1. The heavens' destinies strive for you,
And the hand of fate rages for your hands,
١. تُناضِلُ عنكَ أًقدارُ السماءِ
وتبطِشُ عن يَدَيْكَ يدُ القضاءِ
2. Pursuit that does not swerve from solutions,
And an endeavor that does not miss completion,
٢. وسعيٌ لا يَعُوجُ عَلَى حُلُولٍ
وشأْوٌ لا يفوتُ إِلَى انْتِهاءِ
3. Your spears did not fall short of an enemy,
Even if he wearied the extent of stretching,
٣. فما قَصُرَتْ رِماحُكَ عن عَدُوٍّ
ولَوْ أَعْيا بِهِ أَمَدُ التَّنائِي
4. When you unleashed them after a strayer,
The ways of salvation were too narrow for him,
٤. إِذا أَشْرَعْتَها فِي إِثْرِ غاوٍ
فَقدْ ضاقَتْ بِهِ سُبُلُ النَّجاءِ
5. And if a thousand falcons flew with him,
Piercing the air with themselves,
٥. ولو طارَتْ بِهِ أَلفا عُقابٍ
يَرُمْنَ بنفسِهِ خَرْقَ الهواءِ
6. And where can he flee from the grasp of death,
And where can he deviate under the sky,
٦. وأَيْنَ يَفِرُّ عَنْ دركِ المنايا
وأَيْنَ يَشِذُّ من تحتِ السماءِ
7. So the religion and world became happy through Bashir,
With the perdition of enemies and enmity,
٧. فَيَهْنِ الدينَ والدنيا بشيرٌ
بِغَرْسِيَةِ الأَعادِي والعَدَاءِ
8. With work that has disabled hopes from before,
And fell short of its term the reach of hope,
٨. بصُنْعٍ أَعْجَزَ الآمالَ قِدْماً
وقَصَّرَ دُونَهُ أَمَدُ الرَّجاءِ
9. Sweeter to hearing than life,
And more beneficial to souls than recovery,
٩. أَلذَّ عَلَى المسامِعِ من حياةٍ
وأَنْجَعَ فِي النفوسِ من الشِّفاءِ
10. So oh opening for an opener and good tidings,
For one waiting, and oh sight for one seeing,
١٠. فيا فَتْحاً لمُفْتَتِحٍ وبُشرى
لمنتظِرٍ ويا مَرْأَىً لِراءِ
11. A prisoner that cannot be equaled in ransom,
And a helper that cannot be matched in sacrifice,
١١. أَسِيرٌ مَا يُعادَلُ فِي فكاكٍ
وعانٍ مَا يُساوَى فِي فِداءِ
12. It is the manifest illness you have healed from it,
So the religion has no manifest illness,
١٢. هُوَ الدَّاءُ العَياءُ شَفَيْتَ منهُ
فما لِلدِّينِ من داءٍ عياءِ
13. Your rise against it was almost a star,
Insurmountable and rough in ascent,
١٣. لقد كادَتْ سعودُكَ منهُ نَجْماً
منيعَ الجَوِّ وَعْرَ الإِرْتِقاءِ
14. And greater in misguidance than a cross,
And higher in disasters than a banner,
١٤. وأَعْظَمَ فِي الضَّلالَةِ من صليبٍ
وأَعْلَى فِي الكتائِبِ من لِواءِ
15. It protected the followers of misguidance so it made them,
For the slavery of it and loyalty,
١٥. حَمى شِيَعَ الضَّلالِ فأَهَّلَتْهُ
لِمِلْكِ الرِّقِّ منها والولاءِ
16. A leader of calamities and trackers,
Covering the subjects and shepherds,
١٦. زعيمٌ بالكتائِبِ والمَذَاكِي
ثِمالٌ للرَّعايا والرِّعاءِ
17. Challenging his sword forward and might,
And proven by experiences in cunning,
١٧. مُباري سَيْفِهِ قَدَماً وبأْساً
ومشفوعُ التجارِبِ بالدَّهاءِ
18. And does the resolution and daring have a day,
When aided by your singing,
١٨. وهَلْ للحزمِ والإِقدامِ يوماً
إِذَا عَنَّتْ سُعُودُكَ من غَناءِ
19. He undertook among God's soldiers a trick,
And he had cast to him equally,
١٩. تعاطى فِي جنودِ اللهِ كَرَّاً
وَقَدْ نَبَذَتْ إِلَيْهِ عَلَى سَوَاءِ
20. And victory has no disagreement from it,
And conquest has no concealment from it,
٢٠. وَمَا للنَّصْرِ عنها من خِلافٍ
وَمَا للفَتْحِ منها مِنْ خَفاءِ
