
A brother, thirsting, sucks his brother's blood,

أخو ظمأ يمص حشاه سبع

1. A brother, thirsting, sucks his brother's blood,
While four others, all of them are thirsty too,

١. أَخُو ظَمَأٍ يَمُصُّ حَشاهُ سَبْعٌ
وأَرْبَعَةٌ وكُلُّهُمُ ظِماءُ

2. Like Joseph's stars in number, but unlike
His vision here, obscurity withdrew.

٢. كَأَنْجُمِ يوسُفٍ عَدَداً ولكِنْ
بِرؤْيَا هَذِهِ بَرِحَ الخَفاءُ

3. Misfortunes courted them with sufferings
Where wisdom dies, and shrewdness finds its doom,

٣. خطوبٌ خاطَبَتْهُمْ من دَوَاهٍ
يموتُ الحزمُ فِيهَا والدَّهاءُ

4. The stars appeared at nightfall suddenly
While sunset called for nighttime to resume.

٤. تراءَتْ بالكواكِبِ وَهْيَ ظُهْرٌ
وآذَنَ فِيهِ بالشَّمْسِ العِشاءُ

5. Could then my sight keep hidden or my heart
Conceal it, when the sea and space grew less?

٥. فَهَلْ نَظَرِي تَخَفَّى أَوْ بِصَدْرِي
وضاقَ البَحْرُ عَنْها والفَضَاءُ

6. And each of them was Joseph when he was saved
Through exile and estrangement from distress.

٦. وكُلُّهُمُ كَيُوسُفَ إِذْ فَدَاهُ
مِنَ القَتْلِ التَّغَرُّبُ والجَلاءُ

7. If prison kept him, then how many were confined
By ships and deserts - austere, desolate!

٧. وإِنْ سجنٌ حواهُ فكَمْ حواهم
سجونُ الفُلْكِ والقفرُ القَواءُ

8. What fair example of good deeds was he
When buying cheap was my benevolence!

٨. وأيَّةُ أُسوةٍ فِي الحسنِ منهُ
لإِحسانِي إِذَا ارْتُخِصَ الشِّراءُ

9. My weeping eyes shed tears abundantly
For those whom I beweep persistently.

٩. وَفِي باكيهِ من بُعدٍ وصدري
وأَجفانِي بِمَنْ أبكي مِلاءُ

10. More lonesome than the sun's decline one day
An eclipse occurring, dimming its array.

١٠. وأَوْحَشُ من غروبِ الشمس يوماً
كسوفٌ فِي سَناها وامِّحاءُ

11. My heart's own kin, though wounded, hurt me more
When eyes attempt what they should not assay.

١١. وأَفلاذُ الفؤادِ أَمَضُّ قَرْحاً
إِذَا رَمَتِ العيونَ بما تُساءُ

12. Their joy in life seems but a sadness; none
Can heal within my breast what pains allay.

١٢. فما كسرورِهِمْ فِي الدهر حُزْنٌ
ولا كشِفائِهم فِي الصدْرِ داءُ

13. Results of ordeals, twists of abjectness
Are sweeter than continuance of decay!

١٣. نَقَائِذُ فتنةٍ وخُلوفُ ذُلٍّ
أَلَذُّ من البقاءِ بِهِ الفَناءُ

14. If wantonness of power made them forsake,
How many a desolate abode they array!

١٤. فإِن أَقْوَتْ مغاني العِزِّ منهمْ
فكم عَمِرَتْ بِهِم بِيدٌ خلاءُ

15. If earth constrained them, earth expands; no sky
Has wept as they made weep continually.

١٥. وإِنْ ضاقَتْ بِهِم أَرضٌ فأَرضٌ
فما بَكَّتْ لمثلِهِمُ السَّماءُ

16. If tyranny forgot from them all blame,
No faultiness could tyranny gainsay!

١٦. وإِنْ نَسِيَ الرَّدى منهم ذَماءً
فأَعْذَرَ زاهِقٌ عنه الذَّماءُ

17. How many covenants forsworn they left,
Neglected, until negligence held sway!

١٧. فكَمْ تركوا معاهِدَ مُوحشاتٍ
