1. The dawn shone bright with the radiance of your valor,
And victory and conquest emerged at your advance.
١. تَبَلَّجَ عن إِشراقِ غُرَّتِكَ الصُّبْحُ
وأَسفَرَ عن إِقدامِكَ النصرُ والفَتْحُ
2. The eyes of Muslims were sated with tears
Whose sources were honor and whose streams were triumph.
٢. وقَرَّتْ عيونُ المسلمينَ بأَوْبَةٍ
مصادِرُها عِزٌّ ومَوْرِدُها نُجْحُ
3. It was as if the sun's rays were from the light of its guidance,
And the fragrant breeze of the garden from its perfume.
٣. كَأَنَّ شُعاعَ الشمسِ من نُورِ هَدْيها
وعَرْفَ نسيمِ الروضِ من طِيبِها نَفْحُ
4. You struck with the party of Allah foremost
To the profitable venture - gardens of Eden awaiting gain.
٤. ضَرَبْتَ بِحِزْبِ اللهِ فِي الأَرْضِ مُقْدِماً
إِلَى مَتْجَرٍ جنَّاتُ عَدْنٍ لَهُ رِبْحُ
5. You shook the crowns of misguidance with a shock
That left an eternal wound in polytheism.
٥. فَضَعْضَعْتَ تيجانَ الضَّلالِ بوقْعَةٍ
عَلَى الشِّرْكِ لا يُؤْسى لَهَا أَبداً جُرْحُ
6. You quenched with the water of skulls and TL tolls
The thirst of steeds that craved drink.
٦. ورَوَّيْتَ من ماءِ الجَماجِمِ والطُّلى
مُتونَ جِيادٍ شَفَّها الظَّمَأُ التَّرْحُ
7. Lightning that flashed from you at the oath-breaker
Left a trickle of blood flowing without end.
٧. بوارِقَ مَا أَوْمَضْنَ عنكَ لِناكِثٍ
فأَخْلَفَ من سُقْيا دَمٍ دِيمَةً تَسْحُو
8. Swords unsheathed against your enemies shone
As neither pardon nor forgiveness was hoped from you.
٨. صفائِحَ أَعداها سناكَ فأَشْرَقَتْ
وَلَمْ يَعْدُهُنَّ العفوُ منكَ ولا الصَّفْحُ
9. And coats of mail donned high against the aggressors
As if they took flight from the spark of the swift.
٩. وزُرقاً تَعالى لِلْعُداةِ كَأَنَّما
تَطايَرَ من زَنْدِ المَنُونِ لَهَا قَدْحُ
10. Pits that gaped wide whenever you turned against an oath-breaker
And death was certain through their yawning jaws.
١٠. هَوَادٍ إِذَا جَلَّيْنَ عنكَ لِناكِثٍ
فَحَتْمُ المنايا من لَواحِظِها لَمْحُ
11. Ships sailing the land and sea, your might
Stirred in the sea of blood - glory be to Him!
١١. وسابِحَةٌ فِي البَرِّ والبَحْرِ لَمْ يَزَلْ
بِبَأْسِكَ فِي بحرِ الدماءِ لَهَا سَبْحُ
12. Whenever on a day your sword shook towards polytheism
Its wrist could not restrain the blow.
١٢. إِذا جَمْجَمَتْ يوماً بِهَا منكَ صَوْلَةٌ
إِلَى الشِّرْكِ لَمْ يَمْلِكْ أَعِنَّتَها الكَبْحُ
13. You raised the banners of guidance from their breasts,
Valleys wherein courage, resolve and slaughter dwelt.
١٣. رفَعْتَ براياتِ الهُدى من صدورِها
هوادِيَ أَدْنَى شَأْوِها الشَّدُّ والضَّبْحُ
14. Never did they convey terms to the rebel's abode,
However dear the dowry, humiliation would be easiest.
١٤. فما حَمَلَتْ خَطْباً إِلَى دارِ خالِعٍ
وإِنْ عَزَّ إِلّا كَانَ أَيْسَرَهُ الفَدْحُ
15. Nor did they tread the land of disbelief though
Its depths were probed, but wounds reached them.
١٥. ولا وَطِئَتْ لِلْكُفْرِ أَرْضاً وإِنْ نَأَى
بِهَا الغَوْلُ إِلّا مَسَّها مِنْهُمُ قَرْحُ
16. How often did they frighten vice in its lair
A sanctuary none protected before their roaming.
١٦. فَكَمْ رَوَّعَتْ لِلْغَيِّ فِي عُقْرِ دارِهِ
حِمىً لَمْ يُرَعْ من قَبْلِهِنَّ لَهُ سَرْحُ
17. With each sharp-nosed brave unfailing before you
No sinewy arm grew weary, no keen sword blunt.
١٧. بكُلِّ حَمِيِّ الأَنْفِ دونَكَ لَم يَخِمْ
بِهِ ساعِدٌ عَبْلٌ ولا صارِمٌ شَبْحُ
18. They put their lives on the line in battle
Their hearts brimming for you with counsel true.
