
Victory is your party even in misguidance, so judge

النصر حزبك في الضلالة فاحتكم

1. Victory is your party even in misguidance, so judge
And be angry for the sake of Allah’s religion and take revenge

١. النصرُ حِزْبُكَ فِي الضَّلالَةِ فاحْتَكِمْ
واغضَبْ لدينَ اللهِ مِنْها وَانْتَقِمْ

2. Success has corresponded to your endeavor beforehand
In it, and fate has decided for what you decided

٢. قَدْ وافَقَ التوفيقُ سَعْيَكَ مُقْدِماً
فِيهَا وَقَدْ عَزَمَ القضاءُ لما عَزَمْ

3. So the springs of mighty victory for it have a span
And the returns of clear conquest for it have hopes

٣. فموارِدُ النصرِ العزيزِ لَهَا مَدىً
وعوائِدُ الفَتْحِ المُبِينِ لَهَا أَمَمْ

4. So there is for you perhaps a position of prevailing in the fray
And the horses frown and the lightnings smile

٤. فَلَرُبَّ موقفِ ظافِرٍ لَكَ فِي الوَغى
والخيلُ تَعْبِسُ والبوارِقُ تَبْتَسِمْ

5. And the sun in the middle of the sky as if
And the eclipse covers it like a black cloud gathering

٥. والشمسُ فِي كبدِ السماءِ كَأَنَّها
والنَّقْعُ يغشاها كَمِيٌّ مُلْتَئِمْ

6. And it is as if the clashing of the arms when
The lions of valor, clouds rained with blood

٦. وكأَنَّما كِسْفُ العَجاجِ إِذَا التقتْ
أُسْدُ الكُماةِ سحائبٌ مَطَرَتْ بِدَمْ

7. Then you stormed the war in the straitness of the fray
And death in the gullets of the souls rampaging

٧. ثُمَّ اقْتَحَمْتَ الحربَ فِي ضَنْكِ الوَغى
والموتُ فِي عَلَقِ الجَناجِنِ يَقْتَحِمْ

8. Until you finished off the enemies the full term
And from elevation the highest of ambitions and allotments

٨. حَتَّى انتهَيْتَ من العِدى أَمَدَ المُنى
ومن العلا أَسْنى الرغائِبِ والقِسَمْ

9. O son of the revered, you did not disobey their command
Enemies to the early people and no weakness

٩. يا ابْنَ الأُلى لم تَعْصِ طاعَةَ أَمْرِهِمْ
عادٌ عَلَى أُولى الزمانِ ولا إِرَمْ

10. They raised the portico of the kingdom on their spears
Until time and the world surrendered to them

١٠. رَفَعُوا رِواقَ الملكِ فِي أَرْماحِهِمْ
حَتَّى استكانَ الدهرُ والدنيا لَهُمْ

11. And if they had unsheathed the swords they would have gained
The kingdom of creation by creation and morals

١١. ولَوَ اَنَّهُمْ شَامُوا السيوفَ لأَحْرَزُوا
مُلكَ الخلائِقِ بالخلائِقِ والشِّيَمْ

12. Then they sheathed their swords besides guidance
By force so religion and world triumphed through them

١٢. ثُمَّ انْتضَوْا دونَ الهدى أَسيافَهُمْ
قَسْراً فَعزَّ الدينُ والدنيا بِهِمْ

13. Neither my poetry nor my prose nor my
Pages nor the effort of my tongue or my pen

١٣. لا نَظْمُ أَشعارِي ولا نثري ولا
صُحُفِي ولا جَهْدُ اللسانِ ولا القَلَمْ

14. Of what fulfills spreading the easiest that my
Chest hides of sincerity in you and what it conceals

١٤. مِمَّا يقومُ بنشْرِ أَيسَرِ مَا طَوى
صدرِي من الإِخلاصِ فيكَ وَمَا كَتَمْ

15. And your prayers connected with the days for me
Until with them I lost all traces of non-existence

١٥. وصلاتُكَ اتَّصَلَتْ مع الأَيَّامِ لي
حَتَّى عَدِمْتُ بِهِنَّ آثارَ العَدَمْ

16. And raised my mention among your servants so it ascended
And joined my group under your shelter so it integrated

١٦. ورَفَعْنَ ذِكْرِيَ فِي عبيدِكَ فاعْتلى
ونَظَمْنَ شمليَ فِي جِوارِكَ فانتظَمْ

17. And attained with me from your side a dwelling
Standing by the generosity of the means and allotments

١٧. وتبوَّأَتْ بِيَ من جنابِكَ مَوْطِناً
وَقْفاً عَلَى كَرَمِ الوسائِلِ والذِّمَمْ

