1. The feasts have testified that you are their feast,
With you, the lonely one yearned and the distant one drew near.
١. شَهِدَتْ لَكَ الأَعيادُ أَنَّكَ عيدُها
بكَ حَنَّ مُوحِشُها وآبَ بَعيدُها
2. Its darkness was illuminated, its fright took wing,
The disobedient obeyed, the severe softened.
٢. وأَضاءَ مُظلِمُها وأَفرَخَ رَوْعُها
وأَطاعَ عاصِيها ولانَ شديدُها
3. The world has described to us its prime long passed,
In the wake of its exuberant youth.
٣. وصَفَتْ لنا الدُّنيا فَشَبَّ كبيرُها
فِي إِثْرِ مَا قَدْ كَانَ شابَ وليدُها
4. The sea was never as frozen as the day before yours,
Now its frigidity melts with the dew.
٤. ما كَانَ أجمدَ قَبلَ يَوْمِكَ بحرَها
فالآنَ فُجِّرَ بالنَّدى جُلْمُودُها
5. The winds blow favorably with wishes,
Its downpours perpetually cascading with life.
٥. والرِّيحُ للإِقْبالِ تُزْجِي للمُنى
دِيَماً تَدَفَّقُ بِالحياةِ مُدُودُها
6. It may storm, yet we have of its lightning and thunder
Only the passions of its flashes and its rumbles.
٦. ولَقَدْ تَغِيمُ وَمَا لنا من وَدْقِها
إِلّا خواطفُ برقِها ورُعودُها
7. Your home found comfort on the plains of Mecca
For the advent of days, their promise drawing nigh-
٧. وارتاحَ بيتُكَ فِي أباطِحِ مَكَّةٍ
لمعادِ أَيامٍ دنا مَوْعُودُها
8. Of processions whose steeds hastened to you
And brigades whose standards fluttered high,
٨. لِمواكِبٍ صَهَلَتْ إليكَ خُيولُها
وكتائِبٍ خَفَقَتْ عَلَيْكَ بُنودُها
9. Yearning for your call which their zealots have long
Sustained, and their altruists spent themselves thereby.
٩. شَغَفاً بدَعْوتِكَ الَّتِي قَدْ طالَما
عَمَرَتْ تهائِمُها بها ونُجُودُها
10. It consecrated those in pilgrim garb, and its riders converged,
Its pilgrims and delegations flocked and vied.
١٠. وأَهَلَّ مُحرِمُها ولَبَّى ركبُهَا
وتلاحَقَتْ حُجَّابُها ووفودُها
11. Now the world has fulfilled for us its promise,
And for it, its fright and threats subside.
١١. فالآنَ أنجَزَ مَوْعِدُ الدُّنيا لَنَا
ولَها وأَخْلَفَ رَوْعُها ووَعِيدُها
12. When the throne was rightfully yours, and atop it
The champions of your appointers, their might and pride,
١٢. حينَ استَقَلَّ بكَ السَّريرُ وفَوْقَهُ
بأسُ الخلائِفِ مُنْجِبِيكَ وجُودُها
13. Their brilliance, glory, loyalty, regiments and swords,
When the caliphate adorned itself with its crown bedight.
١٣. وبهاؤها وسَناؤها ووَفاؤها
وصُفُوفُها وسيوفُها وجُنودُها
14. Its ornaments glittered, greatest of boons you were given,
Crown prince of the Muslims, their increase and their guide.
١٤. وتلبَّسَتْ منك الخِلافةُ تاجَها
وتلألأتْ لَبَّاتُها وعُقودُها
15. You surpass horizons so he grasps and contains them,
You scale lofty peaks so he scales and provides.
