
We ransomed you with a sword whose strikes never failed,

فديناك سيفا لم تخنه مضاربه

1. We ransomed you with a sword whose strikes never failed,
And an ocean of generosity whose gifts never ebbed,

١. فَدَيْنَاكَ سَيْفاً لَمْ تَخُنْهُ مَضَارِبُهْ
وبحرَ عَطَاءٍ مَا تَغِيضُ مواهِبُهْ

2. And a full moon that shone in a leadership sky,
Its stars are its traces and virtues.

٢. وبدراً تجَلَّى فِي سماءٍ رياسةٍ
كواكبُها آثارُهُ وَمَنَاقِبُهْ

3. You took up the sword of Allah and donned the dew,
Securing those who hoped in you and excusing those who fled from you.

٣. تقلَّدَ سيفَ اللهِ وَالتَحَفَ النَّدى
فَسَدَّدَ رَاجيهِ وَأعْذَرَ هائِبُهْ

4. So here he is, embodied in every heart,
And there his ranks are at the two lofty abodes.

٤. فها هو ذا في كلِّ قلبٍ ممثَّلٌ
وهاتيك عند الفرقدين مراتبُهْ

5. No path has swerved from it for one who seeks it,
Nor has any land been spacious for one who seeks it.

٥. فَمَا عَرَّجَتْ عنه سبيلٌ لِطَالِبٍ
ولا رَحُبَتْ أرضٌ بِمَنْ هو طَالِبُهْ

6. Creatures are from the water of life, and it often
Chokes on a day of hatred its drinker.

٦. خلائِقُ مِنْ مَاءِ الحياةِ وطَالَمَا
يَغَصُّ بِهِ يوم الكريهةِ شارِبُهْ

7. Shall we be clothed in bliss? Nay, many a garment,
Aged crown for the eminent, you have stripped.

٧. أَمُلْبِسَنَا النُّعْمى أَلاَ رُبَّ مَلْبَسٍ
سَنِيٍّ وتاجٍ لِلْعُلا أَنت سَالِبُهْ

8. And a night, like the prime of youth, you have cast
Into the tumult of fates, until its pleasures have grayed.

٨. وَلَيْلٍ كريعانِ الشباب قَذَفْتَهُ
بِهَوْلِ السُّرى حَتَّى أُشِيبَتْ ذَوَائِبُهْ

9. And you have linked him one day, seducing his company
As a lad, until his drinking mate roams at night.

٩. وَصَلْتَ بِهِ يوماً أَغَرَّ صَحِبْتَهُ
غُلاماً إِلَى أَنْ طَرَّ باللَّيْلِ شَارِبُهْ

10. With every disgrace his ancestors have honored him
And every paucity has proven his experiences.

١٠. بِكُلِّ مُذَلٍّ كَرَّمَتْهُ جُدُودُهُ
وَكُلِّ كمِيٍّ أَحْكَمَتْهُ تَجَارِبُهْ

11. And Yemeni ginger you have recognized its right
Even if its claimant appeals to you as a relative.

١١. وَعَضْبٍ يَمَانٍ قَدْ تَعَرَّفْتَ يُمْنَهُ
وإِنْ يَنْتَسِبْ تَعْطِفْ عَلَيْكَ مَنَاسِبُهْ

12. And stallions for mares you have led them
As stars for a day with the enemies wandering astray.

١٢. وسُمْرٍ لِدَانٍ كالكواكب سُقْتَهَا
ليومٍ من الأَعداءِ بَادٍ كَواكِبُهْ

13. You have prayed and the fire of war kindles its blaze
And you have plunged while the wave of death foams its ships.

١٣. صليتَ ونارُ الحربِ يَذْكُو سَعِيرُهَا
وَخَضْتَ وَمَوْجُ الموتِ تَطْفُو غَوَارِبُهْ

14. And there is no day like the day of Lunah you have famed,
When the sun of day has masked its clouds.

١٤. ولا مثلَ يومٍ نحو لُونَةَ سِرْتَهُ
وقد قَنَّعَت شَمْسَ النهارِ غَيَاهِبُهْ

15. You have raised for it in the cheek of firmness a flashing
Whose drippings wipe away the clouds of death.

١٥. رَفَعْتَ لَهَا فِي عارِضِ النَّقْعِ بَارِقاً
تَسِحُّ شآبيبَ المنايا سَحَائِبُهْ