عَفَتْ حَتَّى عفا فِيهَا العفاءُ

18. Our morrows after them are dark; how oft
Their light illuminated yesterday!

١٨. فأَظْلَمَ بعدَنا الإِصباحُ فِيهَا
وكم دهرٍ أَضاءَ بِهَا المساءُ

19. Ruin aged them, they tell of withered faces -
Remote from them, ruins hold ruin's way.

١٩. وجَدَّ بِهَا البِلى فحكتْ وجُوهاً
نأَتْ عنها فَجَدَّ بِهَا البَلاءُ

20. To lose them lightly hurts each seeing eye,
Sorrow for them is meet to console dismay.

٢٠. وَهَوْنُ هَوَانِها فِي كلِّ عَيْنٍ
جديرٌ أن يعِزَّ لَهُ العزاءُ

21. Hands they stretched out to each imprisoned soul,
No tears but only water hands convey.

٢١. بَسَطْنَ لكلِّ مقبوضٍ يداهُ
فما فِيهِنَّ غيرُ الدَّمْعِ ماءُ

22. Suns that alarms and separation cooled -
To every flourishing place merely spray!

٢٢. شُموسٌ غالها ذُعْرٌ وبَيْنٌ
فهُنَّ لكلِّ ضاحيةٍ هَباءُ

23. How many robes of happiness they wore
Stripped off by misery uncompensated!

٢٣. وكم لبسُوا من النُّعمى بُروداً
جلاها عن جسومِهِمُ الجلاءُ

24. Garments of probity which naught remains
Save John's son and propriety's array.

٢٤. مَلابِسُ بامة لَمْ يَبْقَ منها
لهم إِلّا ابْنُ يَحْيى والحياءُ

25. If a protection of it they removed
In it and you lies my protection's stay.

٢٥. فإِنْ كشفوا لَهُم منه غطاءً
ففيهِ وفيكَ لي ولهم غِطاءُ

26. A truthful patron wherein hope finds truth,
And intercessor whose troth will not sway.

٢٦. شفيعٌ صادِقٌ منه الوفاءُ
ومولىً صادقٌ فِيهِ الرَّجاءُ

27. If darkness pressed on them, you are the light
Illuming every pressing darkness' way.

٢٧. وإِنْ دَجَتِ الخُطوبُ بِهِم عَلَيْهِ
فأَنْتَ لكُلِّ داجيةٍ ضِياءُ

28. If miseries from their chanting thronged around,
Your glance makes evident obscurities' gray.

٢٨. وإِنْ طَوَتِ الرَّزايا من سَناهُمْ
فلحظُكَ منه يتَّضِحُ الخَفاءُ

29. If their remote cry faintly made its plaint,
Your hearing makes the faintest cry obey.

٢٩. وإِنْ أَخفى نِداءهُم التَّنائِي
فسمعُكَ منه يُستمعُ النِّداءُ

30. If they a dried-up spring of favor sought,
You are the bucket and the rain that day.

٣٠. وإِنْ وَرَدُوا قليبَ الجود عُطْلاً
فأَنت الدَّلْوُ فِيهَا والرِّشاءُ

31. God willed that the most generous of lands
Should water those you wish to irrigate.

٣١. وَقَدْ شاءَ الإِلَهُ بأَنَّ أندى
بحارِ الأَرضِ يَسقي من تشاءُ

32. Awaken then redeemer of prisoners
Their souls for you and ransom make their way.

٣٢. فَنَبِّهْ فادِيَ الأَسْرى عَلَيْهِمْ
نفوسُهُمُ لَهُ ولَكَ الفِداءُ

33. Branches meeting seas of bounty, blooming, trimmed
By separation - bonds did not waylay.

٣٣. غصونٌ عندَ بحرِ نداهُ أَوْفَتْ
بِهَا كَحْلٌ وَقَدْ شَذَبَ اللِّحاءُ

34. The spring made them its own and every time
Heat scorched them or the winter held its sway.

٣٤. وآواها الرَّبيعُ وكلَّ حين
يعيثُ القيظُ فِيهَا والشتاءُ

35. The zephyr neighbored them; morn's budding radiance