١٥. أعظِم بِهَا نِعَماً وَفيتَ بشُكْرها
فَوَليُّ عهدِ المسلمينَ مزيدُها
16. If you plant kindness it is a cloud, if you begin
Blessings their source is he, if you unlatch prosperity he steers it,
١٦. تاليكَ تحْتازُ المدى فَيَحُوزُه
وتَؤودُ شاهِقَةَ الرُّبا فَيَؤودُها
17. If you inaugurate fortune he facilitates it,
If you build eminence he builds it stride by stride.
١٧. إِنْ تَزرَع المعروفَ فهو غَمامَةٌ
أَوْ تَبدَأ النَّعْماءَ فَهوَ مُعيدُها
18. And if a blossom of praises ornaments a garden,
He tends it, and if aggressors trespass refuges,
١٨. تستفتِحُ السَّرَّاءَ وَهْوَ يُسيرُها
وتُشَيِّدُ العَلياءَ وَهوَ يَشِيدُها
19. He is the excellent defender, fending them off.
His nature was birthed from the celestial pole on high,
١٩. وإِذا ازدَهَتْكَ من المحامِدِ زَهْرَةٌ
فِي رَوْضَةٍ غَنَّاءَ فهو يَرُودُها
20. The steeds were assigned to him, he leads them by.
The full moon destined him with a lineage
٢٠. وإِذا تَقَحَّمَتِ العُداةُ مَوارِداً
فَلَنِعْمَ طَعَّانُ الكُماةِ يَذُودُها
21. That ruled over all lords, they will be led thereby.
From you, charms crept to entrance him in horizons,
٢١. فطَرَتْهُ من قُطْبِ النجومِ وِلادةٌ
وكَلَتْ إِلَيْهِ الخيلَ فهو يقودُها
22. He spent generously, which they provide.
You adorned him in the garbs of fervor and leadership
٢٢. واختصَّهُ بدْرُ السَّماءِ بنِسبَةٍ
حَكَمَتْ عَلَى السَّادَاتِ أنْ سَيسُودُها
23. On which swords and armor glittered, pridefully bedight.
Days wherein the countries shone as stars
٢٣. وسَرَتْ إِلَيْهِ من يَدَيْكَ شَمَائِلٌ
أَغرَتْهُ بالآفاقِ فهوَ يَجُودُها
24. With the domes of your armies, hope their obedient guide,
For three unmarred pilgrimages, their precincts yearned
٢٤. وكَسوْتَهُ ثَوْبَيْ وَغىً ورياسةٍ
زُهِيَتْ عَلَيْهِ سُيُوفُها وبُرُودُها
25. For you, unperturbed by separation's divide.
The pavilion of glorious victory over you both
٢٥. أَيَّامَ أزهَرَتِ البلادُ كواكِباً
بقبابِ جُندِكَ والرَّجاءُ عَبيدُها
26. Is raised, piloting the righteous, its ropes untied
Until you ascended the pulpits to a rank
٢٦. حِجَجاً ثلاثاً مَا تَأَنَّسَ حَضْرُها
شوقاً إليكَ ولا تَوَحَّشَ بيدُها
27. Tempting the great souls of men, their envy and their pride,
In the dome of the kingdom which sturdy pillars support,
٢٧. وسُرادِقُ النصرِ العزيز عَلَيْكُمَا
مرفوعُ أَرْوِقةِ الهُدى مَمْدُودُها
28. Its columns, panels, galleries, halls and giants abide.
Its elite and allies and loyalists,
٢٨. حَتَّى ارتقَيْتَ من المنابِرِ رُتْبَةً
غَرَّتْ بِهَا غُرُّ الرجال وَصِيدُها
29. Its daughters, mothers and lionesses stride.
They shone upon you the night of every misguidance
٢٩. فِي قُبَّةِ المُلك الَّذِي صِنْهَاجَةٌ
و زِنَانَةٌ أَطنابُها وعَمودُها