18. So I pitched my items from you in the glory of sanctuary
And prevented my family from you in the people of sanctuary

١٨. فحطَطْتُ رحلي منكَ فِي عِزِّ الحِمى
ومنعتُ أَهلي منكَ فِي أَهلِ الحَرَمْ

19. And your intuition came guiding me to you
It believed in what loyalty legislated and what it ruled

١٩. وغدَتْ تَهادى بي إِلَيْكَ بصيرةٌ
دانَتْ بما شرع الوفاءُ وَمَا حكمْ

20. Our riding-beasts were adorned with gratitude
Beautified by your blessings that are not concealed

٢٠. حُدِيَتْ مطايانا بأُهْبَةِ شاكِرٍ
تُزْهى بأَنْعُمِكَ الَّتِي لا تُكْتَتَمْ

21. And who is accustomed to from the sun at dawn
Light, and calms down in the darkness of night

٢١. ومَنِ الَّذِي يعتادُ من شمسِ الضحى
نوراً ويهدأُ فِي غياباتِ الظُّلَمْ

22. And with what incapacity schemes against your determination
It befriended the side of your might so it did not throw

٢٢. وبِما يَكِيدُ العجزُ عنكَ عزيمةً
أَلِفَتْ جنابَ العزِّ منك فَلَمْ تَرِمْ

23. And with what I stand while I have mobilized my praises
For the least portion of your benevolence, it did not stand

٢٣. وبما أقيمُ وَقَدْ حَشَدْتُ محامدي
لأقلِّ جُزْءٍ من نداكَ فلم تَقُمْ

24. And I refrain from you by sacrificing a self that
Has long been watered by your generous hands' generosity

٢٤. وأَضِنُّ عنكَ ببذلِ نفسٍ طالما
سُقِيَتْ بجُودِ يَدَيْكَ أَنداءَ الكرمْ

25. And it terrifies me the striking of separation when it meets
Passion, and I forget from you the water-spring of communion

٢٥. ويَرُوعُني لفحُ الهجيرِ إِذَا الْتَقى
وَهَجاً وأَنْسى منكَ مُنَهَلَّ الدِّيَمْ

26. Do time then discourage me from you, no
My foot rose to the blessed shade for me

٢٦. أَمُثَبِّطِي عنكَ الزمانُ إِذَنْ فَلا
نَهَضَتْ إِلَى الظِّلِّ المبارَكِ لي قَدَمْ

27. Shall I be delighted without you with life, and how many
Hands for you have given me good news of life, and how many

٢٧. أَأُسَرُّ دونَكَ بالحياةِ وَكَمْ يَدٍ
لَكَ بَشَّرَتْنِي بالحياةِ وكمْ وكمْ

28. Is my eye delighted with a life in which I do not see
Your swords in your weapons arbitrating

٢٨. أَقريرةٌ عيني بعَيْشٍ لا أَرى
فِيهِ سيوفَكَ فِي عُداتِكَ تحتكِمْ

29. Am I crowned while your face is exposed
To the flames of tongues and estrangement kindles

٢٩. أَمُكَلَّلٌ وجهِي ووَجْهُكَ بارِزٌ
لِشَبا الأَسِنَّةِ والهواجِرُ تضطرِمْ

30. I am thus ungrateful for your blessings which
Severed the ropes of humiliation from me so receded

٣٠. إِنِّي إِذَنْ لَكَفُورُ أَنْعُمِكَ الَّتِي
صَرَمَتْ حبالَ الذلِّ مِنِّي فانصرمْ

31. No, by Him who led the inspirations to you
The kingdom of kings and description of nations' obedience

٣١. لا والذي قادتْ إِلَيْكَ هِباتُهُ
مُلْكَ الملوكِ وصَفْوَ طاعاتِ الأُمَمْ

32. I do not follow those who differ and I do not see
I strive to attain your approval in the lowest of ambitions

٣٢. لا أَقتدِي بالخالِفينَ ولا أُرى
أَسعى لِنَيْلِ رِضاكَ فِي أَدْنى الهِمَمْ

33. Until the fruits of dew are evident to me
With me and taste how my gratitude for blessings

٣٣. حَتَّى تَبَيَّنَ كَيْفَ أَثمارُ النَّدى
عندي وتَبْلُوَ كَيْفَ شكري لِلنِّعَمْ

34. And show you the truth of my pursuits and sources
Nullifying what the envious fabricated and what it claimed

٣٤. ويُريكَ صدقُ موارِدِي ومَصَادِرِي
إِبْطالَ مَا اختلَقَ الحسودُ وَمَا زَعَمْ

35. And perhaps the ordainer of matters restricts me
With your approval from the passage of time so I resort to arbitration

٣٥. ولعلَّ من يقضِي الأُمورَ يُقيدُنِي
بِرِضاكَ من صَرْفِ الزمانِ فأَحْتَكِمْ