١٨. تَحَلَّوا فَنَاطُوا بالْعَوَائِقِ فِي الوَغَى
جيوباً كِراماً حَشْوُهُنَّ لَكَ النُّصْحُ
19. How often from ambush and dark copse
They drove out lions to you sated not by slaughter.
١٩. وكم طَردُوا من تحتِ غيلٍ وغابَةٍ
إِلَيْكَ أُسوداً مَا يُمَلُّ لَهَا ذَبْحُ
20. A midnight downpour whose lightning bared its cheeks
Exposing the misguided, vagrant and restless.
٢٠. وسِرْبِ مهاً أَخلى الهياجُ خدودَها
فأَسفر عن أَحداقِها الضَّالُ والطَّلْحُ
21. Banners aloft over the noble foe - your glory great
Though matched cup for cup - their troth but half.
٢١. لَوَاهٍ عن الأَكفاءِ عِزَّاً وإِن تَقُلْ
لَهَا بالقنا الخَطِّيِّ خِطْبٌ تَقُلْ نِكْحُ
22. When resolute on a day they clashed with you
The hasty flight was all they had - no resolve.
٢٢. تركْنَ عميدَ الشِّرْكِ مَا بَيْنَ جفنِهِ
وبَيْنَ غِرارِ النَّوْمِ عهدٌ ولا صُلْحُ
23. How many a fortress did they startle in its bastion
A blaze in its depths from your flaming siege.
٢٣. يلوذ بِشُمِّ الراسياتِ وسَحْرُهُ
من الطَّوْدِ شِعْبٌ للمُخاتِلِ أَوْ سَفْحُ
24. You hoisted crucifixes in its squares
A conflagration in Rome's face bursting forth.
٢٤. وَمَا كَرَّ إِلّا نادِباً لمعاهِدٍ
لَكَ الفَوَحُ الباقِي بِهَا وَلَهُ التَّرْحُ
25. You made its protectors' blood gush therein
Springs in the crown of their kingdom overflowing.
٢٥. ويا رُبَّ عِلْقٍ لَمْ يَسُسْهُ مُوَفَّقٌ
فَوَفَّرَهُ جودٌ وبَدَّدَهْ شُحُّ
26. You breached with every piercing lance in its corners
A wound in Caesar's breast that would not heal.
٢٦. تركْتَ لعينَيْهِ مقاصِرَ عِزِّهِ
وأَحْسَنُ مَا حَلَّيْتَ أَوْجُهَها القُبْحُ
27. Vanguards on the horizon of an army as if
A rending darkness in the night or wings in flight.
٢٧. وأَوطأْتَ أَيدي الخيلِ بَيْضَةَ مُلْكِهِ
فأَقْلَعْنَ لا قَيْضٌ هُناكَ ولا مُحُّ
28. Defying the sight in its flanks
While wind and light fail before its goals.
٢٨. وإِنْ حَمَتِ الآجالُ بَعْضَ حُماتِهِ
فإِنَّكَ فِي أَعجازِ ليلِهمُ صُبْحُ
29. You rewarded the lands' efforts with treasures
Their gains being triumph and their fruits conquest.
٢٩. وأَنْتَ رَكزْتَ الملك فِي الأَرضِ مثلَما
يُثَبِّتُ فِيهَا ذُو الجلالِ وَمَا يمحُو
30. You fulfilled in multiple folds the reward of the steadfast
In religion and world - favor and largesse from you.
٣٠. لقد كَدَحُوا نَكْثاً لعهدِكَ منهمُ
فَخُيِّبَ ذَاكَ السَّعيُ وانقلبَ الكَدْحُ
31. You rendered a month for fasting ritually pure
With the intercession of a raid busied with blows and struggle.
٣١. وأَمْسَوا وأَضْحَوا مُوجِفِينَ ببغيِهِمْ
إِلَى نِقَمٍ أَمسَوْا لَهُنَّ وَلَمْ يُضْحُوا
32. Ever firm has the glory of victory and opening remained
For the sign of His intent and the sign of His accord.
٣٢. موارِدُ لا مرعى السيوفِ بِعُقْرِها
جديبٌ ولا شُرْبُ الرِّماحِ بِهَا نَشْحُ
33. They labored treacherously violating their pact with you
But that endeavor was foiled and the toil overturned.
٣٣. سريتَ لَهُمْ بالخَيْلِ فِي ظِلِّ غَيْهَبٍ
من الليلِ مَا يُطْوى عَلَيْكَ لَهُ كَشْحُ
34. Morn and eve they provoked with their disobedience
The wrath they met at night but did not meet at dawn.
٣٤. تقابَلَ فِيهِ البدرُ والبدرُ والقنا
وزُهْرُ نجومِ الليلِ والجُنْحُ والجُنْحُ
35. Pastures where the swords would not graze their depths
Nor the spears drink from them - barren and dry.
٣٥. وسبطانِ من أَملاكِ يعرُبَ أَقْدَما
بأَجنادِها كالنجمِ يَقْدُمُهُ النَّطْحُ
36. You marched against them with horse under night's skirt
An expanse covering you - its folds secrecy.
