّ حِزامي

38. So you preceded out of fear that my death would come
And hurried out of dread that my refuge would be sealed

٣٨. فَسَبَقْتَ خَشْيَةَ أن تَحينَ مَنِيَّتي
وبَدَرْتَ خِيفَةَ أنْ يُحَمَّ حِمامي

39. And you disliked from the tyranny of events that
I am oppressed and the sea of generosity flows over me

٣٩. ونَكِرْتَ من جَوْرِ الحوادِثِ أنَّني
ظامٍ وبَحْرُ الجودِ فَوْقِيَ طَامِ

40. And you felt embarrassed that I roam with my worry
Ill while in your watering is the cure of my illness

٤٠. وحَرِجْتَ مِنِّي أن أهيمَ بغُلَّتي
سُقماً وَفِي سُقْياكَ بُرْءُ سَقامي

41. And you observed through pretentious adornment my deficiency
And understood from the silence of shame my speech

٤١. وبَصُرْتَ من خَلَلِ التَجمُّلِ خَلَّتي
وفَهِمْتَ من صمتِ الحياءِ كلامي

42. So you opened rivers of generosity for my gardens
And set up purposes of desire for my arrows

٤٢. فَفَتقْتَ أنهارَ الجَدَا لحدائِقي
ونَصَبْتَ أغراضَ المُنى لِسِهامي

43. And you opened towards water the narrowed place of my resources
And broadened in the pasture for grazing my herd

٤٣. وفَتحْتَ نحوَ الماءِ ضِيقَ مَوَارِدِي
وفَسَحْتَ فِي المَرْعى لِرَعْي سَوَامي

44. And you refused to let the ignorance of time
And stumbling of days to overpower etiquette

٤٤. وأنِفْتَ للآدابِ أنْ يَسْطُو بِهَا
جَهْلُ الزَّمانِ وعَثْرَةُ الأيَّامِ

45. Mercifully from knowledge which required for me mercy
From the joiner of hopes and wombs

٤٥. رَحِماً من العِلْمِ اقتضى ليَ رَحْمَةً
من واصِلِ الآمالِ والأرْحامِ

46. So I will proclaim its praise and glory
And its reward in vigil and my poetry

٤٦. فَلأَهْتِفَنَّ بحمدِها وثنائها
وجزائها فِي مُعْرِقٍ وشَآمِي

47. And I will hope for its completion from a Bestower
Who does not approve blessing without completion

٤٧. ولأَرْجُوَنْ بتمامِها من مُنْعِمٍ
لا يَرْتَضِي النُّعْمى بغيرِ تمامِ