
May this Eid in which you bring us joy, bring you joy

ليهن لك العيد الذي بك يهنينا

1. May this Eid in which you bring us joy, bring you joy
Peace, submission, safety, and assurance

١. ليَهْنِ لَكَ العيدُ الَّذِي بِكَ يَهْنِينا
سلاماً وإِسلاماً وأَمناً وتأْمِينا

2. May your names and your heavens
The stars of glory and the circling falcons, never cease

٢. ولا أُعْدِمَتْ أَسماؤُكُمُ وسماؤكُمْ
نجومَ السُّعودِ والطُّيُورَ الميامِينا

3. With whom our days shone and glittered
With the light of wishes and honored nights

٣. بِمَنْ يَمُنَتْ أَيامُنا وتلأْلأَتْ
بنُور المُنى والمكْرُمَاتِ ليالينا

4. He called us and quenched us with the palm of his right hand
A quenching for the quencher and pasturing for the shepherd

٤. دعانا وسقَّانا سِجالَ يمينِهِ
فسَقْياً لساقِينا ورعْياً لراعينا

5. Sovereignty and empowerment, insight and happiness
Honor and honor, victory and enablement

٥. ومُلْكاً وتمْلِيكاً وفَلْجاً وغبطَةً
وعزّاً وإِعزازاً ونصراً وتمكينا

6. A prayer for the one by whom the call to guidance was honored
Islam says to him, amen, amen

٦. دعاءٌ لمن عَزَّتْ بِهِ دعوةُ الهُدى
يقُولُ لَهُ الإِسلامُ آمِينَ آمينا

7. A young man who ruled the world and empowered us with it
And fought for us, victorious over kingdom and religion

٧. فتىً مَلَكَ الدنيا فَمَلَّكَنا بِهَا
وجاهدَ عنَّا ينصُرُ المُلْكَ والدينا

8. So he collared the necks of lions with more lions
And adorned the palms of warriors with snakes

٨. فقلَّدَ أَعناقَ الأُسودِ أَساوِداً
وحلَّى أَكُفَّ الدَّارِعينَ ثعابينا

9. And left the white palaces and eggs like statues
For the whites who uncover blindness and clarify for us

٩. وخلَّى القصورَ البيضَ والبِيضَ كالدُّمى
لِبِيضٍ يُكَشِّفْنَ العَمى ويُجَلِّينا

10. When he clothed them in the blood of his enemies
Their love stripped the hyena and the blinking eye

١٠. إِذَا مَا كساها من دماءِ عُدَاتِهِ
سَلَبْنَ هواهُ الغيدَ والخُرَّدَ العِينا

11. And neglected the trees of orchards, content
With the clashing forests of spears for our orchards

١١. وعطَّلَ أَشجارَ البساتينِ واكْتفى
بمُشْتَجِرِ الأَرماحِ منها بساتينا

12. To conquer the rose garden from the aroma
And smell the spirits of the enemies like breezes

١٢. ليَسْتَفْتِحَ الوردَ الجنيَّ من الطُّلى
ويَشْتَمَّ أرواحَ العُداةِ رياحينا

13. And hear from the falling of spears in their necks
The doves in their branches and our singing

١٣. ويَسْمَعَ من وَقْعِ القَنا فِي نحورِها
حمائِمَ فِي أَغْصانِها وشَفانِينا

14. It is easy for him to march when night falls
Dressed in the majestic white, his steeds dressed in black

١٤. يسيرٌ عَلَيْهِ أَنْ يَسيرَ إِذَا الدُّجى
كسا بالجِلالِ البيضِ أَفْراسَهُ الجُونا

