1. How long will I wander confused and hesitant
Roaming in the darkness of calamities unrestrained
١. كَمْ أَستَطِيلُ تَضَلُّلِي وتَلَدُّدِي
وأرُوحُ فِي ظُلْمِ الخطوبِ وأَغْتَدي
2. While the earth shines with the light of its Lord
And the dawn gleams to the eye of the guided
٢. والأَرضُ مُشرِقَةٌ بنورَيْ ربِّها
والفجرُ مُنبَلِجٌ لِعَيْنِ المُهتدي
3. More radiant than the house of prophethood and guidance
Like the full moon from the son of the Prophet Muhammad
٣. بأَغَرَّ من بيتِ النُّبوَّةِ والهُدى
كالبدرِ من وَلَدِ النَّبيِّ مُحَمَّدِ
4. Al-Qasim, the distributor, the ease of his palm
In the extension of kindness and clenching of fury
٤. القاسِمِ المقسومِ راحَةَ كَفِّهِ
فِي بَسطِ معروفٍ وقَبضِ مُهَنَّدِ
5. The Hashimi, the Talibi, the Fatimi
The heir, the most high on the throne
٥. الهاشِمِيِّ الطَّالِبيِّ الفاطِمِي
يِ الوَارِثِ العَليا بأَعْلى قُعدُدِ
6. Ali gifted the world his guidance
In the folds of abstinence's gown and integrity's attire
٦. أَهْدى إِلَى الدنيا عَليٌّ هَدْيَهُ
فِي طَيِّ أَرْدِيَةِ النُّهى والسُّؤْدَدِ
7. Until he manifested to all virtues and supremacy
A moon circulating through the mansions of fortune
٧. حتى تَجَلَّى للمكارِمِ والعُلا
بَدْراً تَنَقَّلَ فِي بُرُوجِ الأَسْعُدِ
8. Advancing from an orient to another orient
Transferring from one master to another master
٨. مُتَقَدِّماً من مَشرِقٍ فِي مَشرِقٍ
مُتَنَقِّلاً من سيِّدٍ فِي سَيِّدِ
9. From every spirit sanctified in chastity
In every body adorned with glory
٩. من كُلِّ رُوحٍ بالعَفافِ مقدَّسٍ
فِي كُلِّ جِسمٍ بالسَّناءِ مُقلَّدُ
10. Shun the despised impurity and purify
Yourselves in the birthplace of the begetters and the birth
١٠. بَعُدُوا عنِ الرِّجْسِ الذَّمِيمِ وطُهِّرُوا
فِي مَنشَأٍ للمُنْجِبِينَ ومَوْلِدِ
11. By the Lord of all existing and all yet to exist
Among them the lost is as if never lost
١١. ولَرُبَّ موجودٍ ولَمَّا يُوجَدِ
منهُمْ ومفقودٍ كَأَنْ لَمْ يُفْقَدِ
12. They were not given tidings of success until given tidings
Of the most righteous after ancestors and most glorious
١٢. ما بُشِّرُوا بالفَوْزِ حَتَّى بُشِّرُوا
بِأَبَرِّ مَنْ خَلَفَ الجُدُودَ وأَمْجَدِ
13. Theirs are the prayers of our invocation and supplication
In every sermon of the pulpit and utterance of devotion
١٣. لَهمُ زكِيُّ صَلاتِنا ودُعاؤُنا
فِي كلِّ خُطبةِ مِنبرٍ وتَشهُّدِ
14. And their place in the heart of every battalion
Is as their place in the heart of every monotheist
١٤. ومكانُهُم من قلبِ كُلِّ كَتيبةٍ
كمكانِهِمْ من قلبِ كُلِّ مُوَحِّدِ
15. They begot you, a tongue of truth about them
A branch that smells sweet to us with the scent of guidance
١٥. هُمْ أَنجبوكَ لسانَ صدقٍ عَنهُمُ
فَرعاً يطيبُ لنا بطيبِ المَحْتِدِ
16. And they accepted you for every outstanding sermon
And deputized you to oppose every transgressing opponent
١٦. وهُمُ رَضُوكَ لكلِّ خطبٍ فادحٍ
واستخلفوكَ لكلِّ غاوٍ مُعتَدِ
17. And for the voice of the imploring screamer
And the jaws of the supplicant bound in calamities
١٧. ولصوتِ داعٍ بالصَّرِيخِ مُثَوِّبٍ
ولِفَكِّ عانٍ بالخطوبِ مُقيَّدِ
18. A king whose generosity equals his nobility
If he races towards a challenger or adversary
١٨. مَلَكٌ تَشاكَهَ جُودُهُ وجَوادُهُ
إِن كَرَّ نحوَ مُبارِزٍ أَوْ مُجْتَدِ
19. The neighing of his steeds tires me
In fervor - does he gently prod or fiercely goad?