Made gnats in plenty round their thickets stray.

٣٥. وجاوَرَتِ الصَّبا فَغَدَتْ وأَمْسَتْ
تُجَرْجِرُ فِي حَشاها الجِرْبِياءُ

36. Misfortune flung them to a lord whose bonds
Were their devotion and unswerving fealty.

٣٦. رَمَتْ بِهِمُ الحوادثُ نحوَ مولىً
حواها الرِّقُّ منه والولاءُ

37. The book led them to a king whose decree
Demanded them - that fate make them its prey.

٣٧. وقادَهُمُ الكتابُ إِلَى مليكٍ
تقاضاهُمْ ليمناه القضاءُ

38. How many times the angry seas they crossed,
Where waters joined with heaven in boundless way!

٣٨. فكم عسفوا إِلَيْهِ لُجَّ بحرٍ
تَلاقَى الماءُ فِيهِ والسَّماءُ

39. How many times across a barren waste
Whose very jinn the howling wind obey!

٣٩. وجابوا نحوَهُ من لُجِّ قفرٍ
يجاوبُ جِنَّهُ فِيهِ الحُداءُ

40. How many times from death their souls escaped
Where no escape from death made hopeful way!

٤٠. وكم ناجَتْ نفوسَهُمُ المنايا
فَلأْياً مَا نجا بِهِم النَّجاءُ

41. How many times the swooping of the star
In wilderness made hearts for it make way!

٤١. وكم بارَوْا هُوِيَّ النجْم تهوي
بِهِم فِي البِيدِ أَفئدةٌ هواءُ

42. How many times they accompanied night's stars
Till daybreak's very brilliance paled their ray!

٤٢. وكمْ صَحِبُوا نُجُومَ اللَّيْلِ حَتَّى
جَلاها فِي عُيُونِهِمُ الضَّحَاءُ

43. They minded them while I had none but eyes -
Those eyes of mine their flock's sole shepherd's stay.

٤٣. وَرَاعَوْها وَمَا ليَ غَيْرُ جَفْني
وأَجْفانِي لِسِرْبِهِمُ رِعاءُ

44. Guiding them on horizons limitless
They journeyed guided, it with them made way.

٤٤. هُدىً لَهُمُ إِلَى الآفاقِ حَتَّى
سَرَتْ وَلَهَا بِسَيْرِهِمُ اهْتِداءُ

45. No star of fortune like you they obtained,
With you, for them hope found its culminating way.

٤٥. فما ظَفِرُوا بِمِثْلِكَ نَجْمَ سَعْدٍ
بِهِ لَهُمُ إِلَى الأَمَلِ انْتِهاءُ

46. But from it they made calculations, fate
Called you for what they summoned you to sway.

٤٦. ولكِنْ عَدَّلُوا مِنْها حِساباً
لَهُ فِيما دَعَوْكَ لَهُ قَضاءُ

47. As they rejected from your father's name
Before the "Z" an "R" refuted stay.

٤٧. كما زَجَرُوا مِن اسْمِ أَبِيكَ فَأْلاً
فَرُدَّتْ فِيهِ قَبْلَ الزَّايِ رَاءُ

48. Its crescent they deputized you with providing
Shade, shelter, gathering secure from fray.

٤٨. وخَوَّلَ فَأْلُهُمْ بِكَ فَانْتَحاهمْ
بِهِ أُكُلٌ وظِلٌّ واجْتِنَاءُ

49. Remind and mention nearby dwellers in
An abode where generousness led the way,

٤٩. فَذَكِّرْ وَادَّكِرْ جِيرانَ بَيْتٍ
بِبَيْتٍ فِيهِ للكَرَمِ اقْتِداءُ

50. Where wisdom rules forbiddance, governance,
Fulfilling wants, needs answered without delay.

٥٠. وفيهِ للنُّهى حَكَمٌ وحُكْمٌ
وللنُّعمى قضاءٌ واقْتِضاءُ

51. When winter strikes a neighbor, neighborly
Avoiding what makes hardship hold its sway.

٥١. إِذَا نَزلَ الشتاءُ بِجارِ بَيْتٍ
تَجَنَّبَ جارَ بَيْتِهِمُ الشِّتاءُ