16. And a maiden time has not brought her equal
Nor has a husband coveted her, though her aspect is dear.

١٦. وَعَذْرَاءَ لَمْ يأَتِ الزمانُ بِكُفْئِهَا
ولا رامها بَعْلٌ وإِنْ عَزَّ جانِبُهْ

17. Protected, no suitors have asked for her land
Nor has she known through time how his calamities twist and turn.

١٧. معوَّذةٍ لَمْ يَسْرِ خطبٌ بِأَرْضِهَا
ولا عَرَفَتْ بالدَّهْرِ كَيْفَ نوائِبُهْ

18. She has set firm between the entrails of misguidance
And its tongues, apart from her, chatter and prate.

١٨. ثَوَتْ بَيْنَ أَحْشَاءِ الضَّلالِ وَأُشْرِعتْ
أَسِنَّتُهُ مِنْ دُونِهَا وَقَواضِبُهْ

19. And you have become, O servant of King al-Mu'ayyad her king,
And most successful of men came asking her hand in marriage with sword as matchmaker.

١٩. وأَصْبَحْتَ يَا عبد المليكِ مَليكَهَا
وَأَنْجَحَ سَاعٍ جَاءَ والسَّيفُ خاطِبُهْ

20. And you have presented to her the truth of meeting hastily
As a dowry if the striking of the blades speaks falsely.

٢٠. وَسُقْتَ لَهَا صِدْقَ اللقاءِ مُعَجَّلاً
صَدَاقاً إِذَا مَا هَلْهَلَ الضَّرْبَ كاذِبُهْ

21. And an army whose spears have illuminated the horizons
And its battalions have overflowed the land in width.

٢١. وجيشٍ أَضاءَ الخافِقَيْنِ رِمَاحُهُ
وفاضت عَلَى رَحْبِ البِلادِ كتائِبُهْ

22. And it has fortified her in the blowing wind's stronghold,
Impregnable to the eyes of spies are its watchers.

٢٢. وقد ضَمَّهَا فِي نَفْنَفِ الجوِّ مَعْقِلٌ
عَسِيرٌ عَلَى عُصْمِ الوُعُولِ مَرَاقِبُهْ

23. You have sent to it from you the call of the confident,
Pure in loyalty to him present and absent.

٢٣. بَعَثْتَ عليها منكَ دَعْوَةَ واثقٍ
صَفَا شاهِدُ الإِخْلاصِ منه وغَائِبُهْ

24. So swiftly the fairest of them brought out its lions,
And the freest of them released from the heat of battle its beauties.

٢٤. فسَرْعَانَ مَا أَقْوى الشّرى من أُسودِهِ
وأُبرِزَ من حُرِّ الحِجَالِ كواعِبُهْ

25. Three thousand in number and the like of them
When companies retreat and the counter flees.

٢٥. ثَلاثَةُ آلافٍ حِسَاباً وَمِثْلُهَا
وَقَدْ غَلَّ عَازِيهِ وأَسَأَرَ حَاسِبُهْ

26. Would that Qutuz had seen when he built his structure,
Its sides have crumbled before you.

٢٦. فيا لَيْتَ قُوطاً حين شادَ بِناءَهُ
رآه وَقَدْ خَرَّتْ إِلَيْكَ جَوانِبُهْ

27. Would that when he named it Badr, revered,
He had seen it and in the darkness of dust its setting.

٢٧. ويا ليت إِذْ سَمَّاهُ بَدْراً مُعَظَّماً
رآه وَفِي كِسْفِ العَجَاجِ مَغَارِبُهْ

28. He would know that truth repels his plot,
And you are God's party; no doubt you are its victor.

٢٨. فَيَعْلَمَ أَن الحقَّ دَافِعُ كَيْدِهِ
وَأَنَّكَ حِزْبَ اللهِ لا شَكَّ غَالِبُهْ

29. So neither has the religion you are its sword been abandoned,
Nor the kingdom you are its chamberlain been frightened.

٢٩. فلا خُذِلَ الدِّينُ الَّذِي أَنت سَيْفُهُ
ولا أَوْحَشَ المُلْكُ الَّذِي أَنت حَاجِبُهْ