1. Thanks to the One who gave you what He gave
A Lord who humiliated the angels for your kingdom
١. شُكْراً لمن أعطاك مَا أعطاكا
رَبٌّ أَذَلَّ لِمُلْكِكَ الأَملاكا
2. So He healed the hopes with your right hand just as
Your swords quenched from the blood of your enemies
٢. فَشَفَى الأَمانِي من يمينكَ مِثلَما
رَوّى سيوفَكَ من دماءِ عِداكا
3. It is an honor by the justice of Allah that
In the two worlds, livelihoods and perditions were divided
٣. شِيَمٌ بِعَدْلِ اللهِ فيك تقسَّمَتْ
فِي العَالَمِينَ معايشاً وهلاكا
4. And Allah made utterly miserable whoever was hostile to you
In creation, and made happiest whoever was loyal to you
٤. والله أَشْقَى جَدَّ من عاداكا
صُنْعاً وأَسْعَدَ جَدَّ مَنْ والاكا
5. O time of the Chosen One, after the world shone
Upon him with the star of your pleasure
٥. يا حَيْنَ مختارٍ لسُخْطِكَ بعدما
ضاءَتْ لَهُ الدنيا بنجمِ رِضاكا
6. His efforts strove to dig a pit
So he fell into it from the heaven of your highness
٦. جَدَّتْ مساعِيهِ ليَحْفِرَ هُوَّةً
فهوَى إليها من سماء عُلاكا
7. A fire whose flames he kept kindling
Engulfed him in a meadow watered by your bounty
٧. لَفَحَتْهُ نارٌ باتَ يقدحُ زَنْدَها
فِي روضةٍ ممطورةٍ بِنَداكا
8. Morning and evening he remained between the folds of betrayal
That robbed him of what you clothed him in blessings
٨. أَمسى وأَصبحَ بَيْنَ ثَوْبَيْ غَدْرَةٍ
سَلَبَتْهُ ما ألبستَ من نُعْماكا
9. Or did the deluded one not see the consequence of him who strove
In blasphemy against what your right hand offered him in bounty?
٩. أَوَ مَا رأى المُغتَرُّ عُقْبَى مَنْ سَعى
فِي كُفْر مَا أَسْدَتْ لَهُ يُمْنَاكا
10. Or did he not see you seek the aid of the Almighty
So He aided and sufficed you, and that sufficed you?
١٠. أَوَ مَا رآك قَد اسْتَعَنْتَ بذي العلا
فأعانَ واسْتَكْفَيْتَهُ فكَفاكا
11. Or did he not see His rulings and decrees
Taking their course in destroying whoever defied your authority?
١١. أَوَ مَا رأى أَحكامَهُ وقضاءَهُ
يَجْرِي بمَهْلِكِ مَنْ يشُقُّ عَصاكا
12. Or did he not see the radiance of your crown in the lands
And the flowers of honor are but some of your adornments?
١٢. أَوَ مَا رأى إِشراقَ تاجِكَ فِي الورى
والمكْرُمَاتِ الزُّهْرَ بعضَ حُلاكا
13. Or did he not see the key to the gate of prosperity in
Your right hand, and ease in your facilitation?
١٣. أَوَ مَا رأى مفتاحَ بابِ اليُمْنِ فِي
يُمْنَاكَ والميسورَ فِي يُسْراكا
14. And whenever you saw an illness whose cure you knew not
Or a time that tired you out before it
١٤. ومتى رأى دَاءً جهِلْتَ دواءَهُ
أَوْ خطبَ دهرٍ قبْلهُ أَعْياكا
15. It was not clear in the evidence of his knowledge
That leadership wants none but you
١٥. مَا كَانَ أَبْيَنَ فِي شواهِدِ عِلْمِهِ
أَنَّ الرياسة لا تُريدُ سِوَاكا
16. Until his feet sank in the darkness of loss
When he was guided by other than your guidance
١٦. حتى هَوَتْ قَدَماهُ فِي ظُلَمِ الرَّدى
لما اهْتَدى فِيهَا بِغَيْرِ هُدَاكا
17. And Allah showed you therein some of His vengeance
And His ways with whoever showed hostility to you
١٧. وأراك فِيهِ اللهُ منْ نِقْمَاتِهِ
عاداتِه فِي حَتْفِ مَن عاداكا
18. Say to the slain, "No blame for a slaying
You brought upon yourself in enmity to your Master."
١٨. قُلْ للمُصَرَّعِ لا لَعاً من صَرْعَةٍ
وافَيْتَها بغياً عَلَى مَوْلاكا
19. Woe to your efforts as you stubbornly resist
The sword with which Allah girded you!
١٩. تبّاً لسَعيِكَ إِذ تَسُلُّ مُعانِداً
لِخِلافِهِ السيف الَّذِي حلّاكا
20. And made you drink a cup of perdition - and how oft
Before it the cup of life He made you drink!
٢٠. وسقاك كأساً للحتوف وَكَمْ وَكَمْ
مِنْ قَبْلِها كأْسَ الحياةِ سقاكا
21. The days do not wear down a sword already drawn -
God cleaved through it with its two edges.
٢١. لا تَفْلُلِ الأَيَّامُ سيفاً ماضياً
فضَّ الإِلهُ بشفرتيه فاكا
22. For your death, oppressed souls gained life
Whose deaths were in your remaining alive
٢٢. حَيِيَتْ لموتكَ أَنْفُسٌ مظلومَةٌ
كانت مناياهُنَّ فِي مَحْياكا
23. So rise with the disgrace of religion and world that
Your hands have presented the Muslims
٢٣. فانْهَضْ بخِزْي الدينِ والدنيا بما
قَدْ قَدَّمَتْ فِي المُسلِمِينَ يَدَاكا
24. This is the reward of betrayal - not lack of guidance -
My lord, by your striving in hypocrisy He rewarded you
٢٤. هذا جزاءُ الغَدْرِ لا عَدِمَ الهُدى
مولىً بسعيكَ فِي النفاق جزاكا
25. O Master whom victory aided, who guarded orthodoxy
And subjugated polytheism, humbling it
٢٥. يا أَيُّهَا المولى الَّذِي نَصَرَ الهُدى
وحَمى الثغورَ وَذَلَّلَ الإِشرَاكا
26. The Merciful only distances a glowing ember
That strayed, its torch being your guidance
٢٦. لا يُبْعِدِ الرحمنُ إِلّا مُهْجَةً
ضلَّتْ وَفِي يدها سِرَاجُ هُدَاكا
27. Wretched is he who opposed you - nay, disgraced is he who
Defied you - nay, shamed is he who was hostile to you
٢٧. تَعْساً لِمَنْ ناواك بل ذُلّاً لِمنْ
ساماك بَلْ خِزْياً لمن جاراك
28. So accomplish your purpose, for the goals of desire
For the Muslims are for you to attain your wishes
٢٨. فابلُغْ مُنَاكَ فإِنَّ غاياتِ المنى
للمسلمين بأَنْ تنالَ مُنَاكا
29. Until you see the blessed foal raising
The flag of sovereignty, following your ways
٢٩. حتى ترى النَّجْلَ المُبارَكَ رافِعاً
عَلَمَ السيادة جَارياً لمداكا
30. And He shows you in the cub of virtues, guidance
And righteousness the best of what you saw in your father
٣٠. ويُريكَ فِي شِبْلِ المكارِم والهُدى
والبِرِّ أَفضَلَ مَا أَرَيْتَ أَباكا