1. Then you revived their dawn, O son of Yahya
With two lights, of religion and world
١. ثم أَحْيَيتَ فجرَهُمْ يا ابنَ يحيى
بِسِراجَيْنِ نورِ دينِ ودُنيا
2. And you left the clouds as shade and generosity
So you expanded Islam, watering and pasturing
٢. وخَلَفْتَ السحابَ ظِلّاً وجُوداً
فَوَسِعْتَ الإِسلامَ سَقياً ورَعْيا
3. And you adorned those who answer glory
In it you were the protector of religion and kingdom
٣. وتَحَلَّيْتَ من تُجيبَ سناءً
كنت فيه لِلدينِ والملكِ مَحْيا