1. What sail for what sea,
What full moon for what sky,
١. أَيُّ شراعٍ لأَيِّ بحرِ
وأَيُّ كِسْفٍ لأَيِّ بَدْرِ
2. What sun dawned and shone,
In the light of early morn.
٢. وأَيُّ شمسٍ تجلَّلَتْها
طُرَّةُ صُبْحٍ سَعَتْ بفجرِ
3. Providing shade for one who spread shade
Of safety in every land and every border,
٣. ظِلّاً لمن مَدَّ ظلَّ أَمْنٍ
فِي كل أَرضٍ وكل ثغرِ
4. A veil of protection for the face of a master,
With whom God tended to every veil.
٤. وسِتْرَ صَوْنٍ لوجهِ مولىً
بِهِ رعى اللهُ كلَّ سِتْرِ
5. Shining from him the light of guidance,
And the lightning of rain and sword of victory,
٥. تُشرقُ منه بنورِ هَدْيٍ
وبرقِ غيثٍ وسيفِ نَصْرِ
6. As though a cloud had shaded over him
Extending with its rain.
٦. كَأَنَّما ظَلَّلَتْ عَلَيْهِ
سحابَةٌ مَدَّها بقطرِ
7. Or a garden in the air enclosed
With the fragrance of his virtuous traits,
٧. أَو روضَةٌ في الهواءِ حُفَّتْ
من طِيبِ أخلاقه بزَهْرِ
8. As though the breeze in its flowing
Were a loving voice singing his praise,
٨. كأَنما الريحُ فِي ذُرَاها
راحٌ تُريهِ انثناءَ سُكْرِ
9. Or how it trembles if called
By the voice of clamor or tongue of thanks,
٩. أَوْ كَيْفَ يَهْتَزُّ إِنْ دَعاهُ
صوتُ وغىً أَوْ لسانُ شُكرِ
10. Victorious, having won the crown of kingship,
Crowned with the prose of every glory.
١٠. مُظَفَّرٌ حازَ تاجَ مُلْكٍ
كُلِّلَ من نظمِ كلِّ فخْرِ
11. So may God grant him nights
In the honor of a lasting reign.
١١. فالله يُمْلي له الليالي
فِي عزِّ ملكٍ وطولِ عُمرِ