1. The unity of religion shows you are its organizer,
And the party of polytheism knew you are its defeater.
١. تَتَبَيَّنُ شَمْلُ الدِّينِ أَنَّكَ ناظِمُهْ
وأَيْقَنَ حِزْبُ الشِّرْكِ أَنَّكَ قاصِمُهْ
2. The Merciful strengthened the pillars of His religion,
So its builder was supported and its destroyer demolished.
٢. لقد شَدَّدَ الرحمنُ أَرْكانَ دِينِهِ
فَأُيِّدَ بانِيه وهُدِّمَ هادِمُهْ
3. He excluded from it those who ally with its enemy,
And took as an ally whoever allies with it, so he is its steadfast companion.
٣. وعَدَّى بِهِ عَمَّنْ يُوالِي عَدُوَّهُ
ووَلّاهُ من والاهُ فَهْوَ مُلازِمُهْ
4. And if time brings distress to its kingdom, its landmarks remain,
And if fate topples its flags, its symbols endure.
٤. ومَنْ مُلْكُهُ إِنْ جَلَّ خَطْبٌ مِلاكُهُ
وأَعلامُهُ إِنْ رابَ دَهْرٌ مَعالِمُهْ
5. So He named him Mansur, confirming his grandfather,
And its spears and swords confirmed this.
٥. فَسَمَّاهُ منصوراً مُصَدِّقَ جَدِّهِ
وَمَا صَدَّقَتْ أَرماحُهُ وصوارِمُهْ
6. He crowned him with the double crown of leadership, declaring
What he knows of the unseen secrets as its knower.
٦. وتَوَّجَهُ مَثْنى الرِّياسَةِ مُعْلِناً
بما هُو من غَيْبِ السَّرَائِرِ عالِمُهْ
7. A youth born of war and nursed by
The events of the one who ignited guidance and his epic battles.
٧. فَتىً وَلَدَتْهُ الحربُ واسْتُرْضِعَتْ لَهُ
وقائِعُ مَنْ أَحْمى الهُدى ومَلاحِمُهْ
8. Redeemed, and nothing but the saddles are his cradle,
Protected, and nothing but the swords are his talismans.
٨. مُفَدَّىً وَمَا غيرُ السُّروجِ مِهادُهْ
مُوَقَّىً وَمَا غيرُ السيوفِ تمائِمُهْ
9. Renewer of a kingdom his ancestors attained,
The glory of the guide’s kingdoms and their noblemen.
٩. مُجَدِّدُ مُلْكٍ أَحرَزَتْهُ جُدُودُهُ
أَعِزَّةُ أَمْلاكِ الهُدى وأَكَارِمُهْ
10. So he expressed the days of wandering and followed
What magnified his injuries and greatest wounds.
١٠. فَأَعْرَبَ عَنْ أَيامِ يَعْرُبَ واقْتَدى
بِما عَظُمَتْ أَذْوَاؤُهُ وأَعاظِمُهْ
11. And his life conceived him for thrusting and striking,
And his death purified him for generosity and praise.
١١. وأَنْجَبهُ لِلطَّعْنِ وَالضَّرْبِ عَمْرُهُ
وأَخْلَصَهُ لِلْجُودِ والحَمْدِ حَاتِمُهْ
12. Courageous, but the steeds are his strongholds,
Noble, but the sublime traits are his virtues.
١٢. شُجاعٌ ولَكِنَّ الجِيادَ حُصُونُهُ
كَرِيمٌ ولكِنَّ المَعَالي كَرَائِمُهْ
13. The horses, the white swords and the spears came to him
Standing against whom no effort of strivers can withstand.
١٣. تَلاقَتْ عَلَيْهِ الخَيْلُ والبِيضُ والقَنا
قِياماً لِمَنْ لا سَعْيُ ساعٍ يُقاوِمُهْ
14. And the kingdoms parted before him from the path of guidance
So none competes with him but the good praise.
١٤. وَخَلَّتْ له الأَمْلاكُ عَنْ سُبُلِ الهُدى
فَلَيْسَ سِوى طِيبِ الثَّناءِ يُزَاحِمُهْ
15. Distributor of what he contains in the path of dew,
And if fate had biased the distribution against him in fortune.