30. A radiant silver, its gloom will never subside.
A light for those loyal to you, their guide it will be
٣٠. وسَراتُها ودُعاتُها ورُعاتُها
وبُناتُها وحُماتُها وأُسودُها
31. Or fire for those opposing you, their fuel thereby.
You overwhelmed it with your ascent beyond
٣١. هُمْ نَوَّرُوا لَكَ ليلَ كلِّ مُضِلَّةٍ
سُمْراً وبيضاً مَا تَجفُّ غُمُودُها
32. What its fathers and ancestors bequeathed during their time.
And by your offspring it is compensated
٣٢. نُورٌ لِمَنْ وَالاكَ فَهْيَ وَقِيدُهُ
أَوْ نارُ مَنْ عاداكَ فهوَ وَقُودُها
33. For its homelands, the yearning of souls thereby residing.
The days of battle, swords proved true to you,
٣٣. أَذْهَلْتَهَا بِعُلاكَ عَمَّا أَوْرَثَتْ
من مُلكِها آباؤُهَا وجدُودُها
34. On the day of assembly, their pacts thereby abiding.
An hour wherein kinship is severed, neither righteous
٣٤. وتَعوَّضَتْ بذَرَاكَ من أَوْطانِها
أُمْنيَّةً حَسْبُ النُّفُوسِ وُجُودُها
35. Witnessed nor acts witnessed, thereby coinciding.
A day wherein the honorable were abased to the vile
٣٥. صَدَقَتْكَ أَيَّامَ النِّزَالِ سُيُوفُها
ضَرْباً وَفِي يوم النِّفارِ عُهودُها
36. And the noble stewed with slaves thereby presiding.
Its stalwarts despaired amidst adversity in which
٣٦. في ساعَةٍ مقطوعةٍ أَرْحامُها
لا البِرُّ شاهِدُها ولا مَشْهُودُها
37. Its masters and lords were exhausted thereby biding
No guide to salvation could its course determine
٣٧. يومٌ أُذِلَّ كِرامُهُ لِلئامِهِ
وَسَطَت بأحرارِ الملوكِ عبيدُها
38. Bewildered, nor paragon of propriety its course decide
Until you rose for them at the fairest of days,
٣٨. وتوَاكَلَتْ أَبطالُها فِي كُرْبةٍ
أعيَتْ بِهَا سادَاتُها ومَسودُها
39. Upon them your fortunes in the sky rose, thereby riding
So they inhaled the breath of life for souls
٣٩. لا يَهْتَدِي سَمْتَ النَّجاةِ دَليلُها
دَهَشاً ولا وجه السَّدادِ سديدُها
40. Who now sipped from the basin, its drafts thereby gliding.
Evident became the confused one's delusions,
٤٠. حَتَّى طَلَعْتَ لَهُم بأسعدِ غرَّةٍ
طَلَعَتْ عَلَيْهِم فِي السَّماء سُعودُها
41. And the right-minded one now rested in reason residing.
They hastened to pledge allegiance to you
٤١. فَتَنَسَّمُوا نَفَسَ الحياةِ لأَنْفُسٍ
قَدْ حانَ من حَوْضِ الحِمام وُرُودُها
42. Eroding time, and the new replacing thereby.
In it, their Lord's hand was over their hands
٤٢. وتبيَّنَ الغيَّ المُبيرَ غَوِيُّها
وارتاحَ للرُّشْدِ المبينِ رَشيدُها
43. The writers and keepers bore witness thereby.
They fulfilled it, so it united their throng
٤٣. وتبادَرُوا يُمْنى يَدَيْكَ ببَيعَةٍ
يَبلى الزمانُ ويَستجدُّ جديدُها
44. In a state whose progress the future will guide
It assured them it would not loose its swords