15. He marched on a December night, keeping for him
Nothing but air as shelter and stars as our lamps

١٥. سرى ليلَ كانونَينِ لَمْ يَدَّخِرْ لَهُ
سوى الجَوِّ كِنَّاً والنجومِ كوانينا

16. Near is he who cries aloud in the fray
Far is the one whose voice calls us

١٦. قريبٌ وَمَا أَدناهُ من صارِخِ الوغى
بعيدٌ وَمَا أَدْنى لَهُ صوتَ داعِينا

17. And if you wish, the delight of his face does not fail
To forget from our eyelids and waterways

١٧. وإِن شئتَ لَمْ تعدمْكَ غُرَّةُ وجهِهِ
أَناسِيَّ من أَحداقِنا ومآقِينا

18. His dwelling is in the spirits in our breasts
And his course is in the breaths between our lungs

١٨. ومثواهُ فِي الأَرواحِ وسطَ صدورِنا
ومجراهُ فِي الأَنفاسِ بَيْنَ تراقِينا

19. Blessed is the confidant of the sun, her eyebrow
Who bids us farewell in her and follows after her through us

١٩. ونعم كفيلُ الشَّمْسِ حاجِبُها الَّذِي
يشيِّعُنا فِيهَا ويَخْلُفُها فينا

20. She appears to us in her light, blanketing us
And climbs for us in her likeness, comforting us

٢٠. يطالعنا فِي نورِها فيعُمُّنا
ويسمو لَنَا فِي شِبْهِهَا فَيُسَلِّيِنا

21. And she was true to us in her presumption when
The clouds of his brilliance spoke what our souls desire

٢١. وصدَّقَ فينا ظَنَّها حينَ صدَّقَتْ
سحابُ نداهُ مَا النفوسُ تُمَنِّينا

22. And his hands have borne fruit in us with blessings
That fall in our mouths before our hands

٢٢. وَقَدْ أَثمرَتْ فينا يداهُ بأَنْعُمٍ
تساقَطُ فِي أَفواهِنا قبلَ أَيدينا

23. The fast and the feast reminded us of his guidance
And gathering for prayer and the supplication of those praying

٢٣. وذكَّرَ منه الصومُ والفطرُ هَدْيَهُ
وجمعُ المصلَّى وابتهالُ المصلِّينا

24. His seat is in his crown and upon his throne
For the day of peace and the crowding of the greeters

٢٤. ومقعدُهُ فِي تاجِهِ وسريرِهِ
ليومِ السَّلامِ وازدحامِ المُحَيِّينا

25. So we wished them - House of Yahya - a greeting
You are greeted by the inherited kingdom and greet us

٢٥. فَمُلِّيتُمُوها آلَ يَحْيى تَحِيَّةً
تُحَيَّوْنَ بالملكِ التَّليدِ وتُحيُونَا

26. And you are hoped for clarity, so excellent are those who make clear
And you are called to bounty, so excellent are those who respond

٢٦. وتُرْجَوْنَ للجُلَّى فنِعْمَ المُجَلُّونَا
وتُدْعَوْنَ للنُّعمى فنعمَ المُجِيبونا

27. The horizons of the land expel us, so you shelter us
The hands of misfortune wound us, so you heal us

٢٧. تُشَرِّدُ آفاقُ البلادِ فتُؤْوونا
وتَجْرَحُ أَيدِي النائِباتِ فتَأْسُونا

28. You cure us from the doubt of time, so you heal us
And you quench us from the cup of life, so you water us

٢٨. تُدَاوونَ من ريبِ الزمانِ فتَشْفَوْنا
وتسقُونَ من كَأْسِ الحياةِ فتُرْوونا

29. Barefoot in the shredded garments of your enemies
But gentle towards Islam, they are humbled, humbled

٢٩. حُفاةُ المحزِّ فِي عظامِ عُدَاتِكُمْ
ولكِنْ عَلَى الإِسلامِ هَيْنُونَ لَيْنُونا

30. For if you did not rule us, you would be
By your morals, our masters and patrons

٣٠. فلَوْ لَمْ تَلُونا مالِكينَ لكنتُمُ
بأَخْلاقِكُم ساداتنا وموالينا

31. And how could we not praise you however you wished
You would be for us in pardon as we wished

٣١. ولم لَمْ نكُنْ فِي حمدِكم كَيْفَ شئتُمُ
لكنتُمْ لَنَا فِي الصَّفْحِ عنَّا كَمَا شِينا

32. And loving you for God is the most virtuous of our deeds
And obeying you for God is the highest of our efforts

٣٢. وحُبُّكُمُ فِي اللهِ أَزكى فعالنا
وطاعتكم فِي اللهِ أَعلى مساعينا