١٥. مُقَسِّمُ مَا يَحْوِيهِ فِي سُبُلِ النَّدى
وإِنْ كَانَ قَدْ حَابَاهُ فِي الحَظِّ قاسِمُهْ
16. So whoever hopes for trickery from the kingdom,
And whatever it harbored only harbored against you its proboscises.
١٦. فما خابَ فِي يومِ النَّدَى من يَنُوؤُهُ
ولا فازَ فِي يوم الوَغى مَنْ يُحاكِمُهْ
17. And no eyes were raised but to you,
And no trunks were pointed but at you its pointers.
١٧. ولا ادُّعِيَتْ فِي المَأْثُرَاتِ حُقُوقُهُ
ولَوْ أَقبلَتْ زُهْرُ النجومِ تُخاصِمُهْ
18. And no crown settled but on your forehead its crown,
And no ring rested but in your right hand its seal.
١٨. ودَعْوى النُّهى والحِلْمِ فِي غَيْرِ مُنْذِرٍ
خيالٌ من الأَحْلامِ أَضْغَثَ حَالِمُهْ
19. So how can an ignorant one insolently in ignorance
Keep safe its protector and obligate its seal?
١٩. فَمَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَرْجُو من المُلْكِ غِرَّةً
وَمَا حَوَّمَتْ إِلّا عَلَيْكَ حَوَائِمُهْ
20. So his tyranny in the injustice of ambitions was his tyranny,
And his whims in lies were his pointers.
٢٠. ولا رُفِعَتْ إِلّا إِلَيْكَ عُيُونُهُ
ولا ظَأَرَتْ إِلّا عَلَيْكَ روائِمُهْ
21. He permitted the sanctity of Islam as war booty for polytheism
To be divided between the pillagers, its booties.
٢١. ولا راقَ إِلّا فِي جَبينِكَ تاجُهُ
ولا قَرَّ إِلّا فِي يمينِكَ خَاتِمُهْ
22. And he unlocked the seal of God from His sanctities
To be ravished of what its seals contain.
٢٢. فكيفَ بِذِي جَهْلٍ تَعَسَّفَ مَجْهلاً
يُبَرِّحُ واقِيهِ ويَحْتِمُ حاتِمُهْ
23. And he counted the blood of Muslims as a pleasure
So he frolicked among the enemies about those who would condemn him.
٢٣. فَغالَته فِي غَوْلِ المَهامِهِ غُولُهُ
وهامَتْ بِهِ فِي التُّرَّهَاتِ هَوَائِمُهْ
24. So if war brought him supporters, they are his supporters,
Cutters of what its twisting misguided.
٢٤. أَباحَ حِمى الإِسْلامِ لِلْشِّرْكِ مَغْنَماً
لِتُقْسمَ بَيْنَ النَّاهِبِينَ مَغانِمُهْ
25. And if the sleeve of depravity covered him, soon for it
His pillow whispers to him and his sleeper awakens.
٢٥. وفَضَّ خِتامَ اللهِ عن حُرُماتِهِ
ليُفْتَضَّ عَمَّا تَحْتَويهِ خَواتِمُهْ
26. One morning, religion called you from the capture of wrongdoing,
And its sanctities were about to be violated.
٢٦. وَعَدَّ دِماءَ المُسْلِمِينَ مُدَامَةً
فَبَرَّحَ فِي الأَعْداءِ عَمَّنْ يُنادِمُهْ
27. So you answered it, and its darkness dispersed from it,
And you came to it, so its tyrannies disavowed it.
٢٧. فإِنْ أَلْقَحَ الحَرْبَ العَوَانَ فَحَسْبُهُ
فَوَاقِرُ مَا شَالَتْ بِهِ وأَشائِمُهْ
28. And the extension of God came to you from every supporter
To the truth, guiding to you its newcomers.