٤٤. يَدُ رَبِّهِمْ فِيهَا عَلَى أيديهِمُ
والكاتِبُونَ الحافظونَ شُهُودُها
45. In any fray until its pacts came undone thereby.
It quenched them with cups of kindness extinguishing
٤٥. أَوْفَوْا بِهَا فوفَتْ بأُلْفَةِ شملِهِمْ
فِي دولةٍ مستقبَلٍ تأْييدُها
46. Among them flames, their blaze could not subside.
With its peace, eyes were intimate with slumber,
٤٦. ضَمِنَتْ لَهُم أَلّا تُسَلَّ سُيُوفُها
فِي مَعْرَكٍ حَتَّى تُسَلَّ حُقودُها
47. With its safety, gazes gently rested thereby.
And they clasped hands after the swords in harmony
٤٧. وسَقَتْهُمُ بكُؤوسِ عَطفٍ أَخْمدَتْ
منهم ذُحُولاً لا يُرَامُ خُمودُها
48. Reconciled, affectionate and friendly thereby.
It is an invitation with their swords as its proof,
٤٨. فَبِسَلْمِها أَصْفى السلامَ أَبيُّها
وبأمنِها أَلِفَ العُيونَ هُجودُها
49. In an allegiance their oaths verify.
And tenets for a law Their struggle realized
٤٩. وتصافَحُوا بعْدَ السيوفِ بأوجُهٍ
مُتقارِضٍ مَوْدودها ووَدُودُها
50. Their valor and resolve will fortify.
That they struggle in God a true struggle
٥٠. هي دعوةٌ بسيوفِهِمْ تثبيتُها
فِي بَيعَةٍ أَيْمانُهُمْ توكيدُها
51. And for their Lord their souls purify.
To increase might through struggle, its mighty one,
٥١. ومعالِمٌ لشريعةٍ بجِهادِهِمْ
وجيادِهم وجِلادِهم توطيدُها
52. And its prospered one through conviction magnify.
They swore by their Lord to honor the caliphate
٥٢. أَن جاهدوا فِي الله حقَّ جهادِهِ
وَعَلَى النُّفُوسِ لِرَبِّها مجهودُها
53. Whose bonds he instructed them not to untie.
And by it the rulers of their enemy nations bowed
٥٣. لِيزيدَ عزَّاً بالجهادِ عزيزُها
ويزيدَ سَعداً باليقِينِ سَعيدُها
54. And its tyrant and stubborn thereby comply.
And they entrusted a precipice the battle
٥٤. حَلَفُوا بربِّهِمُ لعقد خلافَةٍ
أَوْصَاهُمُ أَلّا تُحَلَّ عقودُها
55. That felled mountains, their summits thereby razed high.
They trekked to Shabwa whose harvest was nigh
٥٥. وبها اسْتَقَادَ لهم مُلُوكَ عُدَاتِهِمْ
وعنَا لهم جَبَّارُها وَعنيدُها
56. The necks of armored men its harvest thereby reaped.
And the valleys of Qantish mustered against them
٥٦. واستَوْدَعُوا جنبَيْ شَرَنْبَةَ وَقعَةً
هدَّ الجبالَ الراسياتِ وَئيدُها
57. Hordes of rebels, their number cannot quantify.
Their hearts it seems were sickly partial to them
٥٧. دلَفوا إِلَى شَهباءَ حان حَصادُها
بظُبىً رُؤوسُ الدَّارعين حَصيدُها
58. So they engaged them with spears accustomed thereby.
They left the plain with its bellies eviscerated
٥٨. وشِعابُ قَنتيشٍ وَقَدْ حَشَرَتْ لَهُمْ
أُممٌ بُغاةٌ لا يُكتُّ عديدُها
59. And the rebels' corpses the topsoil thereby blanketed.
And the Frankish brigades, as they conspired against you