21. So he rode toward it the injustice of death,
And was made to drink before it the bitterness of meeting,
٢١. فساوَرَ نحوَها غَوْلَ المنايا
وجُرِّعَ دُونَها مُرَّ اللقاءِ
22. And it dismissed him rolling slain,
Protected in repute and guarded in blame,
٢٢. وأَجْلَتْ عنه مُنْجَدِلاً صريعاً
مَصُونَ الشِّأْوِ مَحْمِيَّ الذَّماءِ
23. And surrendered him to Islam an army,
That crowded the expanse of space with its masses,
٢٣. وأَسلَمَهُ إِلَى الإِسلامِ جيشٌ
أَغَصَّ بِجَمْعِهِ رَحْبَ الفَضاءِ
24. If its lofty sides have forsaken him,
His mourners have comforted him with crying,
٢٤. لئِنْ خَذَلَتْهُ أَطرافُ العوالي
لقد آساهُ إِعوالُ البُكاءِ
25. Every returner of wailing laments him,
His weepers with the call of calling,
٢٥. بكُلِّ مُرَجِّع للنَّوْحِ يُشْجِي
بَوَاكِيَهُ بتَثْوِيبِ النِّداءِ
26. Crying to the kings of Rome hastily,
Wearers of crowns, crying cries,
٢٦. نَعاءِ إِلَى ملوكِ الرُّومِ طُرَّاً
ذَوي التِّيجانِ غَرْسِيَةً نَعاءِ
27. And do the Romans and Franks have from him,
When the evil of mourning has ruined besides mourning,
٢٧. وهَلْ للرومِ والإِفْرَنْجِ منهُ
وَقَدْ أودى سِوى سُوءِ العزاءِ
28. So the kingdom of disbelief does not have an ally,
And the revenge of polytheism has no enduring,
٢٨. فملكُ الكُفْرِ لَيْسَ بِذِي وَلِيٍّ
وثأْرُ الشِّرْكِ لَيْسَ بذي بَوَاءِ
29. Indeed your swords have pleased in him a Master,
Honorable in covenant and praised in affliction,
٢٩. لقد أَرْضَتْ سيوفُكَ فِيهِ مولىً
كريم العَهْدِ مَحمود البَلاءِ
30. So the unseen did not benefit behind the back except,
And the generosity of loyalty had sufficed,
٣٠. فما أَغْنَتْ بظهرِ الغَيْبِ إِلّا
وَقَدْ أَغنى بِهَا كرَمُ الوَفاءِ
31. And the angels did not capture for you except,
And you have clothed them in the mark of brilliance,
٣١. ولا أَسَرَتْ لَكَ الأَملاكَ إِلّا
وَقَدْ أَلْبَسْتَها سِيما السَّناءِ
32. And they did not seize the souls for you except,
And you have quenched them with the blood,
٣٢. ولا خَطَفَتْ لَكَ الأَرواحَ إِلّا
وَقَدْ أَرْوَيْتَهُنَّ من الدِّماءِ
33. And you have done God gratitude continually,
With the sincerity of supplication,
٣٣. وَقَدْ أَبلَيْتَ فِيهِ اللهَ شُكْراً
تواصِلُهُ بإِخلاصِ الدُّعاءِ
34. And you have been good to His worshipers with pardon and favor,
Knowing that He is the Lord of reward,
٣٤. وسِعْتَ عبادَهُ صَفْحاً وفَضْلاً
عليماً أَنَّهُ رَبُّ الجزاءِ
35. So entrust with more of wishes,
And double with plenty of gifts,
٣٥. فوالى بالمزيدِ من الأَماني
وضاعَفَ بالجزيلِ من العطاءِ
36. And make the perdition of the Ghassanids soon follow,
Driving them to the abode of separation,
٣٦. وأَتْبَعَ فَلَّ غَرْسِيَةٍ عجالاً
يسوقُهُمُ الرَّدى سَوْقَ الحُدَاءِ
37. So I ask the One who destroyed them for death,
With your sword that He favor you with survival,
٣٧. فأَسْأَلُ من بَرَاهُمْ للمنايا
بسيفِكَ أَن يَخُصَّكَ بالبقاءِ
38. Delight of the eye, endowed with wishes,
Happy in grandfather, perfumed in reward,
٣٨. قريرَ العَيْنِ مشفوعَ الأَمانِي
سعيدَ الجَدِّ محبورَ الثَّوَاءِ
39. For a kingdom not shaken by any doubt of time,
And bliss not declining into expiration.
٣٩. لِمُلْكٍ لا يُراعُ بِرَيْبِ دَهْرٍ
وسَعْدٍ لا يحورُ إِلَى انقضاءِ