٢٨. وإِنْ زُجَّ فِي جَفْنِ الرَّدى فَلِحَيْنِهِ
تَخَازَرَ ساجِيهِ وأُوقِظَ نائِمُهْ
29. And Abu Mas'ud called victory joyfully,
Your resolves which his resolves follow.
٢٩. غَدَاةَ دعاكَ الدِّينُ مِنْ أَسْرِ فَعْلَةٍ
وَقَدْ أَوْشَكَتْ أَنْ تُسْتَباحَ مَحارِمُهْ
30. With love like the rain of downpour watering its meadows,
And might like the heat of fire kindling its blazing.
٣٠. فلَبَّيْتَها فانْجَابَ عَنْها ظَلامُهُ
ووافَيْتَها فَاسْتَنْكَرَتْها مَظَالِمُهْ
31. Against all those you battled, so he is your battling opponent,
And whoever made peace with you, so he is its peacemaker.
٣١. وجاءَكَ مَدُّ اللهِ من كُلِّ ناصِرٍ
عَلَى الحَقِّ مَهْدِيّاً إِلَيْكَ مَقَادِمُهْ
32. And the leader of its rebellion clung to polytheism
To a king whose protector is the Lord of the heavens.
٣٢. ونادى أَبو مَسْعُودٍ النَّصْرَ مُسْعِداً
عزائِمَكَ اللاتِي تَلِيها عزائِمُهْ
33. So they did not gallop a moment toward you in a raid,
But you made its footing easy to submit.
٣٣. بِوُدٍّ كماءِ الغَيْثِ يَسْقِي رِياضَهُ
وبَأْسٍ كَحَرِّ النَّارِ يُضْرَمُ جاحِمُهْ
34. Nor did they point a sword toward you and aim its edge,
Except it veered from the side of your upright spear.
٣٤. عَلَى كُلِّ مَنْ حارَبْتَ فَهْوَ مُحارِبٌ
كِفاحاً ومن سالَمْتَ فَهْوَ مُسالِمُهْ
35. Nor did they fortify a stronghold to turn you from them,
Except you faced it only for its pillars to collapse.
٣٥. وأَعْصَمَ بالإِشْرَاكِ قائِدُ بَغْيِها
إِلَى مَلِكٍ رَبُّ السَّمواتِ عاصِمُهْ
36. And if they attained lives in a drop of resin,
You are the victor of what God does not protect its loser.
٣٦. فَما رَكَضُوا طِرْفاً إِلَيْكَ لِغارَةٍ
وأَسْهَلَ إِلّا أَسْلَمْتَهُ قوائِمُهْ
37. So how many masked ones you drove in its folds,
The lives of the enemies are its drinking and food.
٣٧. ولا أَصْلَتُوا سَيْفاً وأَنْحَوْكَ حَدَّهُ
فَعَرَّجَ عَنْ مَثْنى يَمِينِكَ قائِمُهْ
38. A hybrid of the wing of night from the stars of dusk,
Its robe, and from the sun of daytime its turban.
٣٨. ولا أَشَّبُوا حِصْناً يَرُدُّكَ عَنْهُمُ
وقابَلْتَهُ إِلّا تَدَاعَتْ دَعَائِمُهْ
39. As if the sun's rays under its clouds,
When the two hosts meet, a secret and its concealer.
٣٩. وإِنْ أَحْرَزُوا فِي قُطْرِ شَنْجٍ نُفُوسَهُمْ
فغانِمُ مَا لا يَحْفَظُ اللهُ غارِمُهْ
40. It clamors with the pounding of scared prey,
Its lions toward the enemy and its striders.
٤٠. فكَمْ قُدْتَ فِي أَكْنافِها من مُقَنَّعٍ
نُفُوسُ الأَعادِي شُرْبُهُ ومطاعِمُهْ
41. As the wind's gale carried the litter of the caravan,
Or its clouds poured down with copious rain its turbans.
٤١. خَمِيسٌ لِجُنْحِ اللَّيْلِ مِنْ أَنْجُمِ الدُّجى
حُلاهُ ومن شَمْسِ النهارِ عمائِمُهْ
42. And it humbled the air's course toward its building,
Swooping in peace, it's time for whoever does not make peace with it.