١٩. أَعْيا عَليَّ أَهَادِياتُ جِيادِهِ
فِي الرَّوْعِ أَهْدى أَمْ نداه فِي النَّدي
20. Not the farthest horseman with his miracles, nor
His cavalry to the lowliest beneath the highest
٢٠. لا الفارِسُ الأَقصى بمُعجِزِهِ ولا
جَدْواهُ للأَدنَيْن دونَ الأَبْعَدِ
21. The sword of the caliphate against the enemies and its trustee
Away from prying eyes and its adornment in public
٢١. سيفُ الخِلافَةِ فِي العِدى وأَمينُها
دونَ الغُيوبِ وزَيْنُها فِي المَشْهَدِ
22. It wears out its wings with perilous endeavors
And lulls its eyes with a reposing guardian
٢٢. يُبلي جَوَانِحَها بنفسِ مخاطِرٍ
ويُنيمُ أَعيُنَها بعَيْنِ مُسَهَّدِ
23. The generous struggled but did not approach any feat
You easily achieved without straining yourself
٢٣. جَهِدَ الكرامُ وَمَا دَنَوْا من غايَةٍ
أَحرزْتَها متأَنِّياً لَمْ تَجهدِ
24. With you the fires of discord were extinguished
Without you, son of our Prophet, they would not be extinguished
٢٤. بِكَ أُخْمِدَتْ نيرانُها من فتنَةٍ
لولاكَ يَا ابْنَ نَبيِّنا لَمْ تُخْمَدِ
25. Who but you, when men quarrel
Composes them with unified perspective?
٢٥. مَنْ ذا سِوَاكَ إِذَا الرجالُ تدافعوا
رَأْياً يُؤَلِّفُها برأْيٍ أَوْحَدِ
26. And when the swords are bared in blind chaos
Sheathes them with a sheathed sword?
٢٦. وإِذا الصَّوارِمُ جُرِّدَتْ فِي فتنةٍ
عَمْياءَ تُغْمِدُها بسيفٍ مُغمَدِ
27. And for many a kindled spear you restrained
With pardon, never shaking a retreating pillar
٢٧. ولرُبَّ مُشعَلةِ الرِّماحِ كَفَفْتها
عَفواً وَمَا زَعْزَعْتَ حَبوَةَ مُرتَدِ
28. O you, when my hand is joined with his
The assailants are the least my hand has held
٢٨. يا مَنْ إِذَا عَلِقَتْ يَدِي بيَمينِهِ
فالكاشِحونَ أَقَلُّ مَا مَلَكتْ يَدي
29. And when I steady my pace at his courtyard
I have guaranteed my day from tomorrow
٢٩. وإِذا عَقَلْتُ رَواحِلي بفنائِهِ
فقد اقتَضَيْتُ ضَمانَ يومِي عن غدِ
30. And the world returns me to your brother for refuge
From the evil habits of miserable times
٣٠. وَعَدَتْنِيَ الدُّنيا شقيقَك مفزَعاً
من سُوءِ عادِيةِ الزَّمانِ الأَنكَدِ
31. And your tidings suffice as harbinger of wishes
And your acceptance fulfills promises
٣١. وكَفى بِبِشرِكَ لي بَشيراً بالمُنى
وقبولِ وَجْهِك مُنجِزاً للمَوْعِدِ
32. O son of the intercessor for us and most gracious model
For those who follow, and you are most worthy to follow
٣٢. يا ابْنَ الشفِيعِ بنا وأَكْرَمَ أُسْوَةٍ
لِلمُقتَدِينَ وأَنتَ أَجْدَرُ مُقتَدِ
33. Stretch out your right hand interceding and interceded for
To earn eternal praise in eternity
٣٣. امدُدْ يَمينكَ شافِعاً ومُشَفَّعاً
تَحُزِ الثَّناءَ مُخلَّداً بمُخلَّدِ
34. O son of the trustee, command your namesake
Not to lose the namesake of your grandfather Ahmad
٣٤. يا ابْنَ الوَصِيِّ عليَّ أَوْصِ سَمِيَّهُ
أَلّا يضيعَ سَمِيُّ جَدِّكَ أَحْمَدِ
35. O quintessence of the two beauties, how excellent
Is heeding the affection of the gentle loving suitor
٣٥. يا صَفْوَةَ الحَسَنَيْنِ كَمْ قَدْ أَحْسَنا
إِصغاءَ وُدِّ النازِحِ المتَودِّدِ
36. O you two moons, where is your radiance
From one shrouded in the night of worries blackened?