٣٦. سِراجانِ للإِسلامِ مَا طَلَعَا مَعاً
عَلَى الخطبِ إِلّا بَشَّرَ اليُمْنُ والنُّجْحُ
37. There the full moons met and the stars of night
And the wings of falcons and the wings of eagles.
٣٧. فهذا حسامٌ فِي يدِ الملك قاضِبٌ
رَسُوبٌ وهذا فِي يمينِ الهُدى رُمْحُ
38. The pillars of the Arabs marched together
Like a star prodded by its horns into attack.
٣٨. هو الحاجِبُ المُحْتَلُّ من رُتَبِ العُلا
بِحيثُ تناهى الفخرُ والحمدُ والمدحُ
39. Two lamps for Islam that never rose together
Except to herald prosperity and triumph.
٣٩. وأَنْفَسُ نفسٍ فِي الوَرى غيرَ أَنَّهُ
إِذَا لَقِيَ الأَعداءَ فَهْوَ بِهَا سَمْحُ
40. And there a lance in the hand of guidance stabbing.
He is the chamberlain exalted in the ranks
٤٠. وصِنْوُ عُلاهُ ناصِرُ الدَّولَةِ الَّذِي
يفوزُ لَهُ فِي كُلِّ مكرُمَةٍ قِدْحُ
41. Where pride, praise and eulogy must end.
The most precious soul among mortals but for
٤١. فتِلكَ الرُّبى من بَنْبِلُونَةَ والحِمى
منَ الرَّاحِ مُسْوَدٌّ بأَرْجائِهِ الصُّبْحُ
42. His harshness towards enemies - with them gentle.
The helper in his lofty profession aiding the state
٤٢. وبيعَةُ شَنْتَ اقْروجُ أَوْرَيْتَ فَوْقَها
سَنا لَهَبٍ فِيهِ لَعَمْيائِها شَرْحُ
43. Prevailing for him in every glorious enterprise.
Such were the gains from Baalbek and Hims
٤٣. وَكَانَ لَهَا الفِصْحُ الأَجَلُّ فأَصْبَحَتْ
لنارِكَ فِصْحاً مَا لَهَا بَعْدَهُ فِصْحُ
44. A blackened ruin in its totality at dawn.
And the pledge at Shayzar you fired above it
٤٤. فلِلَّهِ عَيْنا من رأَى بِكَ صَرْحَها
ومِنْ جاحِمِ النِّيرانِ فِي سَمْكِهِ صَرْحُ
45. A flaming torch - its blindness had no relief.
It witnessed the most eloquent feast and emerged
٤٥. رفعتَ من الصُّلْبَانِ فِي عَرَصاتِها
وقُوداً لَهُ فِي وَجْهِ رُومِيَّةٍ لَفْحُ
46. For your fire a feast like none thereafter.
Praise be to Him who saw in you its bastion
٤٦. وفَجَّرْتَ فِيهَا من دِماءِ حُماتِها
بُحُوراً لَهَا فِي تاجِ مُلكِهِمُ نَضْحُ
47. And the flaming collapse of its battlements.
You hoisted from its pulpits against its squares
٤٧. وأَشرعْتَ فِي أَرجائِها كُلَّ ثاقِبٍ
لَهُ فِي شَغافِ القلبِ من قَيْصَرٍ جُرْحُ
48. Firewood - in Rome's face an enveloping blaze.
You made blood of its protectors spout therein
٤٨. طوالِعَ من آفاقِ جيشٍ كَأَنَّهُ
بِخَرْقِ المَلا كِسْفٌ من الليلِ أَوْ جُنْحُ
49. Springs in their kings' crown bursting out.
You unfurled in its corners every piercing lance
٤٩. يضِلُّ مدى الأَبصارِ فِي جَنَبَاتِهِ
ويَحْسرُ عن غاياتِهِ الرِّيحُ والضِّحُّ
50. A wound in Caesar's heart that would not mend.
Vanguards from the horizons of an army as though
٥٠. فجوزيتَ عن سعيِ البِلادِ بأَنْعُمٍ
ذخائِرُها فَوْزٌ وعاجِلُها فَتْحُ
51. A rending darkness in the night or wings in flight.
Defying the range of sights in its sides
٥١. ووُفِّيتَ أَجْرَ الصابِرينَ مُضاعَفاً
من الدينِ والدُّنيا لَكَ المَنُّ والمَنْحُ
52. While wind and sun fail before its goals.
You rewarded the lands' efforts with treasures
٥٢. ومُلِّيتَ شهراً للصيامِ نَسَكْتَهُ
بأَشْفاعِ غزو دأْبُها الضربُ والكَفْحُ
53. Their gains triumph and their fruits conquest.
You fulfilled in multiple folds the reward of the steadfast
٥٣. ولا زَالَ عِزُّ النصرِ والفتحِ عامِداً
لآيةِ مَا يَنْوِي وآيَةِ مَا يَنْحُو