٤٢. كَأَنَّ شعاعَ الشمسِ تَحْتَ عَجَاجِهِ
إِذَا مَا الْتَقَى الجمعانِ سِرٌّ وكاتِمُهْ
43. And if mountains of firewood did not collide with it,
Firewood hills would have approached colliding with it.
٤٣. تَجِيشُ بِوَدْقٍ من جَنى النَّبْعِ صائِبٍ
أَساوِدُهُ نَحْوَ العِدى وأَرَاقِمُهْ
44. And if catapults did not vie with it, the stars
Of ammunition would have rushed upon you competing with it.
٤٤. كَمَا حَمَلَتْ رَحْلَ الدَّبا عاصِفُ الصَّبا
أَوِ انْهَلَّ بالوَبْلِ الأَجَشِّ غَمَائِمُهْ
45. And it's not as though if the heavenly raised a miracle,
Of ladders and heights its stairways would reach it.
٤٥. وهَدَّ هَوَاءَ الجَوِّ نَحْوَ بِنائِها
هُوِيَّ سِلامٍ حانَ مَنْ لا تُسَالِمُهْ
46. So soon the evil of its wolves overpowered,
And the wolf cub barked in that den, its vain howls.
٤٦. ولَوْ لَمْ تُصَادِمْهُ بِطَوْدٍ مِنَ القَنا
لأَقْبَلَ أَطْوَادُ الجِبالِ تُصَادِمُهْ
47. And the owl of falsehoods was frightened from its night,
And the nest of hypocrisy, its comforts were dispersed.
٤٧. ولَوْ لَمْ تُزَاحِمْهُ المَجانِيقُ لانْبَرَتْ
عَلَيْهِ نُجُومُ القَذْفِ عَنْكَ تُزَاحِمُهْ
48. And you replaced the rule of God from the rule of its misguidance,
So the rule of God implemented what you rule.
٤٨. وَلَيْسَ ولَوْ سامى السَّماءَ بِمُعْجِزٍ
مِنَ المَشْرَفِيِّ وَالعَوَالِي سَلالِمُهْ
49. So O Lord of a nose the hypocrisy mutilated!
With it, and the son of Shinj, small of nose, subjugating it.
٤٩. فَسَرْعَانَ مَا أَقوى الشَّرى من ضِباعِهِ
وبَرْبَرَ فِي ذَاكَ العَرِينِ ضَرَاغِمُهْ
50. One morning, its mind and self took flight
From your sword, a day of still horror silencing it.
٥٠. وطُيِّرَ عن لَيْلِ الأَباطِيلِ بُومُهُ
وشُرِّدَ عن بَيْضِ النفاقِ نعائِمُهْ
51. So when death, which it declared upon itself, preoccupied it,
Life, which is its decliner, regrets it.
٥١. وبَدَّلْتَ حُكْمَ اللهِ من حُكْمِ غَيِّهِ
فأَنْفَذَ حُكْمُ اللهِ مَا أَنتَ حاكِمُهْ
52. So the edges of spears receive it while it's their target,
And the lightning of doom strikes it while it's its blamer.
٥٢. فيا رُبَّ أَنفٍ للنفاقِ جَدَعْتَهُ
بِهَا وابْنُ شَنْجٍ صاغِرُ الأَنْفِ راغِمُهْ
53. When it nearly fulfilled its sorrow and grief,
Kinship of the world fulfilled for it that you are its merciful.
٥٣. غداةَ أَطارَ العقلَ عنه ونَفْسَهُ
بسيفِكَ يومٌ راكِدُ الهَوْلِ جاثِمُهْ
54. So I have not seen a judgment more decisive than when
Its traits of nobility arbitrated over its sword the day of disputes.
٥٤. فما يَرتُقُ الأَرْوَاحَ إِلّا رِياحُهُ
ولا يَفْتُقُ الغَمَّاءَ إِلّا غَماغِمُهْ
55. Nor patience the like you wear toward anger,
Nor anger the like you swallow with patience, repressing it.