٣٦. يَا أَيُّهَا القَمرانِ أَيْنَ سَناكُمَا
عن مُطبِقٍ فِي ليلِ هَمٍّ أَسْوَدِ
37. O you two rains, do you have for
The garden of integrity and knowledge in hallowed soil?
٣٧. يَا أَيُّهَا الغيثانِ هلْ لكما إِلَى
روضِ النُّهى والعِلْمِ فِي التُّرْبِ الصَّدِي
38. O two bright stars of the caliphate, prepare
The guide of peace for a bed from a bed
٣٨. يا فرقَدَيْ قُطْبِ الخلافَةِ جَهِّزا
مُهْدِي السَّلامِ لفَرْقَدٍ من فَرْقَدِ
39. For I will make the praise of what I bestowed on you
Provision for every anxious or helper
٣٩. فَلأَجْعَلَنَّ ثناءَ مَا أَوْلَيْتُما
زاداً لكُلِّ مكَوِّفٍ أَوْ مُنجِدِ
40. Until the fragrance of my praise for him is heard
A tomb in Taybah or the mosque's courtyard
٤٠. حَتَّى يُسَمَّعَ طِيب مَا أُثني بِهِ
قَبْرٌ بطَيبةَ أَوْ بِصَحْنِ المَسجِدِ
41. And when we come to the pool of your grandfather, listen
As your father quenches the eternal thirst
٤١. وإِذا وردنا حوضَ جدِّك فاستمعْ
وأَبوكَ يَسقِي للرَّواءِ السَّرْمَدِ
42. Gratitude for the hospitality you showed my dwelling
And praise for the bounty you provided from my stream
٤٢. شُكْر الَّذِي أَرْحَبتُما من منزِلي
وثناءَ مَا رَفَّهتُما من مَوْرِدِ
43. In sixty they were weakened and their number weakened
A burden for the distracted heart's thoughts
٤٣. فِي سِتَّةٍ ضَعُفُوا وضُعِّفَ عَدُّهُمْ
حَمْلاً لمبهورِ الفُؤَادِ مُبَلَّدِ
44. The exile tightened their saddles, so their dear ones bore
The sorrows of a heart distressed and scattered
٤٤. شدَّ الجلاءُ رِحالُهُم فتَحَمَّلتْ
أَفلاذَ قلبٍ بالهُمُومِ مُبَدّدِ
45. And sudden calamities of fear dislodged them
Throughout the land, every dislodged soul
٤٥. وَحَدَتْ بِهِمْ صَعَقَاتُ رَوْعٍ شَرَّدَتْ
أَوْطانَهُمْ فِي الأرضِ كُلَّ مُشَرَّدِ
46. Neither their wombs coveted for their sake
A nest, nor those of their cradles in comfort
٤٦. لا ذَاتُ خِدْرِهمُ يُرَامُ لِوَجْهِهَا
كِنٌّ ولا ذو مَهْدِهمْ بمُمَهَّدِ
47. They sought refuge in the glimmer of the Household amid the glare of noon
After shade in the extended palaces
٤٧. عاذُوا بلَمْعِ الآلِ فِي مَدِّ الضُّحى
مِنْ بَعدِ ظِلٍّ فِي القُصورِ مُمَدَّدِ
48. And they consented to wear the garb of generosity though it wore away
From them the faces of bounty and prosperity
٤٨. ورَضُوا لباسَ الجُودِ يَنْهَكُ مِنهُمُ
بِالبُؤْسِ أَبشارَ النَّعِيمِ الأَرْغَدِ
49. And they resided seeking refuge on the sea of guidance
The horrors of a sea with foaming billows
٤٩. واستَوْطَنُوا فَزَعاً إِلَى بَحرِ النَّدى
أَهْوَالَ بَحْرٍ ذي غَوَارِبَ مُزْبِدِ
50. From all dishonor they are veiled in pretense
And provided with patience without provision
٥٠. من كُلِّ عارٍ بالتَّجَمُّلِ مُكتَسٍ
ومُزَوَّدٍ بالصَّبْر غيرِ مُزَوَّدِ
51. And excellent is the compensation for poverty after wealth
And humiliation after honor, House of Muhammad
٥١. ولَنِعْمَ جَبْرُ الفَقْرِ من بَعدِ الغِنى
والذُّلِّ بَعدَ العِزّ آلُ مُحَمَّدِ