1. I congratulate you, O Festival of Benevolence, a festival
That is welcomed with a true name so it may return
١. أهنِّيكَ يَا عِيدَ الرَّغائِبِ عيدا
تَلَقَّاكَ بِاسمٍ صادقٍ لِتَعُودَا
2. Your favors upon us open and complete
And your efforts among us initiating and repeating
٢. كنُعماك فينا فاتِحاً ومُتمِّماً
وجُهدِكَ فينا مُبدِئاً ومُعِيدا
3. So it has given you with the generous covenant securities
And with victory in long survival promises
٣. فأعطاكَ بالعَهدِ الكريمِ مَوَاثِقاً
وبالنصر فِي طُولِ البقاءِ عهودا
4. And it has filled the days from you with virtues
And its sublime horizons to you exaltations
٤. وقد مَلأَ الأيَّامَ منك مَحاسِناً
وآفاقَها العليا إليكَ سُعودا
5. It adorned you with the knot of honors organized
And clothed it with the garment of joy anew
٥. وحلّاكَ عِقدَ المَكرُمَاتِ مُنَظَّماً
وأَلبَستَهُ ثوبَ السرورِ جديدا
6. And brightness has shone from you in the place of prayer suddenly
Whose face the morning will remain envious of
٦. وقد أشرقَت منكَ المُصَلَّى بغرَّةٍ
يظلُّ لَهَا وجهُ الصباحِ حَسودا
7. It illuminated with the light of truth, justice and deterrence
So the free men came to you as servants
٧. أضاءَت بنورِ الحقِّ والعدلِ والنُّهى
فجاءَتكَ أحرارُ الرِّجالِ عَبيدا
8. You prostrated to the Lord of the Throne in religion and obedience
So the deputies fell before you in prostration
٨. سَجَدتَ لربِّ العرشِ ديناً وطاعةً
فَخَرَّتْ إليكَ النائباتُ سُجودا
9. And the observers stretched their sights to you
Which established with the sincerity of hearts as witnesses
٩. ومَدَّ إليك الناظرونَ نواظِراً
أقامَتْ بإخلاصِ القلوبِ شُهودا
10. So you filled it with guidance, righteousness and intimacy
And might against their enemies and generosity
١٠. فَمَلَّأْتَها هَدياً وبِرّاً وسُودَداً
وبأساً عَلَى أعدائِهنَّ وجُودا
11. And the flags of honor glared with virtues
Like the tails of eagles carrying the black
١١. وأعلامَ عِزٍّ أحدَقتْ بمكارِمٍ
فواتخ عقبانٍ حَمَلْنَ أُسودَا
12. As if the dew of your prosperity which it grants forth
Adorned it from the verdant garden with coolness
١٢. كأَنَّ نَدى يُمناكَ مِمَّا تجودُها
كساها من الرَّوضِ النَّضِيدِ بُرُودا
13. And silk and satin has emerged above it
Gardens of flowers on the branches, green
١٣. وقد طَلَعَ الدِّيباجُ والوشيُ فَوقَها
حَدَائِقَ زَهرٍ فِي الغصونِ نَضِيدا
14. And how much has it worn of your armor its mourning
When they wear over the saddles iron
١٤. وكم لَبِستْ منه عِداكَ حِدادَها
إذا لَبِسُوا فوقَ السُّروجِ حَديدا
15. And how much they filled the vast earth with hooves
And the sky's horizon with spears and standards
١٥. وكم مَلؤُوا الأرضَ الفضاءَ حَوَافِراً
وجَوَّ السَّماء قَسطَلاً وبُنُودا
16. And white they returned the night shining white upon us
And the days of the defiant black
١٦. وبِيضاً ردَدْنَ الليلَ أبيضَ مُشرقاً
علينا وأيَّامَ المعانِدِ سُودا
17. And blue which the battle ignited
So the subjugation of necks became its firewood
١٧. وزُرقاً من الخطِّيِّ أوقدها الوغى
فأضحَتْ لَهَا غُلبُ الرِّقابِ وَقُودا
18. Thriving which the kingdom grazed until it glittered
Necklaces in its jaws and knots
١٨. مَساعٍ رَعَينَ الملكَ حَتَّى تَلأَلأَت
قلائِدَ فِي لَبَّاتِهِ وعُقودا
19. So if the soldiers did not escort you to the animosity
Victory would have become for you the mighty soldiers
١٩. فَلَو لَمْ تُشَيِّعكَ الجنودُ إلى العِدى
لأضحى لَكَ النصرُ العزيزُ جُنودا
20. So you always remained for Islam a protecting sword
And your assistance a pillar for the great conquests
٢٠. فلا زِلتَ للإسلامِ سَيفاً مُحامِياً
وصِنوُكَ رُكناً للثُغورِ شَديدا
21. It entertains it with the cup of loyalty so if it goes
Far away, still its dwelling is not far from you
٢١. تُنادِمُهُ كأسَ الوفاءِ فإن غَدَا
بعيداً فما مثواهُ مِنكَ بَعِيدا
22. So I advised thoroughly, returning with happiness
And inspired extensive praise that leads to more
٢٢. فَمُلِّيتُما نُصحاً يعودُ بغبطَةٍ
وألهِمتُما حَمدا يقودُ مَزيدا