1. With the easiest thanks, you've wearied me,
So when can I thank you for what you've given me?
١. مِنَنٌ بِأَيْسَرِ شُكْرِهَا أَعْيَيْتَنِي
فمتى أَقومُ بشكرِ مَا أَوْليتَنِي
2. You've given me time's provisions, though
You've given me the honor and pride of life.
٢. أَعطيتَنِي ذُخْرَ الزَّمَانِ وَإِنَّمَا
شرفَ الحياةِ وَعِزَّها أَعطيتني
3. I'm at your service, thanking the gift that you are,
When I called for its help, you answered me.
٣. لَبَيْكَ شاكرَ نعمةٍ أَنت الَّذِي
لما دعوتُ غِياثَها لَبَّيْتَنِي
4. You killed a worry whose swords' edge I tasted
With the swords of grace you put to shame over me.
٤. فَقتلْتَ هَمّاً ذُقْتُ حَدَّ سيوفِهِ
بسيوفِ إِنعامٍ بِهَا استحيَيتَنِي
5. And with your generous palm you traced my path
And pride is my pride from you when you named me.
٥. وخَطَطْتَ بالكَفِّ الكريمةِ مُلحَقِي
والفخرُ فخري منك إِذ سمَّيْتَنِي
6. It's enough that when you mentioned me, you honored me
And enough when you spoke of me, you gave me resolve.
٦. حَسْبِي فحين ذكرتَنِي كَرَّمْتَنِي
وكفى فحين نطقتَ بي أَعييتَني
7. Your remembrance is the greatest gift you clothed me in
And your approval is the highest role you put me in.
٧. ذكراك أعظمُ نِعمةٍ أَلبستني
ورضاك أعلى خُطَّةٍ وَلَّيتَني
8. So your ransom is kingdoms when you heard me
Yearning in sorrow's captivity and you ransomed me.
٨. ففداؤك الأَملاكُ يومَ سمعتَني
لهفانَ فِي أَسرِ الأَسى ففديتَني
9. And you poured heavy rain of victory when you saw me
Thirsty with blazing anxiety and you quenched me.
٩. وسُقيتَ غيثَ النصر حين بَصُرت بي
ظَمْآنَ ملتهبَ الحشا فسقيتَني
10. I take refuge in God's shade in His dominion
And bounty for sheltering me.
١٠. آواك ظِلُّ اللهِ فِي سلطانِهِ
ونعِيمِهِ بجزاءِ مَا آويتَني
11. And the Merciful shepherded you for undertaking
His faith, rewarding how you shepherded me.
١١. ورَعى لَكَ الرحمن مَا اسْتَرْعاكَهُ
من دِينِهِ أَجْراً بما راعيتَني
12. And your swords healed from your enemies when
A worry I die from has spread, and you healed me.
١٢. وشَفى سُيُوفَكَ من عِدَاكَ وَقَدْ سَطَا
هَمٌّ أَموتُ بِدَائِهِ فَشَفَيْتَنِي
13. And you sufficed what you were asked the day
A worry perched on my shoulders, and you sufficed me.
١٣. وكُفيتَ مَا اسْتُكْفيتَ يومَ أَلَمَّ بِي
هَمٌّ أَناخَ بكلكلي فكفيتَني
14. It's as if you were certain of the loyalty and advice
I have for you in hardship, and you rewarded me.
١٤. فكأنما استيقَنْتَ مَا لَكَ فِي الحشا
من طاعةٍ ونصيحةٍ فجزيتَني
15. And you knew I precede in loyalty to you,
So you preceded in blessings you fulfilled me with.
١٥. وعلمتَ أَنِّي فِي وفائك سَابِقٌ
فَسَبَقْتَ بالنعم الَّتِي وَفَّيْتَنِي
16. If my hopes in your nearness had aided me,
I wouldn't have said after attaining them, "If only!"
١٦. فلوَ اَنَّ آمالي بقربِكَ أَسْعَفَتْ
مَا قُلتُ بعد بلوغها يَا ليتَني
17. Until I could kiss, whenever we met,
A palm whose gift of giving has given me life.
١٧. حتى أُقَبِّلَ كُلَّما قابلتُها
كفّاً بجودِ عطائها أَحْيَيْتَنِي