٥٩. فكأنَّمَا مَرِضَتْ قلوبُهُمُ لَهُمْ
غِلّاً فجاؤوا بالرِّماحِ تَعودُها
60. In their factions - God from you defends thereby -
With vessels in a tumultuous sea's swell
٦٠. ترَكُوا بِهَا ظَهْرَ الصَّعيدِ وَقَدْ غَدا
بطناً وأَجسادُ الغُواةِ صعيدُها
61. Flooding the earth's expanse, their cords stretched thereby.
They added its eagle and crow, their patriarch
٦١. وكَتائِبُ الإِفْرَنج إِذ كادَتْكَ فِي
أَشياعِها والله عنكَ يكِيدُها
62. And paragon - their tyrant and pillar thereby.
A mob for their Armenia, mustered thereby
٦٢. بسوابحٍ فِي لُجِّ بحرِ سَوابِغٍ
فاضتْ عَلَى الأَرض الفضاءِ مُدُودُها
63. To march and thence to hell herded enmasse thereby.
They approached under sharp blades
٦٣. ولقد أَضافُوا نسرَها وغُرابَها
وقِراهُما طاغوتُها وعَميدُها
64. And the Muslim's glory was proclaimed thereby.
After they had crushed spears and settled
٦٤. شِلْوٌ لأَرْمَنْقُورها حُشِرَتْ بِهِ
للزَّحفِ ثُمَّ إِلَى الجَحيمِ حُشُودُها
65. A dispute, its justice broadcast thereby.
As if their crosses lofted in the shadow
٦٥. ودَنَتْ لَهَا فِي آرُ تَحْتَ صَوارِمٍ
وَرِيَتْ بعزِّ المسلمينَ زُنودُها
66. Of their crumbling, prostrating thereby.
And beside the west as you boldly approached
٦٦. من بعْدِ مَا قَصفُوا الرِّماحَ وأصلَتُوا
بيضاً يُشيِّعُ حدَّها توحيدُها
67. It unkempt, conquests were announced thereby.
They struck Uhud until it surfaced
٦٧. فكأَنَّما رُفِعتْ لَهَا صُلبانُها
فِي ظِلِّ هَبوَتِها فَحَانَ سُجُودُها
68. As a belly, the rebels' corpses its topsoil thereby.
In a fray absolved by their swords that if
٦٨. وبِجانِب الغَرْبيِّ إِذْ أَقْدَمتَها
شَعثاءَ بُشِّرَ بالفُتُوحِ شهيدُها
69. Their steel melted from intense heat thereby
And in it excuses fell short of a crime
٦٩. ضَرَبُوا عَلَى الأُخدودِ هامَ حُماتِهِ
حَتَّى عَبَرْتَ وجِسرُهُنَ خُدودُها
70. Disgraceful, which your palm did not flourish thereby
By it we saw glory wherever you sought it
٧٠. في وَقعةٍ قامت بعُذرِ سيوفِهِمْ
لَوْ ذابَ من حَرِّ الجِلادِ حديدُها
71. And perpetuity of bounty wherever you steered it
Save your magnanimity which ennobled
٧١. ويضيقُ فِيهَا العُذْرُ عن خَطِيَّةٍ
سمراءَ لَمْ يُورِقْ بكفِّكَ عُودُها
72. Its dangers and its ancestors thereby
Panicked that the Days of Ignorance might see it
٧٢. فبِها رأَينا العزَّ حَيْثُ تودُّه
وسوابِغَ النَّعماءِ حَيْثُ تريدُها
73. Interred in dirt, forgotten thereby
Ceding those whose deaths it held
٧٣. إِلّا كرائِمَ من كرائِمكَ الَّتِي
بكَ كُرِّمَتْ أخطارُها وجُدُودُها
74. While withholding those granted eternity thereby
So welcome it, for the virtuous have presented
٧٤. ذُعِرتْ بحُكمِ الجاهليَّةِ أَن ترى
قَدْ دُسَّ فِي تُرْبِ الثَّرى مَوْؤُودُها
75. Their worthy praises, no flaw thereby marring it
