1. O succor of servants, if the clouds are stingy
With rain for them, and they seek but find none,
١. يَا غِياثَ العِبادِ إِنْ بَخِلَ المُزْ
نُ سقاهُمْ وَبْلاً وَمَا اسْتَمْطَرُوهُ
2. He who secured servants with shining white gifts -
To meet them is hated, their looks give disdain -
٢. والذي أَمَّنَ العِبادَ بِبِيضٍ
مُرْهَفاتٍ لِقاؤُهُنَّ كَرِيهُ
3. Witnessed yesterday what they'd not seen before
In their time, nor in times they were told about:
٣. شَهِدَ الناسُ أَمْسِ مَا لَمْ يَرَوْهُ
فِي الَّذِي أَدْرَكُوا ولا شَهِدوهُ
4. The pagans killed a martyr of our number,
And wished that they tore him utterly apart.
٤. قَتلَ المشركونَ مِنَّا شهيداً
فَتَمَنَّوْا بأَنَّهُمْ أَنْشَرُوهُ
5. With his noble blood, blood was spilled,
Thus does the rash destroy the forebearing.
٥. سُفِكَتْ بالدَّمِ الكريمِ دِماءٌ
وكذا يُوبِقُ الحَليمَ السَّفِيهُ
6. They killed him fettered, else had he not been overpowered,
Had he reared his steed's back they'd not subdued him.
٦. قَتلوهُ مُصَفَّداً فَوَدَوْهُ
لَوْ عَلا ظَهْرَ طِرْفِهِ لَمْ يَدُوهُ
7. Men met their death on the pavement, all of them
Noble in their father's line, high of repute.
٧. لَقِيَ الموتَ فِي الرَّصِيفِ رِجالٌ
كُلُّهُمْ فِي بَنِي أَبيهِ وَجِيهُ
8. Indian swords and the swords of Zurq abandoned them
As carrion - oh, misery on the day they met!
٨. غادَرَتْهُمْ صوارِمُ الهندِ والزُّرْ
قُ حَصِيداً يَا بُؤْسَ يَوْمٍ لَقُوهُ
9. We saw the vizier like an enraged lion Opening his jaws at that but not this.
When they spied the doves they despaired,
٩. ورأَيْنا الوزيرَ كاللَّيْثِ أَنَّى
غيرَ هَذَا والعامِريُّ أَبوهُ
10. As he bore down on them, their faces turned pale.
We saw him burning like an unsheathed blade,
١٠. أَيْقَنُوا بالحِمامِ لما رَأَوْهُ
مُقْبِلاً نحوَهُمْ وسِيئَتْ وُجُوهُ
11. Thus we testify that the blade is his brother.
The stallion darted off, panic-stricken, driven
١١. ورأَيناهُ كالحسامِ مضاءً
فَشَهِدْنا أَنَّ الحُسامَ أَخُوهُ
12. To frenzy by the horrors that affrighted him.
Many died of fright because of him, while many
١٢. زَرَقَ العِلْجَ زَرْقَةً تركَتْهُ
حَرِضاً قَدْ أَظلَّهُ المكروهُ
13. He long harried, but they feared him not.
And how many days his prisoner, and his slain?
١٣. ماتَ ذُعْراً منه وكم لَقِيَ الأَب
طَالَ فِي هَبْوَةٍ فما ذَعَرُوهُ
14. Deaf to those begging his ear, to their cries oblivious.
A captive in fetters, trapped in his bonds,
١٤. ولكَمْ أَيِّماً لَهُ وقَتِيلاً
صَمَّ عن أَنْ يُجِيبَ مَنْ يَدْعُوهُ
15. Succor for one who knocked whose mouth decay sealed.
That until the battle summoned and the people
١٥. وأَسيراً مُصَفَّداً فِي وَثَاقٍ
وغِياثاً لطارِقٍ جَفَّ فُوهُ
16. Saw in him what filled them with greatest awe.
A fallen lion because of his cub's greenness,
١٦. ذَاكَ حَتَّى إذَا اللقاءُ دَعاهُ
عَايَنَ الناسُ منهُ مَا اسْتَعْظَمُوهُ
17. Had they known his lair, they would have excused him.
They stood in fright from him but when
١٧. أَسَداً ساقِطاً لِزَرْقَةِ شِبْلٍ
لَوْ دَرَوْا حَيْثُ أَوْغَلَتْ عَذَرُوهُ
18. They saw virtue itself incline from him, they hoped.
And so, as long as the Amīr was a child,
١٨. وَقَفُوا يُذْعَرُونَ منهُ فَلَمَّا
عايَنُوا الفضلَ مائِلاً أَمَّلُوهُ
19. By my life, how aptly they likened him!
A branch ever nourished on the date palm of glory
١٩. وكذا العامِريُّ مَا دامَ طِفْلاً
ولَعَمْرِي لَنِعْمَ مَا شَبَّهُوهُ
20. Many branches feeding from it luxuriant.
But when he passed nine and three years,
٢٠. غُصُنٌ مَا يزالُ من دَوْحَةِ المَجْ
دِ فروعٌ كثيرةٌ تَغْذُوهُ
21. He was too tall for them to limit with similes.
O elect of noble chiefs, o prince of the world,
٢١. فإِذا جازَ تِسْعَةً وثَلاثاً
جَلَّ عن أَنْ يَحُدَّهُ تَشْبِيهُ
22. You whom good fortune graced, we hope in you.
My fate gifted me with an age I see
٢٢. يا ثِمالَ العُفاةِ يَا مَلِكَ الدُّنْ
يا ومن فازَ بالغِنى آمِلُوهُ
23. In which no confidant avails, no escape.
Had my prime of youth been gifted with that,
٢٣. قَدْ حَبانِي دَهْرِي بإِدراكِ دَهْرٍ
مَا بِهِ ناجِهٌ ولا مَنْجُوهُ
24. You'd have seen me excel all mankind in glory!
My thanks you know, and my praise of you
٢٤. لو حَبانِي بذاكَ عَصْرُ شبابِي
لَرآنِي عَلَى العبادِ أتِيهُ
25. Among people, they know it and have heard it.
Except that old age made my back hunch,
٢٥. ورجائِي مَا قَدْ عَلِمْتَ وشُكْرِي
وثنائِي فِي الناسِ مَا عَلِمُوهُ
26. A heavy burden, hateful and detested.
By my life, I have no lord but you, o victorious king,
٢٦. غير أَنَّ الزمانَ ثَقَّل ظهري
فَهْوَ ثِقْلٌ عليَّ صعبٌ كريهُ
27. On earth whom I wish for and hope in!
٢٧. ولَعَمْرِي مَا لي سِوى المَلِكِ المَنْ
صُورِ فِي الأَرضِ سَيِّدٌ أرجوهُ