٥٥. فلا نُطْقَ إِلّا أَن يُفَدِّيكَ صارِخٌ
ويدعُوكَ بالبُقْيَا عليها أَعاجِمُهْ
56. So you judged him the judgment of equals, though he told
The crimes of Quraiza and its deep-seated hatred and crimes.
٥٦. فَأَبْرِحْ بيومٍ أَنتَ بالنَّصْرِ مُقْدِمٌ
وأَفْرِحْ بيومٍ أنت بالفَتْحِ قادِمُهْ
57. So he left while the Owner of the Throne gave you his throne,
And he fled while your good fortune shone with its newcomers.
٥٧. ومَنْزِلِ مَفْلُولٍ نَزَلْتَ وخيلُنا
مرابِطُها أَجسادُهُ وجَمَاجِمُهْ
58. And you were asked while the peaks of your good fortune appeared with wishes,
And his ominous ends fled with him among the greatest losers.
٥٨. ومُعْتَرِفٍ بالذَّنْبِ مُبْتَئِسٍ بِهِ
دعاكَ وَقَدْ قامَتْ عَلَيْهِ مآتِمُهْ
59. The riding camels sing of your opening in returning caravans,
And its doves cry over him with the dirge, its mourners.
٥٩. إِذَا صَدَّهُ الموتُ الَّذِي سامَ نَفْسَهُ
يكُرُّ بِهِ العَيْشُ الَّذِي هُوَ سائِمُهْ
60. So whoever the Merciful grants victory, such are his resolves,
And whoever the Merciful defeats, such are his fleers.
٦٠. فتَلْقَاهُ أَطرافُ القَنا وَهْوَ نُصْبُها
ويَصْعَقُهُ بَرْقُ الرَّدى وَهْوَ شائِمُهْ
61. You camped at a toppled place while our steeds
Stand guarding it, their bodies and skulls.
٦١. إِذَا كادَ يقضي بالأَسى نَحْبَه قَضَت
لَهُ الرَّحِمُ الدُّنْيا بأَنَّكَ راحِمُهْ
62. And a guilty confessor, anguished by it,
Called upon you while its bereavements stood over him.
٦٢. فلم أَرَ أَمْضَى مِنْكَ حكْماً تَحَكَّمَتْ
عَلَى سيفِهِ يَوْمَ الحِفَاظِ مكارِمُهْ
63. When death, which declared upon his soul, preoccupies him,
Life, which is its disdainer, regrets him.
٦٣. ولا مِثْلَ حِلْمٍ أَنْتَ لِلْغَيْظِ لابِسٌ
ولا مِثْلَ غَيْظٍ أَنتَ بالحِلْمِ كاظِمُهْ
64. So the edges of spears receive him while he's their target,
And the lightning of doom strikes him while he's its blamer.
٦٤. فأَوْسَعْتَهُ حُكْمَ النَّضِيرِ وَقَدْ حَكى
قُرَيظَةَ منه غِلُّهُ وَجَرائِمُهْ
65. If they attained lives in a drop of resin,
You are the victor of what God does not protect its loser.
٦٥. فَوَلّى وَقَدْ وَلّاكَ ذُو العَرْشِ عَرْشَهُ
وطارَ وَقَدْ طارَتْ إِلَيْكَ قوادِمُهْ
66. So how many you drove in its folds masked,
The lives of the enemies are its drinking and food.
٦٦. وأُبْتَ وَقَدْ لاحَتْ سُعُودُكَ بالمُنى
وغارَتْ بِهِ فِي الأَخْسَريْنَ عَوَاتِمُهْ
67. A hybrid of the wing of night from the stars of dusk,
Its garb, and from the daytime sun its turbans.
٦٧. تُغَنِّي لَكَ الرُّكْبانُ بالفَتْحِ قافِلاً
وتبكِي عَلَيْهِ بالحِمَامِ حَمَائِمُهْ
68. As if the sun's rays under its clouds,
When the two hosts gathered, a secret and its concealer.
٦٨. فَمَنْ يَنْصُرِ الرَّحمنُ هَذِي عَزَائِمُهْ
ومن يَخْذُلِ الرحمنُ هذِي هَزَائِمُهْ