Innovative compositions whose jewels resemble each other
٧٥. أَن مَلَّكتْ مَنْ فِي يديهِ مَماتُها
ونأت عَلَى مَن فِي يَديهِ خُلودُها
76. Therein pearls and unmatched verses coincide
And let our days of glory altogether be
٧٦. فاقبلْ فقد ساقَتْ إليكَ مُهورَها
أَكْفاءُ حمدٍ لا يُذَمُّ حميدُها
77. A feast, and you to those who obeyed, their feast thereby
Time does lapse over your heir apparent
٧٧. بدْعاً من النظمِ النفيسِ تَشابَهَت
فِيهَا الجواهِرُ دُرُّها وفَريدُها
78. Among intimates, their bereavement thereby abiding
If homelands are shrouded he travels captive
٧٨. وَلتَهْنِنا أَيَّامُ عِزٍّ كُلُّها
عِيدٌ وأنتَ لِمن أَطاعكَ عِيدُها
79. Or if enemies know, hunted thereby
Without sanctity preventing, nor ordained days
٧٩. ولقَد يَحولُ عَلَى وَلِيِّكَ حُوْلُها
فِي مُشفِقِ الأَهْلِينَ وَهْوَ فَقِيدُها
80. Known, nor numbered thereby biding
From a Muslim slain by a transgressor, nor
٨٠. إِن يَطرُقِ الأَوطانَ فهو أَسِيرُها
أَوْ يُشعِرِ الأَعْدَاءَ فهو طريدُها
81. An inviolate soul, the enemies lie in ambush thereby
They defied the Merciful in His sanctuary
٨١. لا حُرْمَةُ الرحمنِ ناهيةٌ وَلا
معلومُ أَيَّامٍ ولا مَعدُودُها
82. To violate the sanctities of Muslims, His law thereby rescinding
The swords' edges are kindled white hot for me through you
٨٢. عن مُسْلمٍ ضَحَّى بِهِ غاوٍ وَعَن
نَفْسٍ حرامٍ والعُداة تَصيدُها
83. Inflaming entrails, their darkness surges thereby
This is an outrage and a raid witnessed
٨٣. قد عَانَدُوا الرَّحمنَ فِي حُرُمَاتِهِ
أن تُعتدى فِي المُسْلِمينَ حُدودُها
84. Its impartiality the Musta'sin's love called thereby
And it suffices you from a soul you sufficed its hope
٨٤. بيضُ السُّيوفِ عَليَّ فيكَ حِدَادُها
مُتَوَقِّدُ الأَكبادِ نحوِيَ سُودُها
85. A provision demeaned, its plucking facile thereby
It was the singular in its age for calamity
٨٥. هذا جَنايَ وغارَةٌ مشهودةٌ
عَدَلَتْ بِحُبِّ المُسْتَعينِ شُهُودُها
86. Befallen, fate's outcast, its loneliness thereby abiding
And if the envious feigns a flaw to me
٨٦. وكَفاكَ من نَفْسٍ كَفَيْتَ رَجاءها
ذُخراً فَهانَ طَريفُها وتَليدُها
87. For invoking you in a renewed favor thereby
I am not one from whom time's eyes desist
٨٧. كَانَتْ وَحيدةَ دَهرِها من نَكْبَةٍ
مَنْكوبُها فذُّ الدهورِ وحيدُها
88. From blessings or curses while the envious sleeps thereby
And so around my neck are its fetters intact
٨٨. وَلَئِنْ أَجَدَّ ليَ الحَسودُ نَفاسةً
أَن قَدْ دَعاكَ لِنِعمةٍ تَجديدُها
89. Remaining, and around my legs its shackles thereby
٨٩. فأنا الَّذِي لَمْ تُغضِ عيْنُ الدَّهْرِ عن
نُعمى ولا نُقمى يَنامُ حَسودُها
٩٠. وَلِذَاكَ فِي عُنُقي مُوَثَّقُ غُلِّها
باقٍ وَفِي القَدَمين بعدُ قُيُودُها